Religion is contrived

  • Thread starter Danoff
Your kidding right?

We are not talking about wealth and luxury, we are talking about staying alive!

Do these people look blessed?
All they need is rain and fertile soil so they can grow their own food and not rely on aid packages, if there is a God, that is something he could help with.
It is estimated that 35,000 children die every day in Africa because of lack of food.

God is not Santa Clause.

I'm really bored of people using the argument, "Bad things happen so there can't be a God" Yeah, right. Ok. Sure.

No, those people don't look blessed. But neither do the ones you see on TV for the CHRISTIAN children's foundation. They are hurt, starving and in need of medical supplies. Yes, the NEED help. That's why we have things like the UN and other groups to get people help.

So, you whole argument against the existance of God is that people are having a hard time in life and need help to survive?
God is not Santa Clause.

I find myself disagreeing with this.

God is very much like Santa Clause. Kids like to get excited on Christmas and get presents and know that there are magical things in the world that are good. Adults like to think they'll live forever and know that some magical dad is out there looking after them.

The thing about God is, he's even more contrived than Santa (who is really kinda random and who's powers are more believable).
God is very much like Santa Clause. Kids like to get excited on Christmas and get presents and know that there are magical things in the world that are good. Adults like to think they'll live forever and know that some magical dad is out there looking after them.

The thing about God is, he's even more contrived than Santa (who is really kinda random and who's powers are more believable).

:lol: 👍

Promise of afterlife, in all's the common denominator

This thread is not about proving the existance of God, but what the blazes does he actually do?
Just a bit of rain, not much to ask..right in his field of expertise...but no..the UN can deal with that...what!!?

So, you whole argument against the existance of God is that people are having a hard time in life and need help to survive?
Your whole argument about the existence of God is that you have a funny feeling in your tummy that tells you so...but that might just be wind ;)
Well, since this thread isn't about existance of God or what God actually does. I think I'll either start a new thread or find one that's more appropriate.

Everyone here has said that religion is contrived. It's not exactly a new revelation. So, I'd really have to say that with relevance to the thread topic, we're very much done.
When my son does something I tell him not to do, I don't love him any less, even if I get mad and have to punish him but he's still my child and will continue to love and care for him. Needless to day, God treats much the same way.

So it's really out of love that people are sent to burn in a lake of fire for eternity. I see.
So it's really out of love that people are sent to burn in a lake of fire for eternity. I see.

You totally missed the point with your sarcasam.

What he was saying is that God disciplines us like we discipline our own children. If you don't know God, then going to hell isn't your "punishment", it was your choice. Because he can't deal with you as he would his child since you don't acknowledge him.
Because he can't deal with you as he would his child since you don't acknowledge him.

So if you don't think I'm a child of God since I don't acknowledge him, what do you think I am? ...and how is this unconditional love? I don't believe in God so he does not accept me? That's a condition.
So if you don't think I'm a child of God if I don't acknowledge him, what do you think I am?

Very simple. In the eyes of God you are a lost sheep. I am part of the flock. That's it.
Very simple. In the eyes of God you are a lost sheep. I am part of the flock. That's it.

So the condition on God's unconditional love is that I must be part of the flock or I will burn in eternal damnation forever.

It's an interesting hypocritical message.
So the condition on God's unconditional love is that I must be part of the flock or I will burn in eternal damnation forever.

It's an interesting hypocritical message.

How is that hypocritical? I'm really dying to hear this one... :sly:

If you don't choose to accept his grace and mercy, then you don't get it. Makes good sense to me.

I'm assuming you don't have children so maybe it was a bad analogy for you to understand. As a parent, there will come a time, no matter how much I love my children, that I have to let go and them be the product of their of their own choices and consequences.
If you don't choose to accept his grace and mercy, then you don't get it. Makes good sense to me.

I'm assuming you don't have children so maybe it was a bad analogy for you to understand. As a parent, there will come a time, no matter how much I love my children, that I have to let go and them be the product of their of their own choices and consequences.

Other than the obvious "it's all made up" reason, ask yourselves "why is it that I cannot repent and accept God's grace and mercy after I'm dead?"
Very simple. In the eyes of God you are a lost sheep. I am part of the flock. That's it.

He's a crap shepherd then. No shepherd I know would allow a sheep to become lost and let it remain so without extensive investigation, until he was sure it was stolen or died.
Other than the obvious "it's all made up" reason, ask yourselves "why is it that I cannot repent and accept God's grace and mercy after I'm dead?"

THat was the most ridiculous question I've ever heard! uh...if God's calling you to his mercy right now(and he is) and you push it away over and over. Then when you die, you see God and say "Oh schnap! I want to repent right quick and get into heaven. Is that cool?" Come on. I'm really suprised at that statement from you.

He's a crap shepherd then. No shepherd I know would allow a sheep to become lost and let it remain so without extensive investigation, until he was sure it was stolen or died.

Famine: well, I hate to be a jerk, but his been trying to get your attention through this entire thread. The only question is have you been listening?

I'm sure you going to deny that as well though.
So... you're like a sheepdog then?

Now, what I was saying is that God has been speaking and calling you through various members of this forum. That's all.
The phone's right by me. It'd be much easier than getting people I've never met who are 5,000+ miles away to type messages to me on an internet site about a car racing game.
Now, what I was saying is that God has been speaking and calling you through various members of this forum. That's all.
Members of this forum are possessed?! Nurse...nurse!!

I haven't seen anything at all from anyone here that would make me think that GOD himself is speaking through them.

Many Vicars and Ministers have lost their jobs for saying that God speaks through about megalomania :lol:
THat was the most ridiculous question I've ever heard! uh...if God's calling you to his mercy right now(and he is) and you push it away over and over. Then when you die, you see God and say "Oh schnap! I want to repent right quick and get into heaven. Is that cool?" Come on. I'm really suprised at that statement from you.

It's a rather arbitrary distinction. When the truth is made plain to us (as you suggest it will when we die), we cannot repent? That's called a self-reinforcing.
How is that hypocritical? I'm really dying to hear this one... :sly:

If you don't choose to accept his grace and mercy, then you don't get it. Makes good sense to me.
But then his love isn't unconditional. That's where the hypocrisy comes in.
But then his love isn't unconditional. That's where the hypocrisy comes in.

His love is everlasting and unconditional. Meaning he will love you no matter what, without condition. This does not mean that your salvation is without condition. Perhaps you are confusing "love" with "salvation"?
The phone's right by me. It'd be much easier than getting people I've never met who are 5,000+ miles away to type messages to me on an internet site about a car racing game.

God tried to call but your line was busy. ;)
Not today he didn't. I've been sat by the phone doing the Nurb24 all day.
fcuk religion, fcuk god, and fcuk the fools who blindly follow. put plain and simple, relgion is a tool that was created by the strong minded to control the weak willed. at its best, its just a get out clause for those scrared of dying.
the bible may be a wonderfully descriptive piece of literature, but it isnt fact. its contradictory and (in places) defeatist. how can the bible be the word of god, if there are so many different versions? if you grab hold of any bible today, and compare it to the orginal king james version, you will find glaring inaccuracies and contradictions. is the word of the lord that hard to understand that it comes out differently every time someone trys to interprit it?

heres another though. if there is a god in heaven, then why do children have to die?
God doesn't control what goes on on earth, he used to until Adam and Eve sinned and made thier choice to live their lives independent of God. Since Man chose to live without God, god doesn't control what we do, we bugger up the planet, damage the ozone, deprive people of food, not God. Because Adam sinned before he had children, his children were borne in sin, God has given each person a chance to remove that sin from them through Jesus.

On the subject of Hell and eternal torment, I've briefely mentioned this before, but I see thoes ideas as man made, yes the bible mentions them but many parts of the bible are symbolic, the Bible says Satan and his demons will be destroyed after Armagedon, if they are destroyed then theres no longer anyone left tormenting people in hell. Also the whole bible shows that God is a god of love, if he's a god of love e wouldn't send people to a literal hell. Hades which is where the wicked will go, is the second death, not hell, the second death, is a death after judgment by God where you no longer have any chance of entering Gods kingdom and you cease to exist.

Thats my view on it anyway.

As for God personally showing up, theres two reasons, one if anyone see's God they'll die, he's too powerful. And secondly, if he did that there would be no need for faith, people would be worshiping him for their wn benefit.

There are many versions of the bible, but many of the more common ones are almost identical, ofcourse if you were that fussed you could always read the original manuscripts or whats left of them.
fcuk religion, fcuk god, and fcuk the fools who blindly follow.
Post anything like this again and a local deity will ban you to perdition.

Got it?
His love is everlasting and unconditional. Meaning he will love you no matter what, without condition. This does not mean that your salvation is without condition. Perhaps you are confusing "love" with "salvation"?

So god still loves those souls who are tormented in hell. He has the power to end their torment but chooses not... even though he loves them.

Still not making sense.
fcuk religion, fcuk god, and fcuk the fools who blindly follow. put plain and simple, relgion is a tool that was created by the strong minded to control the weak willed. at its best, its just a get out clause for those scrared of dying.
the bible may be a wonderfully descriptive piece of literature, but it isnt fact. its contradictory and (in places) defeatist. how can the bible be the word of god, if there are so many different versions? if you grab hold of any bible today, and compare it to the orginal king james version, you will find glaring inaccuracies and contradictions. is the word of the lord that hard to understand that it comes out differently every time someone trys to interprit it?

heres another though. if there is a god in heaven, then why do children have to die?
I had sworn off of this thread way back. But you sir are absurd.
First you dis God, religion, and the Bible.
You obviously haven't read it if you don't know why kids have to die. It sucks, but the Bible that you eschew states plainly (In the King James that you seem wed to) "It is appointed unto man once to die, and then the Judgement." And in heaven, where God hangs out, children don't die.
You make it sound like all the bad things that happen are on God.
Satan is out there and very real also.

His job is to "seek those whom he may devour".
Read the book of Job sometime and come to some understanding that sometimes God allows bad things to happen. It may be a test of faith for the believers.

The word does not contradict itself. It has warned us to beware of false teachers, and here you are claiming the Bible isn't factual. Seems factual to me. (Yes, I'm insinuating that you are among those the Bible tells us to beware of)
Each version of the Bible (Good News for Modern man, King James, New King James, New Internation, American Standard) are essentially the same. Read them side by side and you will find essentially the same meaning.
"Good News for Modern man" has been translated into language and syntax that "street people" can understand.
The others are basically clearer versions of the KJV. Updated, as we no longer, unless you happen to be Mennonite or Amish, speak as common language.

Where do you get off calling the Bible defeatist?
Sampson slew many men, alone with the jawbone of a donkey. He knocked down an entire temple bare-handed, after being beaten, jailed and blinded.
David killed lions and bears with a slingshot. Oh yeah, there was also somethng about a giant.
Joshua destroyed an entire city and all who lived within by marching around it and blowing horns.
300 men of God went into battle against thousands and prevailed.
Jesus bodily removed undesirables from the temple.
Then there's the Great battle of Armegeddon, in which the armies of the Anti-Christ are going to be defeated by the armies of God.
Jesus rose from the grave, and was victorious over death. He resurrected Lazarus from the dead.

Where is the defeat in any of that?

For the record. I'm not trying to browbeat anyone into believing the Bible. Or in God or anything.
I believe. Not because my daddy did. Not because my Grand-daddy did. I believe because I've read/studied the Word. I believe because I've seen the power of God bring people thru, (myself included) some bad situations.

I believe that it's sad, that Zaggin doesn't believe because he can't translate the meaning of the King James version (written in a form of english that is no longer spoken).
That is a pretty lame excuse for discarding/discounting the Bible.
random retard saying something
fcuk religion, fcuk god, and fcuk the fools who blindly follow.

Are you the Anti-Christ? Or are you atheist? Are you a Satanist? Do you follow Anton Szandor LeVay? Do you know what you're talking about? Do you realise how others perceive you to be someone trying desperately hard to sound smart, or an elitist at the very least?

How very insightful.
i dont agree with zaggin on his blatant blasphemy but i do agree about the fact the religion is for the weak minded. its for people who cant handle everyday let-downs of life. they like to believe there is a higher power up there to help them out and care for them. to get one thing straight, im not anti-christ, and im not exactly athiest. i just believe religion is full of hypocrites and i refuse to follow it. i can baisically compare it to the easter bunny and santa clause. no other proof of religion except a book. yet there's proof of evolution all over the place. i dont like churches. 90% are hypocrites. they say you give 10% and youll get back 10 fold. ok so the old lady living on a fixed income and eating dog food and saltines gives 10%. the preacher is wearing a rolex, armony suits, and driving a mercedes. who's getting 10 fold in this situation? plus too many people go out during the week sinning, commiting adultry, lieing, cheating, whatever. they go in sunday, pray, give confessions, whatever. their sins are repented. when im living my life the best i can, i give more than i receive, i help others, i dont lie, dont cheat, and ive never even stolen one thing in my life. according to the good book im going to hell because i dont pray, go to church, or give my hard earned money to support hypocrisy. no you know what? i'd rather sleep in on sundays, and wake up just in time for the noon kickoff.