Look here,I said a peaceful thread,and yes parnelli I welcome all tunes. I'll just have to buy a new car for your set-up.
As far as mafia_boy goes i'm missing a few things. On your 3400s you don't have a tranny set-up. Nor do you mention what n\a tune to use on either of your Rufs.
As to answer Daan yes the Ctr2 is a rear-engine 4WD.The Boxter is also a RR the Engine so dang close to being a RR.The Porshe company figured they could sell more by listing it a MR.
Rotary junkie,i got your message however you have no RUF's.I am calling out to all that might have a ruf set-up you are invited.
the results will be based on lap runs,the first track will be,Motorland:
The first car will be CTR2,by Esatezza motor company;good luck guys!final time;1:54:254,terrible set-up for this track,lots of understeer.
next opponent;Maddfin's B-TR,"Blackbird;Slow ride take it easy guys!1:55.732 not much better,
time to give (RUFRACING)a go.The car;"Yellowbird".;1:38:544 look at those improvements!
Next garage up is the grease monkey engineering's 3400s,it's gonna be greased owl ****.1:47:310 however this car got first place.
Next victim;Austr-Manx's B-TR Zoom-Zoom!This car too came in first,my opponent was a NSX-R Pro.LM Road car and I look at the replay and he's all over behind me.
Next fella will be Esatezza motor company's R-GT,now go!1:42:85,Okay everybody,time for intermission,be back in a few.
Next up,aussie-tuners B-TR out of the furnace and into the frying pan we go.Third at 1:44:109,decent i guess,
Okay next RR driver,Argutune house of innovation;1:38:886.with there B-TR.Not bad!
Next up,Grease Monkey's R-GT,time to Rock and Roll! Fantastic control on GME's R-GT,First place,and the time on that is;1:39:745.
NEXT!,that would be Madfinn's R-GT,Land-ho!