Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
Sack is bag in german... And a word for testicles... So I read mods getting testicles lately...:lol:
Or bag under your eyes. Which means that the mods are overworked and are getting bags under their eyes. That's why they quit.
Right-o. As some of you maaaaaaay have guessed, I have a question which has been burning on my mind for a while (2 actually)

If a member wants to advertise something like a Facebook page in a signature, will you take action or just leave them be? (I am of course referring to my old sig before good old Niki)

Also, Do you think Zooey DesChanel is pretty perfect or perfectly pretty? :lol:
Have you guys ever "ACCIDENTALLY" banned someone that was borrowing another users computer?

Kind of similar, but not, I recall Omnis mistakingly locking one of the most popular threads in the infield which obviously cause a mass confusion but turned out to be a accident. The while while the nfield took to speculating why it had happened and who woud lead the rrevolt. :lol:

Ah, dear Omnis, you do give us plenty of laughs.
What are the mods doing? There's a large increase in duplicate threads and nobody seems to be pointing them to the correct one :lol:
Have you reported them? The mods can't be everywhere all the time so that's usually a good way to flag it up.
Can't think of a particular funniest thread, without being a tad narcissistic; some of the pun sessions are good for a laugh.

Ah, this one made so little sense as to be hilarious.
What are the mods doing? There's a large increase in duplicate threads and nobody seems to be pointing them to the correct one :lol:
Do feel free to point them in the right direction, ie provide a link to the original thread, then report the duplicate.
Kind of similar, but not, I recall Omnis mistakingly locking one of the most popular threads in the infield which obviously cause a mass confusion but turned out to be a accident. The while while the nfield took to speculating why it had happened and who woud lead the rrevolt. :lol:

Ah, dear Omnis, you do give us plenty of laughs.
Thought that was T12, not Omnis. He usually loves comedy.
Can't think of a particular funniest thread, without being a tad narcissistic; some of the pun sessions are good for a laugh.

Ah, this one made so little sense as to be hilarious.
That thread gave me a head ache. Gonna go to sleep now.

I wish to play The Lone Wanderer in Fallout 3

Edit: I had a dream where I was going to school when a guy decided to rob everyone on the bus.

Not fallout 3...
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Can the report button be changed so that it looks like this? ;)


I think this would be a good way to ensure that all users can easily find it, without having to go through all of that complicated "tagging a moderator" business. :dopey:
GTPlanet used to have such a thing...including top posts for the month and for the day:

February 28th, 2002 -

November 28th, 2002 -

Kind of the wrong thread, but a good excuse to show off some of the old site.

36 users, how we've changed; we get single threads with triple of that, if they're big news!
What I meant was in that screen, which dated back to 2002. (I'd been on the board before when the count was a low as 2, during the dead of night.) As of right this moment: 1344 (although, that means 377 registered users + 967 unregistered guests). So we've grown ten-fold in ten years. Yay, us!

Edit: Test Forum, sorry nothing is readable.
Oh. My. Goodness!!!!! :eek: Now that is amazing! :drool:👍 It absolutely fascinates me to see what GTPlanet was back in the days, no wonder I tend to browse through GTPlanet's oldest threads. :lol: This made my day! 👍

Do you know any other pages they have been archived by chance? :dopey:

EDIT: I found this! :dopey:

EDIT 2: And then there is this.

I could go on and on.
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Don't tempt me.... :sly:

I have hit up a thread from 2001 before, but it got locked. :( I always make sure I am careful when resurrecting old threads now and I think I even know a thread from as far back as 2001 that I may be able to successfully resurrect. :sly: Going to do a little research before I do though.
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Can reporting a Mod's post be picked up by the mod themselves? In such a case can they admonish themselves?
Reports are centralised and universal - so we all see them.

We see the reported content and user who made it (kinda like a post, only on its own), the report made, who reported it and, after it has been dealt with, which moderator dealt with it and what their resolution was.

We don't tend to self-flagellate - there's plenty of us to see all of each others actions, so there's always someone else to deal with it - though as admin I do have to occasionally deal with reports of me. I've managed four since GTP12.
Can reporting a Mod's post be picked up by the mod themselves?

In such a case can they admonish themselves?
Ay. In the same way I did for just eating an Aero.

But beyond that, it's up to other mods to take up the cudgels. A mod cannot delete a report made about themselves.

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