Restoring My Beliefs

  • Thread starter McLaren
All I can say is "owned".

When you say "I don't care", that actually means you can't find a single shred of evidence. Also proving a MASSIVE ecological event like that is a easy compared to how the world was created, even after 5000 years or what ever there should be ample evidence. You knows I'm right. You act as if the flood is 100% fact, I do not treat the whole big bang thing as 100% fact, here lies the difference. Also I'm no where near qualified enough to comment on how the Earth was really created, but I sure as hell know it's isn't the fairy tale you subscribe too.

Gah I knew I couldn't stay away :(

Show me where I posted the world is 6,000 years old? I'll wait....

Listen, I don't presume to be able to scientifically explain every event in the bible. Because God is beyond science. Like Pako said, Jesus is IT! :) So if I can't show you a paper on the flood, or Moses parting the red sea or it not raining in Israel for three years then oh well. It's not about science, it's about Jesus. You can call me an irrational Jesus nut or whatever, as long as you leave Jesus in there.

Chimpanzee, but close enough. Interesting side note: "monkey" and "ape" are not interchangeable. That is to say, monkeys aren't aren't monkeys. I don't remember which way it goes :)

Thank you for the clarification, honestly.

just have faith

I'm at work man! I can't be laughing out loud like that!!! :lol:
Swift, are you intentionally ignoring some of Famine's posts or do you not have anything to say?

Famine, your Ark post was fantastic, I'll need to remember to rep you once I spread more rep around. It's pure fantasy, IMO.
Swift, are you intentionally ignoring some of Famine's posts or do you not have anything to say?

Famine, your Ark post was fantastic, I'll need to remember to rep you once I spread more rep around. It's pure fantasy, IMO.

I don't have anything to say. This is one of the few places where I don't agree with Famine, Duke and Danoff.
According to my faith, what would be the purpose of additional scriptures writing in the Bible by a 20th century prophet? Jesus IS the truth and the way to true salvation. He is the messiah. He is the answer. There's nothing left to write. How would I react? What more could be wouldn't happen.

Good job no-one thought that after the first Gospel, but before the other three... Some of which, I should add, covered the same ground with conflicting accounts.

However, didn't Joseph Smith write the book of Mormons after he hit his head on a rock and had a vision? This was his 'supplement' to the Bible. I guess that kind of counts and I dismiss the book of Mormons as a contradictory to Christianity as it would be described by Christ.

So you would discount any attempt by modern man to add to the Bible, regardless of whether it agrees or not with the current version?

What makes the dictated word of God 2,000 years ago better - or more reliable - than the dictated word of God today?

Chimpanzee, but close enough. Interesting side note: "monkey" and "ape" are not interchangeable. That is to say, monkeys aren't aren't monkeys. I don't remember which way it goes :)

Bonobo, but close enough... :D

An often bandied-about fact is that we share 99.4% of our DNA with a chimpanzee. This has a certain level of truth to it (and a slight level of fudging), but by the same criteria we share 88% of our DNA with a banana.

Monkeys and apes are both primates - in much the same way that lions and tigers are both felines. They aren't interchangeable terms. Our "relation" to them is a sort of cousin-level relationship. We share, a few lifeforms down the line, a common ancestor with them - in the same way that my cousins' parents are siblings of mine, so a monkeys' parents are siblings of hominids' parents - and much more remotely, a banana's (insert many greats here) parents are siblings of hominids' (insert many greats here) parents.

One question often asked is "If we came from apes, why are apes still here?". We didn't. Both us and apes came from a common personape ancestor, which is no longer here (though documented in fossil records).

Amblin - Technically, I'm a molecular geneticist. But I like all sciences - I just happen to be more qualified in one (or two) than the others.
The god of today is the same god as the one from 2000 years ago, however the bible cannon was completed with the book of Revelation, that concluded the bible. It'd be like someone making the Lord of the rings 4, it wouldn't be from Tolkien. God has no reason once completing the bible to add to it, and he said in the bible that many people would come in his name but misslead people, so by firmly ending the bible you could then know any other books written after the bible wern't inspired from God. Ofcourse to accept that explanation requires a beliefe in god so I don't expect you to accept it.
The god of today is the same god as the one from 200 years ago, however the bible cannon was completed with the book of Revelation, that concluded the bible. It'd be like someone making the Lord of the rings 4, it wouldn't be from Tolkien. God has no reason once completing the bible to add to it. Your argument will be that Revelation was written by a man, so why should he get to decide when the bible would finish, but that simply comes down to a lack of belief in a god means you don't believe the bible was written under inspiration, but if it was it would have been God finishing the bible off.

Written by a man high on smack.

And yet there's three - often conflicting - accounts of the same period of time in the New Testament. How come these aren't rendered redundant - or at least the later versions made irrelevant by the earlier ones?

Not to mention the non-Canonical Gospels of course. So I won't.

And there's an awful lot of things God has no reason to do - but He still allegedly did them.
If you care to elaborate at to which three parts conflict eachother, once I'm less tired (ie not tonight) I'll happily have a look at then and explain them to you. I've read the bible cover to cover many times and all seemingly conflicting things have when looked into, not been conflicting.
[1] Good job no-one thought that after the first Gospel, but before the other three... Some of which, I should add, covered the same ground with conflicting accounts.

[2]So you would discount any attempt by modern man to add to the Bible, regardless of whether it agrees or not with the current version?

[3]What makes the dictated word of God 2,000 years ago better - or more reliable - than the dictated word of God today?


[1] Who wrote the gospels or the New Testament as it is also called? Time-lines for the Gospels have already been covered in the Evolution vs. Creation thread. As far as contradictions? I have seen no contradictions that changes my view of God one way or another. Skeptics have found very questionable and very knit-picky contradictions that although probably makes some sort of sense and has a "ah hah" feeling for them, I fail to see their validity or impact on my salvation.

[2] No, I would not discount any attempt by modern man. My question to you is, what else does God have to tell us? He has already revealed his plan for our salvation through Christ. All the promises have been made and all the doors have been opened for our salvation. Christ has already died and shed his blood for ALL our sins. He doesn't need to die again and have his story retold. I discounted the book of Mormons as it contradicts Christ's teachings. Do you know of some modern prophets that wanted something added?

[3] I feel people are inspired everyday by God. People have achieved great things not of their own abilities, but through the will of God. I don't think that the dictated word of God today or 2000 years ago would hold any more or any less impact on the audience it was intended for.

One question often asked is "If we came from apes, why are apes still here?". We didn't. Both us and apes came from a common personape ancestor, which is no longer here (though documented in fossil records).

Surely you aren't speaking of Piltdown Man, Nebraska man, Java man, Orce man, or Neanderthal? Lucy?Even in the Origin of Species Darwin laid out his frustrations over the lack of fossil evidence with these words:

". . . Why, if species have descended from other species by fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? . . . Why do we not find them imbedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth?" (Origin of Species, 1958 Masterpieces of Science edition, pp. 136-137).

". . . The number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed, [must] be truly enormous," he wrote. "Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory [of evolution]" (Darwin, pp. 260-261).

His point was, as I am sure you are aware, that scientists just hadn't looked hard or long enough. To date, none of the transitional fossils have been found. Surely, one would have been found by now...

David Raup, paleontologist and Evolutionist, University of Chicago: "A large number of well-trained scientists outside of evolutionary biology and paleontology have unfortunately gotten the idea that the fossil record is far more Darwinian than it is. This probably comes from the oversimplification inevitable in secondary sources: low-level textbooks, semi-popular articles, and so on. Also, there is probably some wishful thinking involved. In the years after Darwin, his advocates hoped to find predictable progressions. In general, these have not been found-yet the optimism has died hard, and some pure fantasy has crept into textbooks".

So forgive me, Famine, but what fossil evidence are you referring to, as all those humanoid findings I listed at the beginning were proven to be hoaxes and wild suppositions.

[Edit] While you wait on those transitional fossils to surface, I want you to clear up another point. Darwin, in the 14th Chapter of the Origin of Species, stated that the whole process had to start with a biological organism capable of reproduction. However, biology scoffs at spontaneous generation (such as the old myths that dead meat spawns maggots) and would violate the second law of thermodynamics . The whole idea still boils down to a question of how that organism got here, and which of these areas of science is true or false.

I do believe in forms of evolution. But in fifty years or so, Darwin's evolution will be in textbooks next to the ancient beliefs that the world is flat and the sun revolves around the earth.

Back to fossil evidence, the discoveries that fossils followed an order as one dug deeper into the strata more affirms a flood account than a Darwin-like account. In the presence of a lack of the transitional forms, these fossils show that it certainly could be plausible for two dogs to be the source of all dogs we now have, considering those two parent dogs carried genetic information of the various types of dogs before a catastrophic flood. The fossil findings show how the organisms became more complex the closer one came to the surface, am I correct? Their desperation to prove their theory makes them blind to other possibilities.
I just have a short question . for Darwin to publish his book did he have to " sell ' his soul ?

I ask this in purely metaphorical terms . or should everything that Darwin said at the time his book was published be taken as the " gospell ' truth ...aside from all the things we have uncovered and discovered from when his book was published until the present day ?

Again I must ask .... do you ignore the discovery and the advancement men or mankind has made since DARWIN wrote his out of date book ?

If we do not kill ourselves first...we actually find a link .
You can't argue with the periodic table of elements. That is where everything started. Sure, the elements had to come from somewhere, but that's a theory that I have zero understanding of, so we'll skip it.
The first living creature was formed when some chemicals reacted. That's just what they do. Certain chemicals come in contact and certain things happen. There is no spontaneous generation. It sounds like Darwin just didn't know that we could narrow down humans to the particular chemicals, then to the particular elements, that form us.
Unless I am mistaken, biology asserts that life cannot come from nonlife. Organisms don't readily just appear out of thin air, they came from something else. Therein lies a dilemna. Say modern science could arrange chemicals to form the body of a man. Do you think that man would be alive just because the chemicals made the body?
Unless I am mistaken, biology asserts that life cannot come from nonlife. Organisms don't readily just appear out of thin air, they came from something else. Therein lies a dilemna. Say modern science could arrange chemicals to form the body of a man. Do you think that man would be alive just because the chemicals made the body?

No, it would need a bolt of lightning to do that. :sly:

But seriously, this is a discussion for the creation/evolution thread.
My orgasms come from my body...but if they could come from thin air I would pay good money.

sorry could not help it.

I am a very bad boy and I must be spanked .

blame Monty phython and the british.

in Fact its allFAMINESfault .

He should be burnt at the stake.

Never mind ...wait a few weeks ...he may be needed for something or the other...

Lets get Dannnnnnnn istead,,,bwaaaaahahahahahahahahaa...

stop sending benny hill directly into my brain...or I must take action. And that other dude ....cripes the horror....

what happened anyway been eating that sheep guts stuff again ?
You do know that pure democracy doesn't work right?
It works fine in a situation where its practical for a small number of citizens to vote on pretty much EVERY decision. But yeah, doesn't stop the fact that the greeks had a hugely important ideal (for everyone to follow) that every man is equal - maybe something they wouldn't have come up with if they worshipped a singular God.

If evolutionists think that the world and animals just appaeared "because" then they ceratainly do believe something.
if your whole understanding of evolution and science is that we just think stuff appeared "because", you really have no hope of ever getting our point of view, or ever understanding what science IS... I'm amazed at the basic lack of effort put into working out the opposing side here...

My fault, the "closest" ape to a human is an arangatang. My bad...
It is an Orangutan, and still wrong.

So you make it up as you go along, convienent.
What am I supposed to gather from this? You just didn't bother thinking about what I was saying yet still feel like attacking me in a really pointless general way? 👍

That was radically insulting. Amazing how I was welcome in my church for over 1.5 years when I wasn't even working. Now...why would they do that if it's a "business" That doesn't make business sense to help people that can't give you money back for it.
Only insulting if you didn't understand that I have free speech to say what I think is the truth, and that my opinions are formed not with the DESIRE to insult, but to understand things in a frank and logical manner. If my opinions insult you, you need to understand WHY and HOW I may have legitimately formed them, and that there are MANY people who agree with me. I still think organised religion is an utter croc and basically a business to sell a product. I will never retract this point, if it upsets some people, they obviously don't have enough faith in their own beliefs to simply ignore me. Let me make my point. I think it's a good observation and worth writing about. If we never said anything that potentially offended religious types, we'd still think the Sun travels around the Earth.

Look at the church through history - cashed up, loads of power, poor peasants giving their meager wages to the church, when in actual fact, religion and faith is (at least at it's core concept) PURELY A PURSUIT OF THE MIND. Given this, the idea that you need any huge expensive churches or overseeing institution for faith to exist and for people to believe in it - is fundamentally wrong. Why are churches so grand and expensive typically? MARKETING. If people feel a sense of awe, they're likely to feel like God is of/at that place...

Amblin made a terrific point that if a faith needs a huge system to support it and help facilitate people following it, it isn't strong enough, and it's ultimately a faith of little substance. I think organised religion is a farce.

NOTE: I haven't said ALL religion is bad, it can be a great help for people, and I haven't said ALL churches are evil money-makers (you can get good people that run churches, obviously), but overall I think the system has been slanted a certain way for a LONG TIME. I was mainly talking about times in the world's history when the church was much more powerful than it is today - the church has had to adapt and become more progressive, friendlier and less money-grabbing. Which can only be a good thing.

Not to you it isn't. You don't believe in sin. You have your own personal right/wrong.
I was being rhetorical. You evidently (after being offended) would prefer me to not truthfully state my thoughts? I was appealing to the christian ideal of being HONEST and TRUTHFUL with my opinions. Doesn't mean I have to be a christian whatsoever.

Who's to say where my morals line up with commonly accepted religious ones? I know one thing, its definately NOT for you to say or assume. You realise how much of a hypocrite you're being?

I could say: "I'm hugely offended by you attacking my sense of morals! You have no idea who I am as a person! Telling me I don't care about people (including myself) sinning (assuming sinning = the general concept of doing something immoral and generally accepted as BAD, whether you're religious or not (only minor details change)), basically implying I have no morals or ethics, is such a huge attack on my person and sense of self that I am hugely hurt."

But because I'm not like that, (easily offended) meh, forget it. I remember a thread where you were having a really hard time understanding that morals and ethics aren't a purely and exclusively religious concept in any way, shape or form. Get over it. Non-religious people are just as honest, truthful, moral and decent as anyone else. I'm not the one calling religious people immoral (as I easily could argue regarding AIDS in Africa, gays etc...).

Ok thats enough, I'm off to bed. I know you don't like me Swift, we've debated (argued) before... This is clear, and we don't need another point inferring you think I'm an idiot (I actually don't dislike you at all, but hey). I can't force you to respect my opinions. However (strangely, with me apparently having no morals) I respect your position, I just heavily disagree with it. If I say things you find offensive, just know that I honestly think that way, I've arrived at my position with what I think is good reason. I DO NOT aim to offend, but be truthful about my thoughts.
it certainly could be plausible for two dogs to be the source of all dogs we now have, considering those two parent dogs carried genetic information of the various types of dogs before a catastrophic flood.

Through what mechanism? Why, that wouldn't be... evolution, would it?

And you're right - it IS plausible, just not in less than 6,000 years.

Surely you aren't speaking of Piltdown Man, Nebraska man, Java man, Orce man, or Neanderthal? Lucy?


Even in the Origin of Species Darwin laid out his frustrations over the lack of fossil evidence with these words:

I'm sorry, are you under the impression that no fossils at all have been found since the late 19th Century?

His point was, as I am sure you are aware, that scientists just hadn't looked hard or long enough. To date, none of the transitional fossils have been found. Surely, one would have been found by now...

Actually, today we have a complete fossil record of the Ascent of Man.

David Raup, paleontologist and Evolutionist, University of Chicago: "A large number of well-trained scientists outside of evolutionary biology and paleontology have unfortunately gotten the idea that the fossil record is far more Darwinian than it is. This probably comes from the oversimplification inevitable in secondary sources: low-level textbooks, semi-popular articles, and so on. Also, there is probably some wishful thinking involved. In the years after Darwin, his advocates hoped to find predictable progressions. In general, these have not been found-yet the optimism has died hard, and some pure fantasy has crept into textbooks".

Nice quote. Source?

So forgive me, Famine, but what fossil evidence are you referring to, as all those humanoid findings I listed at the beginning were proven to be hoaxes and wild suppositions.

[Edit] While you wait on those transitional fossils to surface,

:lol: Dude - visit a library. Science doesn't hide its findings - you can pull information on any research you want to.

I want you to clear up another point. Darwin, in the 14th Chapter of the Origin of Species, stated that the whole process had to start with a biological organism capable of reproduction. However, biology scoffs at spontaneous generation (such as the old myths that dead meat spawns maggots) and would violate the second law of thermodynamics . The whole idea still boils down to a question of how that organism got here, and which of these areas of science is true or false.

Not really.

Biology doesn't deal with inorganics - just as evolution doesn't deal with the formation of the Earth - but biochemistry can and does. Suffice to say that a thorough reading of our "Evolution vs. Creation" thread at this point would benefit you.

l4s - I'm referring to the Gospels which conflict while telling the same story. Hell, there isn't even consensus on what Christ's last words were - and he's the most important guy in the book, and that's the most important event in the whole of Christianity!

Suffice to say that a thorough reading of our "Evolution vs. Creation" thread at this point would benefit you.
Yup. Everything in this thread has been beaten to death in that one :)
However, biology scoffs at spontaneous generation (such as the old myths that dead meat spawns maggots) and would violate the second law of thermodynamics .
No, it doesn't. People bandy about the magic "T" word without fully understanding it (though admittedly, comprehending thermodynamics is not an easy task). Hell, after 5 thermo courses, I still can't understand certain phenomena. Still, some deeper research would serve you well. It's all out there.
"Psalm 137:9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."

Charming. I think this is a part that modern day churchgoers aren't supposed to see. ;)

Morals? Not here. When did Satan write a section of the bible? :lol:
Well Keef, I guess they just ignore it.
Lets put it in a different way:

When you are born, and you are still a baby, you don't know anything of values and rights and what is right and what is wrong. We all know that your parents and surroundings teach you what is good and what is bad.
In order for God to create a bible, and to write laws and to say what is and what is not allowed, he must have a personality. He must have gotten some experience and he must have learned too.
How can he be all alone and at the same time judge what is right and what is wrong? If he was all alone when he created the universe, he would have had the same judgement as a baby right??

It's like parents who are trying to raise a baby, but the parents have never been raised before.
Only insulting if you didn't understand that I have free speech to say what I think is the truth, and that my opinions are formed not with the DESIRE to insult, but to understand things in a frank and logical manner. If my opinions insult you, you need to understand WHY and HOW I may have legitimately formed them, and that there are MANY people who agree with me. I still think organised religion is an utter croc and basically a business to sell a product. I will never retract this point, if it upsets some people, they obviously don't have enough faith in their own beliefs to simply ignore me. Let me make my point. I think it's a good observation and worth writing about. If we never said anything that potentially offended religious types, we'd still think the Sun travels around the Earth.

Look at the church through history - cashed up, loads of power, poor peasants giving their meager wages to the church, when in actual fact, religion and faith is (at least at it's core concept) PURELY A PURSUIT OF THE MIND. Given this, the idea that you need any huge expensive churches or overseeing institution for faith to exist and for people to believe in it - is fundamentally wrong. Why are churches so grand and expensive typically? MARKETING. If people feel a sense of awe, they're likely to feel like God is of/at that place...

I was actually reading what you said and thinking until this part. So, let me get this straight, just because you have the right to free speech I shouldn't get offended? What kind of logic is that? If I attack something that you hold dear or are passionate about, like your family, and you DON'T get offended then I'd say you have some serious issues.

Let's look at the history of governments. NONE have a perfect or even close to perfect record. NONE, not even the Greek government you seem to hold in such high esteem. So why don't you say that the US government is absolutely worthless because it authorized the slaughter of untold numbers of native Americans and of course endorsed slavery for almost 100 years. Why not? Because to judge an entity of the scope of our government entirely on the acts of the past, especially when we weren't alive to see it or effect it, is closed minded and ignorant. But, this is in fact what you're doing to the "church". Since there were some bad things in the past, automatically all churches are evil money making enterprises built to suck the life blood out of people by means of finances.

You say I'm closed minded to the entire concept of evolution. And at some points I am, especially life coming from none life. But you're equally if not more close minded if you don't take each church, just like each individual, and judge it on it's own merits. Man, if I judged people the way you do, I'd call anyone that German MUST be evil, Japanese can't be trusted, all Mexicans are useless illegal in America, everyone in South America is a drug producer, anyone that owns a gun is a suspicious person for all murders using a firearm, etc... But I don't, maybe you should give that a try.

Even God doesn't judge a man until he's dead, so why should we thing we're any better?

"Psalm 137:9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."

Charming. I think this is a part that modern day churchgoers aren't supposed to see. ;)

Morals? Not here. When did Satan write a section of the bible? :lol:

You really like pulling scripture out of context don't you? Do you even have a clue what that psalm is about?
"Psalm 137:9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."

Charming. I think this is a part that modern day churchgoers aren't supposed to see. ;)

Morals? Not here. When did Satan write a section of the bible? :lol:
Nicely done. Taking a verse out of context. I bet I can take one sentence you made out of a paragraph and make you sound like Hitler. Let me give you the full context in the same translation/version you quoted (King James).

Psalm 137:7-9

7 Remember, O LORD, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof.

8 O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.

9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

Wait a sec, they are talking about revenge, not killing their own children. The same eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth theme that is all throughout the Old Testament.
There's something I agree with in that last sentence, FoolKiller. The messages and morals in the bible make great "rules" to live by, but I think it's wrong to take every story literally. Why can't people just learn the lessons taught in the bible instead of going the next step and taking in every little aspect as divine fact?
Ooh, the deep dark areas of GTPlanet. 👍

I have no wish to offend or upset anyone, (although I probably will, sorry). I'm an ethical atheist, I think? I have never and probably never will go to church. (see, I've offended some of you already!) I don't feel I have the need for any guidance from god. Does this make me a bad person? Will I burn in hell for this?

I respect other peoples beliefs, if you want to believe that god created us all and everything around us then so be it. If you think that asking god for forgiveness for your sins will ease your mind then you do that, I really do hope that that will make you feel better. What I do take exception to is people telling me that because I don't share their beliefs that I am evil.

Why does living by your rules make any better a person than I am now?

If I live by your rules then there will be another religion that believes I am wrong? How many wars started over religion?

Please do not be offended by my views, these are my personal opinions, please feel free to believe in whatever makes you happy. But please don't tell me I'm a bad person because mine are different.
I was actually reading what you said and thinking until this part. So, let me get this straight, just because you have the right to free speech I shouldn't get offended?

I've come to those conclusions without the intent to offend (although that's obviously been a side effect, which I AM actually not happy about, but I can't change my views just because of that). I am actually sorry if I have views that some religious people find offensive, but there isn't a whole lot I can do about that - I'm just practising my free speech to state those opinions. If you don't like them - just ignore me! No point reacting in a really shocked and hurt way, its not going to change my views.
Anyway, its only the internet - meaning, how could I possibly know enough about you (and vice-versa) to say anything that could offend you in any real deep way? Surely your faith is strong enough to withstand someone like me questioning it. You must read all sorts of opinions on the internet all the time!

If you except everyone is gonna have different views (and there are many people I know who think exactly the same as me), you might just have to put up with people like me, acceptance and all that. I do not hold views that are considered extreme in any way, not at all. You're blowing the level of offense out of context and taking it personally way too much. Maybe you're just really touchy and can't discuss any religious issues without overreacting. I've already stated I'm sorry if I do offend, but I can't lie about my thoughts; I can't basically censor myself for anyone that may be offended (when I know my views aren't really that extreme or offensive - and are perfectly logical in my mind and many other's) - that isn't for me to care about, at least not primarily - getting across my thoughts honestly is more important.

What kind of logic is that? If I attack something that you hold dear or are passionate about, like your family, and you DON'T get offended then I'd say you have some serious issues.
I am not having a go at you personally, Swift. For the record, I'd never dream of having a go at anyone's family or whatnot. Of course you'd get offended then! But you misunderstand me (as always)...

I was never having a go at people that practise any kind of religion as you've assumed - I even mentioned some other positive reasons for having churches that I was purposefully IGNORING for the sake of argument - like the social aspect, and that person to person guidance that to some people, would be useful). Personally, my parents and school teachers have provided easily enough guidance through my childhood to make me a well balanced individual that is happily enjoying life. For others, they may look to a preist or whoever, it's not my position to understand their all their motives.

Now, I was simply questioning the concept of needing a powerful institution that runs a religion, and put up the analogy of a business, as that is the only thing that strikes a chord in terms of how things have operated. If the church didn't operate like a business (whether it was aware of this or not), there would not be any new churches built, or preists employed, the roof would have a hole in it etc... Just look at some of those amazing medieval, gothic, baroque, renaissance churches for why I may have some niggling feeling that the church runs too much like a business, they obviously make profit (and prophet :lol: ). To do that, logically, you need a product, and obviously the ticket to heaven and everlasting life IS IT!

I'm still unsure as to why the church needs to be such a huge power with so many material assets etc, when the religious ideas are surely the only important thing one needs to have faith. Ultimately you're not giving money to God, just other humans who may spend the money to fix the roof on a church that you don't need (conceptually and theoretically) to have a full religious and spiritually fullfilling life. I'm questioning the need for the church to be so wealthy when the ideas and teachings are what's important. I know that there is a point to having a spokesperson like the Pope or whatnot, and preists to give guidance (lets face it, religious folk tend to need someone to look up to in life and follow, as opposed to running their own path), but I've never understood the sheer amount of material wealth the church supposedly needs.

Just a tiny little example - the Pope washed the feet of those dudes recently - in a GOLD bowl. The act itself is supposed to make a symbolic statement about humility and humbleness - as the act of washing someone's feet is, in essense. Using a solid gold bowl defeats the symbolic message IMO, and just illustrates the absurd hypocrity of the church - modern or old.

It all comes back to religion (any of them) being a pursuit of the mind, and the mind alone. Why should God care how expensive your gold-lined cathedral is if you believe in him as strongly as the next guy? That is how and why I think that organised religion is not useful for actually furthering any meaningful spiritual goals. You won't agree, but it's something I was thinking about and I think it's a solid point, and has obviously hit an uncomfortable nerve. Of course, I'm not summing up the entire system of religion you believe in, I'm simply making a certain point. Don't assume this point is ALL I think of religion or the church, its but one thought of mine that I felt like sharing... Of course there are positives and good churches that we'd agree give a net-value of "good" to the community, I'm just talking about things wholistically, and throughout the overall history of the church. I was even just talking about ALL organised religions, but hey, its ok if you want to be more specific and assume I'm just referring to your church. You realise how my point is simply a theoretical observation now?

Let's look at the history of governments. NONE have a perfect or even close to perfect record. NONE, not even the Greek government you seem to hold in such high esteem. So why don't you say that the US government is absolutely worthless because it authorized the slaughter of untold numbers of native Americans and of course endorsed slavery for almost 100 years. Why not? Because to judge an entity of the scope of our government entirely on the acts of the past, especially when we weren't alive to see it or effect it, is closed minded and ignorant. But, this is in fact what you're doing to the "church". Since there were some bad things in the past, automatically all churches are evil money making enterprises built to suck the life blood out of people by means of finances.

I was only ever talking about how the Greeks invented democracy, you'd agree was overall, a good ideal. They had high enough ideals (basically inventing the concept that every man is equal) and a basis in their views (perhaps given how their Gods needed to work together and had a (more or less with some exceptions) common agenda) to come up with the idea of democracy in the first place. It isn't even important if the Greek's society was sucessful or not!

I am also talking about the church from a very systematic and theoretical point of view, trying to understand what that system is like, at a very base level. Any misguided analogy regarding other world governments or historical institutions are not relevant in the slightest. It takes nothing away from my points regarding the church, which remain as relevant today as they were in the past. As long as organised religion of any kind exist - my observations are relevant.

You say I'm closed minded to the entire concept of evolution. And at some points I am, especially life coming from none life. But you're equally if not more close minded if you don't take each church, just like each individual, and judge it on it's own merits. Man, if I judged people the way you do, I'd call anyone that German MUST be evil, Japanese can't be trusted, all Mexicans are useless illegal in America, everyone in South America is a drug producer, anyone that owns a gun is a suspicious person for all murders using a firearm, etc... But I don't, maybe you should give that a try.

I've already stated that my view is not about attacking any singular church or individual, OF COURSE I can't blame any one church for existing and functioning today - just as it isn't my personal fault that the Australian Aboriginals got slaughtered at the Myall Creek Massacre. You're assuming I've said things I haven't (funny that). I understand your point, and I agree. It doesn't stop me making an observation that remains valid, even if the system has remained in place so long that apportioning blame on any individuals is impossible.
Even God doesn't judge a man until he's dead, so why should we thing we're any better?
Relevance? See above. I wasn't attacking individuals, just a flawed system that theoretically at least, doesn't need to exist and doesn't need wealth. How many times? Religion is a thing that occupies your mind. Its a spiritual thing - the whole essense of spirituality is that it isn't material in nature. I don't understand why churches need to exist, from what I understand religion to be.

You really like pulling scripture out of context don't you? Do you even have a clue what that psalm is about?
Thought I'd quote something out of context just to show you how it feels. Kinda like your understanding of evolution and just about every point I make. Taking something and turning it to mean something completely unintended. You're the master, Swift. Gotta give you credit for that. ;)

Edit: Just realised how fitting that the psalm I quoted was - an eye-for-an-eye. Basically getting you back for misunderstanding evolution... Coming from King James too... Hehe. :lol: