kev, if you are thinking that it'd e impossible to fill the Ark because of constant evolution from bacteria you need to stop thinking that. Remember, we need to assume evolution doesn't exist and figure away to fill the Ark. After we establish a method, we can assume evolution exists, mainly since we can observe it in real-time, and then disprove the myth of the Ark. I'm not denying there was a Noah, and I'm not saying he didn't save his animals (maybe a farm?) from a flood created by exceptionally hard rains one rainy season, I'm just saying it's physically impossible to fill the Ark with two of everything and impossible to build something with that capacity. Unless that thing waas the planet itself, which is an absurd idea I came up with.
Anyway, size doesn't matter until we prove tha the Ark existed at all. If it was only a few thousand years ago we should be able to find the remains easily.