@TurnLeft - I'm very sorry about the contact in Race 1. I apologized to you and danbojte as soon as the race finished, but then I realized you had already left the race room. That's why I immediately pulled over to give the position back. It was poor driving on my part.
There is absolutely no bad feelings my friend 👍, I just wanted to tease you, I sent the bill to
. I was driving pretty conservative and just trying not to not make any mistakes that would open the door, so I was braking a little early on a few occasions, but you were really fast dude

, I saw you almost caught up with
@danbojte by the end. I have to admit it was stressing me having both of you in my rear battling it out and just waiting for me to make a mistake, which I did twice and both off you passed me, congratulations to both of you

, nice race guys.
One quetion to
@joaosoarescso , how many laps did you go with out pitting? When I came out you were ahead of me

This time I didn't screw up the start

, probably my best moment was passing
@Thorin Cain 
, just don't know why it felt so good

Great race guys 👍👍👍 to bad
@Brewguy44 alarm clock didn't work, it would have been cool to have him in front of me and play cat and mouse
