Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
If it was Ukraine its pretty embarassing for the Russians as the Ukrainians can strike their capital.

Russians did their best to keep the war out of their main cities.

Now its coming slowly.
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To facilitate an escalation of the war, probably.
With what? Only thing they could do to escalate is to drop tactical nuke on something. And then every country in the world would suddenly stop any relations with RF.
boosting the internal support of the war
Great plan, next time explosion should rip something of Putler, this would definitely boost support 🤣 False flag would make sense if drone hit something with civilians in Moscow or other big city far from frontline.

Our country hates leaders-losers. And this is definitely not win situation.

IED was found ~10km of my home. Its third IED case in Leningradskaya oblast this week, one destroyed high voltage power line frame.
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It strikes me as a little odd that the first drone attack was filmed - it seems obvious that the person filming it knew it was happening, but that begs the question of how an enemy cell could get that close to the Kremlin to film, let alone operate a weapons-laden drone and get away with it. It's also a bit too picture-postcard for me, with the preparations for celebrations clearly visible in the foreground too. I'm not saying it was staged, but if it was staged, it would certainly have looked a lot like it does.
True, but I'm talking about this video:

That doesn't look like CCTV to me...

It's not even a convincing explosion either. It also appears to hit the flag pole instead of the building itself. I'm not sure what drone that is, but I'm guessing if it was Ukrainian, it's one of those Turkish TB2s using a MAM. Looking up MAMs on YouTube, they appear to deliver way more of a punch than what we see in the video. The video looks like C4 or something similar.
True, but I'm talking about this video:

That doesn't look like CCTV to me...

Sure is good fortune those two guys are up there before the drone explodes:

Doubtful, something smaller would be more likely. TB2 is huge, no way it could pass unseen
The drone in the video isn't exactly small. But the TB2 isn't huge by any means:

The other drones that Ukraine has access to don't really have the range to hit Moscow either. At a straight shot from the Ukraine/Russia border, it's 275 miles. While the TB2 can cover that distance (and more) to fly all that way to drop one half-ass bomblet doesn't make any sense.

Ukraine also gains nothing from attacking the Kremlin without any real force and Russia gains a lot by setting off some pyrotechnics they had lying around from a concert and calling it a Ukrainian attack.
True, but I'm talking about this video:

That doesn't look like CCTV to me...

The video appears to be shot from here...


Given the preparations for the celebrations, and the clear descent in Russia at the moment, it's really not too much of a stretch to think there'd be people on hand who might notice strange goings on, and be in a position to video it.

Not saying that makes it genuine, but the fact we've got clear handheld video isn't, to me, enough to swing it either way.
I think @unit-one has it right insomuch as it's likely cellphone footage of a CCTV capture (from the building above)...

The heightened state of alert might also explain why there are two people climbing up on the roof during the attack, which also rules out a staged 'false flag' attack, unless the Russian government/security services/armed forces are a bunch of incompetent imbeciles...
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**** around and find out.

Whatever the relative military capabilities of Ukraine as nation are, and however much there might be an imbalance there vs Russia, I would not want to **** around with a Ukrainian in hand to hand combat.

The drone video is weird. It certainly wasn't taken out by some kind of intercepting missile, and there didn't appear to be some kind of automated machine gun type AA either. It just exploded as it was flying. Other than an onboard detonation, what could cause that?
The drone video is weird. It certainly wasn't taken out by some kind of intercepting missile, and there didn't appear to be some kind of automated machine gun type AA either. It just exploded as it was flying. Other than an onboard detonation, what could cause that?

Dr Evil Laser GIF
Another reason for this to be a false flag.

And it's laughable that the US would do something that pathetic. If we're going to engage you, we're going to do it properly.
What we're all missing is that this is just the latest in a whole line of tactical feints, the entire invasion being the master feint, so that Russia can catch NATO and the US napping off guard. Any day now, expect Ekranoplans full of sweaty strong men to be racing across the Pacific ready to penetrate the soft, hyper feminine west coast and liberate it so that all the strong and hard men can worship other men, as long as they are also too strong and hard.

-Dotini, probably, somewhere
Since nobody has posted it yet: Prighozhin has announced that Wagner will be retreating from Bakhmut next week. There's a video of him going ballistic over their lack of ammunition and he's adressing Shoigu and Gerasimov directly while showing dead Wagner soldiers in the back of shot. The video is already censored to comply with Youtube guidelines, but I'm putting it in a spoiler nonetheless. Also, language warning.

edit: I might've jumped the gun a bit. There's conflicting information out there whether he's only threatened or actually announced the withdrawal from the city on May 10th.
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