Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh so I decided to return to rFactor from a bit of a break to try and get the FFB "fixed"... and I got absolutely nowhere. The problem I'm (still) having is a complete lack of FFB about 30 degrees either side of the straight ahead - which is far far larger a zone than the G27's actual FFB deadspot, so I know it's not my wheel being stupid (besides, the wheel's FFB feels pretty good in LFS) - as well as the most perplexing FFB "effects" when I touch a kerb/run off track: the FFB will make the wheel shudder violently, almost as though the FFB motors start engaging, then rFactor tells them to disengage and go in the opposite direction. The end result is a *very* large vibration through my wheel and into my desk, where it makes everything on my desk that doesn't have substantial weight shake like crazy. This is the most frustrating part of my problem, the massive FFB deadzone is something I can deal with.
What I have tried so far in rF and what difference the changes made, if any:
- low/medium/high/full FFB effects - makes no difference
- varying degrees of FFB strength, higher (more negative, and < 0) settings make the shuddering worse, using -ve values close to 0 removes the violent shuddering but also nerfs every other aspect of the FFB
- lower values for steering force in the FFB menu - nothing
- steering damper saturation, nothing
- steering damper, nothing
- setting jolt magnitude to 0, nothing
- steering/throttle/brake/rumble strip magnitude to 0, nothing
- rumble strip pull factor to 0, nothing
- setting the four vibe types to sine (in an attempt to smooth everything out), nothing
How hard can it be to either disable rumble strip/off-track FFB effects or get rFactor to apply the effects in a smooth manner, instead of on-off-on-off-on-off 20 times a second?
I know it's nothing to do with my wheel itself, because FFB in LFS is fine, as is FFB in GT5P... this is driving (pun not intended) me up the bloody wall. I have an expensive racing wheel but can't use it in rFactor because the gMotor FFB system is FUBAR.