Reputation Points - Discussion

  • Thread starter G.T
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No one person can take 30 points away. It must have been given a - rep by more than one person.

Now although im not sure how the system works in its finer details, Small Frys gave me + rep a few days ago for a post i made and that post was worth 32 points if i remember correctly(thanks for that by the way:tup:). I assume that if you can give that much rep you can take it away?

I may be wrong

Also i beleive thatabout half of my rep came from about 4 or 5 posts i made, it just so happened that they were informative and helpfull to some of the "bigger" members on this board. Yet for the work i do in the drift forums, i hardly ever get repped there.

What daan said was that no one can MINUS rep 30 or more points.

If you read carefully into his post you will notice he said:

No one can take 30 points away
Generally speaking I believe we all give more rep when going positive than when we give a negative rep.
I believe the system is built so positive rep is easy to pass out but negative rep doesn't have the same dramatic result.

In any case, there are only a handful of people who can get near 30 points of rep power.
Most of the people with that power have incredible post counts or rep levels built up by other members consistantly rating them as quality posters.

Whatever the case with all of the above, I am not considered a quality poster. :(

Oh well, atleast I can give nearly 20 rep points with each positive rating.
I am the current single biggest repper at GTPlanet. I can give 64 points a time - but I cannot remove more than 20 points a time. This is the maximum limit of negative reputation points.
With or without the badge, your definitely among the members considered as quality posters, you were trusted with moderatorship after all. In cases like you Swift, daan and one or two others think it's probably more a case of you don't post as often as someone like me, Famine or Duke.
How do you know how many points you can give away?

I think there is a lot of people using the rep system because of the person who posts as opposed to the post itself. Not so much that people like Famine, G.T and me (shamless, I know), don't deserve the rep, or the post being given rep isn't a good one, but often a lesser known member will post an equally good, or even better post and will be completely ignored for it yet if I made that same post I might get rep for it.
...this is what I call a quality post, not that I agree immediatly, but it's a post meant for honesty:tup:
Congrats, YSSMAN, the next Quality Posts badge earner! :)

Deserves it too, the amount of auto news he posts.

No one person can take 30 points away. It must have been given a - rep by more than one person.
That would make more sense. It just showed up as a single black dot with "N/A" in the comment space, so I didn't really know what to make of it :)
Deserves it too, the amount of auto news he posts.

The point of the system isn't there to give points because someone is posting a lot of news.

It's there if someone makes a true-to-the-point post.
I do NOT find posting news as something that deserves rep. points.
Congratulations, YSSMAN. Your threads are always very fun to participate in. 👍
Congrats YSSMAN, I don't always agree with your views but you do put effort into making quality posts.
Blast! Another member beat me to the quality posts badge! What's a supermod got to do around hear to get some respect!!! :sly:

Congrats YSSMAN, it was well earned. :)
Blast! Another member beat me to the quality posts badge! What's a supermod got to do around hear to get some respect!!! :sly:
RLY? :sly:

Congrats, Swift! :D
Congatulation's Swift, now I do remember you talking about a Negative rep button :lol: ;).
Thanks a lot guys!

And L4S, my finger IS on the button! :sly:
The point of the system isn't there to give points because someone is posting a lot of news.

It's there if someone makes a true-to-the-point post.

I agree and see this as an excellent point.

Not saying anything about yssman here but I do agree with McLaren on this one.
Rep points should be awarded because a reply is quality and contributes to a subject in a positive manner.

(btw, I know of many people who recieved rep because of others repping the person and not the post)
Richly deserved, Swift!

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