No serious answers...
I'm disappointed. I ask a tough question and you guys just move the conversation to one of the other many religion vs. science threads rather than actually probing your own beliefs.
To be truthful to yourself about your own faith you should be able to answer this simple question.
Im still looking for a response from someone who believes.
I don't believe now but I once was a christian, does that count?
My personal belief is that religion is definitely contrived. I was once a devout pentecostal christian for about 2 years. I was "saved" right after the 9-11 terrorist attacks. One of the scare tactics evangelists use, IMO, is tragedies such as 9-11, and I bought right into it. Two years later, I started questioning god's existance because I never felt his "presence or "heard" his voice. I then figured out that everything that I thought happended to me that was derived from god was just either simple logic or just coincidence.
I think religion is contrived because the content in the bible has so many flaws that it just isn't believable. How can a book that was "inspired from god" be true if even human beings can point out the flaws from his own words? It just doesn't make sense.
You my friend are missing the entire point of my faith and Christianity as a whole. You CANNOT scientifically explain faith. If you could, it would be faith, it would just be belief. And that's cake.
I know my redeemer lives. I'd love to show him to you, but I don't need to prove it to you to verify it for me.
Actually, you do. Faith is blind, and so is believing. Faith is a very dangerous thing to believe in. So your saying that If I have a deadly disease, or cancer, I should have faith that Jesus will get rid of the cancer? "faith" is for the less-fortunate, and if you have the tools and knowledge to make it in this world, you don't need faith. I don't want to believe that he exists,
I want to know.
All of these tele-vangelists on christian channels such as TBN are all fakes.
This Jesus does not exist because if he did, The same religion he started would not be so divided. And to add insult to injury, they're just taking all of the money that you're "tithing" and spending it for there own personal use.
I know because NBC did a report on what happens behind the scenes of these church services evangelists hold at around the world. And these so-called "healings" that occurs at the services are fake, too. There's doucmented proof. If you don't believe me, Go research for yourself, and you'll realize that this religion was just contrived by people who want the money of middle class citizens.