Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
Have many people fired a bolt action? Ive read through quite a few posts and haven't seen one mentioned, i fired one ages ago, i remember it having a really strong kick but i have no idea of the name, i've fired an M9 before as well.
Michael in here is pretty much an expert on bolt-action. That boy knows a lot about rifles in general!

We have discussed bolt-action in this thread, but no, outside Michael, I think most of us are into semi-autos & handguns. I am getting a bolt-action rifle in the future. There is very little doubt about that. I'm sure guys in here like Solid, Z-Man, they own a bolt-action or two.......

I shot my friend's used Beretta, which was the civilian version of M9(92-something). Trigger was werid. It had this spongy feel, and travel was long. I much prefer the short, crisp pull of my 1911.
I would definitely slap cheap tires on a sports car if I was going to shred them with practice or drifting around a parking lot.
You'll only get mediocre lap times with it which pretty much destroys the point of having a race car and its not practice at all, because you practice only with the stuff you're gonna use when things get serious.
You are not going to learn how a car handles and the cars limitations in a corner if you use cheap tires during practice and then ultra sticky high quality soft rubber in a race.
That kind of practice is just a total waste of time.

Same with a gun, practice with the same stuff you are going to use when things get serious (and that should be high quality ammo your rifle likes), be it a match or SHTF.
Cheap crap practice ammo is ultimately a waste of time and money and I'd only use it for plinking and good 'ole cheap fun.
Michael in here is pretty much an expert on bolt-action. That boy knows a lot about rifles in general!
AH! I'm not an expert in anything! :scared:
I've just gathered some experience with that type of rifle over the years.

Bolt action rifles have a somewhat stronger recoil because there is no moving bolt and no springs that delay the recoil. But the biggest role in recoil plays the weight of a gun and the shape of the stock.
I don't advocate using only cheap crap for practice. Practice with cheap stuff and more expensive stuff. You can practice different things and at different levels of seriousness. Higher grade ammo will only make some kinds of practice more meaningful. Besides, I think you're overestimating how inaccurate steel cased is compared to standard grade ammunition. Look at the Military Arms Channel videos. I definitely advocate using quality ammo for practice, just not all practice. It really depends on what you're practicing. For me, I run Wolf for anything 50 yards and under because the accuracy difference is negligible and the gun can handle its dirt just fine.

If I'm practicing reloading, practicing recoil control, or just shooting for fun, how is Wolf going to render my practice futile? Especially when I can shoot nearly double the amount for the same price. How will Wolf make self defense shooting practice meaningless when any defensive firearm use will most likely occur at <50ft?
I had no idea about the recoil with the bolt-action.

On keeping the practices & training real, I am with Michael. However, like I mentioned before, people have different take on this too.

My peeps(in real life) keep insisting how valuable it is to practice with .22LR handgun. Now, my philosophy on this is that it can actually be dangerous to practice with .22LR, when in self-defense situation, you are handling .45ACP.

Personally, I don't think the difference between Russian ammo versus expensive round is to a serious degree, at least for shooting I'll be doing. Most of the time, I'll be shooting something like 50 yards+. But if I'm target shooting at 200+ yards, I wholeheartedly agree that I should train with the good stuff, at least as much as I can.
Have many people fired a bolt action? Ive read through quite a few posts and haven't seen one mentioned, i fired one ages ago, i remember it having a really strong kick but i have no idea of the name, i've fired an M9 before as well.

I've shot a couple... 5 or 10
So I've been putting off joining the NRA? because I'm cheap? lol It sounds too good to be true, but according to them, with NRA membership, you get a complimentary firearm insurance up to the amount of $2,500?

$5,000.00 NO COST Accident Benefit:
Your loved ones will receive a check for $5,000.00 ($10,000.00 for Life Members) if you fall victim to a fatal covered accident. No strings attached. No cost involved.

$2,500.00 NO COST ArmsCare Benefit:
Lock in an exclusive NRA safety net for your firearms. Protects against theft … loss … or damage. Of course, no registration of your guns or serial numbers are required.


It's a helluva deal. The AR I just ordered is the first firearm I've purchased that cost over a grand. If anything, I think I'd be foolish not to join now. Do any of you guys belong to the NRA?
So, basically...I could join the NRA, and have them pay for my gun for free? After all, they don't want any verification of ownership.
So, basically...I could join the NRA, and have them pay for my gun for free? After all, they don't want any verification of ownership.
I would think they'd have to registered firearms, but I'm not sure how it work either. :dopey:
It's here.

Picked it up kind of late today, so I haven't shot it. Turns out the FFL called me yesterday, but I guess it didn't go through. I just happened to check with them this afternoon. I'm going to take it out tomorrow after work.

The finish is pretty much flawless. Pictures did not do it justice at all, it looked to have signs of use. Filled one magazine, then immediately ordered a speedloader.
Wow, that is NICE. 👍 I hope it works out for you man! If it fires as good as it looks, you are good to go.

Something that was emailed to me:

We recognize that the individual right to bear arms is an important part of the American tradition, and we will preserve Americans' Second Amendment right to own and use firearms. We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation. We understand the terrible consequences of gun violence; it serves as a reminder that life is fragile, and our time here is limited and precious. We believe in an honest, open national conversation about firearms. We can focus on effective enforcement of existing laws, especially strengthening our background check system, and we can work together to enact commonsense improvements—like reinstating the assault weapons ban and closing the gun show loophole—so that guns do not fall into the hands of those irresponsible, law-breaking few. link

Nothing new, really, but I thought I'd share. Most likely, all it's going to do is increase gun sales, eh? :lol:
That term "common sense" gun control really ticks me off. It's like the Patriot Act or the Dream Act. Name it in such a way that anyone who opposes can be labeled something idiotic.

I'll stop here as to avoid preaching to the choir...
That term "common sense" gun control really ticks me off. It's like the Patriot Act or the Dream Act. Name it in such a way that anyone who opposes can be labeled something idiotic.

I'll stop here as to avoid preaching to the choir...

The email that actually pointed this out was a youtube video, and while I avoid commenting on that site as much as possible(youtube's actual name is, I had to reply to a post stating that only a mall ninja would need anything more than a ten round mag. Validity of that 'opinion' is beside the point. Who decides how much ammo capacity is too much, and why do they get to decide that all ARs and AKs should look retarded like some Cali-legalized rifles with short magazines?

People acting like they know more is one thing, but when they decide it should be the law...... ugh. :crazy:

P.S. Walmart still got that Federal 100 pack .45ACP for $29.99. I bought another one. And they still don't have the $17 Federal .308. Sucks.
I am amazed that the government (United states) tries to enforce stricter and more invasive gun "control" laws to " reduce crime" however laws are only followed by the honest, the law(s) can never stop a criminal from obtaining a firearm whether that be an AK-47 or a 12 gauge shotgun and using it in an unfriendly manner.
I suppose there are those that end up doing things like the Aurora theater shooting, though. Most criminals aren't going to legally acquire a firearm since that creates a paper trail. But for those who don't plan to escape or even live through what they're about to do, restrictions will have some effect.

Anywho, I hadn't posted since shooting the Makarov. Last Friday I shot it and my GSG5 for a while. About 75rds through the Mak and probably 200-250 through the GSG5. Makarov performed flawlessly (as one would only expect) and just a few rounds failed to chamber on the GSG5, I think all of them were the second cartridge and a result of fitting one extra round in the magazine.

Another person had a AR-style .22 rifle, and it was jamming all the time. Heard him complaining about the cheap ammo. Then he switched to his "good ammo" and it continued to jam just as often. :lol: Mine hasn't even been cleaned in 1.5 years.

First shots of the Makarov (two 8rd mags plus 1 in the chamber both times). Probably the first two mags in the GSG5 too, off to the left. Still sighting in that red dot sight.


I'm shooting low and right with the Makarov, but I'm going to wait and see if I'm consistently low and right before attempting to adjust the sight.
Nice pic. 👍 That reminds me, I gotta hit the range this week sometime. My 1911 still needs to have the rear sight adjusted.

Glad to hear how reliable Makarov is. 👍
Looks like work of art!

What caliber is it? Is it some kind of specialized deal? I've never seen it blossom like that before. It's 3D-like.

Edit: It has that Remington Golden Saber look to it.
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I finally went to the shooting range today. Last time around, I left the screwdriver at home, when I needed to adjust the rear sight on my 1911. This time, I loaded the screwdriver in the pistol case the night before(smart), then left the whole case behind when I left this morning(biggest loser, ever).

In my defense, when I used to go shoot my Glock, I transported it in my Maxpedition Versipack. Ever since getting the 1911, since this gun is too long to fit in the Versipack, I've only carried the ammo, eyes & ears, etc. in the pack. Today, I had the Remington 597(also in the pic!) + the Versipack with no handgun. 👎 I did take plenty of .45ACP in the bag, so I could have thrown them at the target!

Well, at least I got to dial in the scope on my .22LR! :dopey: I was entertaining the idea of coming home, pick up the gun, then driving back to the range, but it is a hell of a drive. About 40 minutes without traffic. By the time I went back, I would've been stuck in nasty Portland traffic(nothing like Cal, but still not good).

I almost didn't get to shoot the .22 either(been that kind of week). Gents from Oregon Zoo were practicing nailing mountain lions(or something) with a 12-gauge slug in the .22LR range. I was going to wait patiently, but they wrapped it up pretty quickly for me.

When I get my rifle next week, I plan on taking a day off, visiting the range again soon. ;)
Looks like work of art!

What caliber is it? Is it some kind of specialized deal? I've never seen it blossom like that before. It's 3D-like.

Edit: It has that Remington Golden Saber look to it.

That's what they are. I did some balistic testing with the .45ACP and that's what they look like. PMC Starfire was very similar in performance, but penetrated a bit deeper and were cheaper to boot. Both should be excellent rounds for personal defence.
That's what they are. I did some balistic testing with the .45ACP and that's what they look like. PMC Starfire was very similar in performance, but penetrated a bit deeper and were cheaper to boot. Both should be excellent rounds for personal defence.

I still have the 9mm(just don't have the gun :P), but with the .45, I haven't even bothered looking. I got some kind of Hornady bonded hollow point that came with the gun deal + that Winchester I posted awhile back. With the .45, if you got hit in the torso, you are pretty much done doing harm, aren't you? :dopey:
I don't know the actual rounds, but I believe those are .45 or 40 HST's. The shot makes a great desktop background.

Here are the pictures from the "production" of those rounds.



Also I decided to find a couple of videos to help with that whole "AR reliability" concern. All of the firearms featured are DI.

I expect a big high round test of several guns from Vuurwapen Blog soon. Should be a great read.
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I don't know the actual rounds, but I believe those are .45 or 40 HST's.

You're right! Those are Federal HST's! Golden Sabers have slits that are angled, not straight like in the pic.

Great way to ruin your gun. Shooting under water will cause the barrel to bulge out, making the gun unable to shoot safely or at all. Hydraulic pressure is an amazing thing.
Considering what I know about the author, he was probably doing it for a test. I wouldn't fault him.

Oh, I'm sure. There is the probability he tied a balloon or condom over the barrel to prevent the water from coming in. What I said was only a warning to people looking at that pic and thinking, "That looks like a cool idea. I should try it myself."
Pics & Vids
Awesome post, Z-Man. 👍 I've posted the Daniel Defense video on here before. They are impressive. Since the rifle I ordered comes equipped with MOE handguard, thanks so much for posting a video of it getting caught on fire. :lol: Realistically though, it wasn't so much the heat given off by the barrel, the thing was literally on fire! :crazy:

Colt in the last video was kick ass. 👍 I can't remember the make(I think it was bushmaster), but somebody came up with a entry level AR, and it was on sale last Spring, I think for around $700? At the time, I seriously thought about getting it, but it didn't have forward-assist, or dust cover flap-thing. After seeing the final video, I'm glad I didn't get it now. I realize Bushmaster won't be reliable like Colt or Daniel Defense, but every bit helps!


Don't judge me, I'm only man:


Walmart is pretty dirt cheap on ammos, like I said. .308's been around $18~19 for box of 20 there. I've bought a Federal & Remington. I get there this morning, and behold, for the first time I see TulAmmo .308 in stock. It's dirty, it sucks, I bought five. :dopey:

The box was something like $8.97! It was kind of funny, because I started lying to myself like "Hey, I don't have to use them right away. If SHTF, they could be a cheap, practical & valuable addition to the inventory!" :ouch: :P

P.S. Walmart flyer at the entrance has ARs! Sig Sauer AR with scope for $897!!!! None of the Walmart in my area handle firearms anymore. :( *it's this guy.
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If everything go well, I'll be a NRA member + owner of a proper rifle for the first time, shortly. I signed up through that $25 NRA membership link Icarus/Forza provided in this thread, awhile back. Rifle is supposed to arrive at my local FFL tomorrow.

Wish me luck. :)

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