Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
View attachment 1369952
na-du-li (he talks so much about being deceived and lied to, it became a meme.)

EDIT: Putin about Taliban:
View attachment 1369970
You can't even write the organization name in Russia without mentioning that they are terrorists and banned...

Wait, they are banned and terrorists but are allies against terrorists? Doesn't that make RF terrorists?
Wait, they are banned and terrorists but are allies against terrorists? Doesn't that make RF terrorists?
Yeah, because they also fight against ISIS. Putin also said that since Taliban control Afghanistan, that makes them a legit government, unlike Zelensky in Ukraine. Logic.
This morning:

Ballistic missile launches from Crimea.
Tu-95 missile launches.
Tu-22 missile launches.
Kalibr missile launches from ships.
Kindzal missile launches...

Explosions in Kyiv and other big cities. Lots of casualties.


Damaged children's hospital "Okhmatdyt"



Several hits in the same place.

Looks like they were aiming at the "Artem" factory again.


Missile can be seen in the top left corner.

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Looks like someone trying to prevent peacetalks.
Preventing peace talks and prolonging the war will have two consequences:

1. Further destroying Ukraine, which neither Russia nor NATO really give a crap about.

2. Further destroying Russia and Russia’s economy which is something NATO gives a huge crap about.

There is no positive for Russia which they still haven’t figured out.
There is no positive for Russia which they still haven’t figured out.
Thing is, you thinking about it as Western citizen. Leeches that sucking blood from fighting Russia doesn't give a **** about what happens in few years. There isn't visible future for Russia after Putin is dead. And he is 70 y.o ill ****er that could die tomorrow. But, it doesn't means there isn't beneficiaries in this story. War is source of money for thousands people that "building" nonexistent apartments, infrastructure or defence lines that tomorrow would be destroyed by nonexistent Ukrainian missile. Billions of dollars were already stolen and they, obviously, don't want to stop money flow. Its not that hard to pay someone to correct missile guidelines and hit hospital instead of factory.

Also, there is Putin who is obvious sociopath and his motivation isn't clear. I don't know, maybe he just likes to bomb oncology centers full of kids.

Or it could be tragic coincidence, result of systematic Russian incompetence(like it was with dam).
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Billions of dollars were already stolen and they, obviously, don't want to stop money flow.
I accept that it's a convenient source of money for oligarchs but that slightly downplays the evil actions being undertaken by the Russian Federation as part of this façade; if you want to steal taxpayers' money, just tender non-existant healthcare or transport contracts to your mates' companies. You don't have to bomb civilians in a neighbouring country as part of that process to make it 'look real'.
Russia didn't invade Ukraine for money. Russia did it for the sake of conquering more land. It's an imperialistic quest, moved by the egos of Putin and others up top. They are not thinking about financial gains, specially when you get a lot richer in peace time (with the ability to make business with any country in the world) than war time (where in this case, you suffer sanctions and lose access to quite a few important clients), bar some exceptions. The fact that Russian military equipment is losing credibility, and consequently lose export value for potential costumers, penalizes them even more.

Its not that hard to pay someone to correct missile guidelines and hit hospital instead of factory.
You do know that, targeting an hospital with a guided weapon, is quite easy, right? You just point out where you want the missile to go, and the missile goes there. No need to pay anyone to mess up with the missile.

There are other factors to take into account, like the CEP, in cases where a missile could have been pointed to place A, but hit something like 10 or 20, or even 50-100 meters away, depending on the quality of the guidance system, potential jamming, etc.

Although in this case, I doubt Russia did it accidentaly, and it's more likely on purpose to destroy as much as they can.
You do know that, targeting an hospital with a guided weapon, is quite easy, right?
Especially when the country firing said guided weapons has a space program. If you can put Russkis in orbit, you can put a cruise missile into a hospital. Although, maybe the lack of Pizza Hut money is hurting them:
The fact that apparently they shot atleast two missiles at the same target, automatically implies it's not the lack accuracy either, or one missile not working properly.
Now the only thing people can speculate, is the reasoning behind the targeting of said facility. Russians used excuses like "there was a guy wearing a military camo" to justify an attack in a nursery and a funeral I think. Russia tries as much as they can to take advantage of any grey area that might exist in the rules of war.
Although in this case, I doubt Russia did it accidentaly, and it's more likely on purpose to destroy as much as they can.
A Kh-101 never hits accidental targets, it's a high precision guided missile. So it was definitely on purpose.
accept that it's a convenient source of money for oligarchs
Different sources for different people. War is beneficial for generals, first of all. In peace time they did millions, now billions.

Oligarchs were cut off from West, where their houses, kids and money were safe.
Russia didn't invade Ukraine for money.
Russia invade to conquer Kiev in three days and set Putin puppet as new president. It didn't work, but long war created new beneficiaries.
You just point out where you want the missile to go, and the missile goes there.
Every missile should be programmed with specific route to avoid AA. Its not straight line from bomber to destination.
A Kh-101 never hits accidental targets, it's a high precision guided missile. So it was definitely on purpose.
Its Russian missile we talking.
A Kh-101 never hits accidental targets, it's a high precision guided missile. So it was definitely on purpose.
There's still the human factor. It all depends on the human dude guy who puts in the coordinates and/or does the targeting. Atleast until AI becomes widespread in precision weapons, and is allowed to make decisions, which will complicate stuff even further.

If along the chain of command, some guy messes up, from the intel to something as simple as puting in the wrong coordinates, an "accidental strike" can occurr. In this case, it's highly unlikely that a mistake would end up with the missile targeting an hospital.

Technically, there are ways a precision weapon can mess up. A heat seeking weapon might mistakenly lock onto something it shouldn't, or an anti-radiation missile (anti-radar) could lock on to the wrong signal, but the Kh-101 is neither of those, so it's not applicable.

Russia invade to conquer Kiev in three days and set Putin puppet as new president. It didn't work, but long war created new beneficiaries.
Yes, and now they keep going to annex as much land as they can. That's why some of their "peace" proposals, involve not only the land they are occupying right now, but a sizeable amount of territory that russian forces do not have under control.

Every missile should be programmed with specific route to avoid AA. Its not straight line from bomber to destination.
Not every missile, but yes, there's that option. What I meant was that, for the missile, there's no need to change parameters to hit an hospital any differently than it would need to hit an air base or a bunker or whatever.
Yes, and now they keep going to annex as much land as they can.
And how its confronting my post about beneficiaries?
there's no need to change parameters to hit an hospital any differently than it would need to hit an air base or a bunker or whatever.
Wat? Programmers need to program coordinates into missile so it can avoid AA and hit the target. Its not as simple as general pointing something on Google maps and missile hit it. My point was that paying to the programmer to do wrong data for missile isn't beyond realm of possibility.
Not every missile
Every Russian X-101 missile, last time I checked we talked about it, not something else
Russia didn't invade Ukraine for money. Russia did it for the sake of conquering more land. It's an imperialistic quest, moved by the egos of Putin and others up top. They are not thinking about financial gains, specially when you get a lot richer in peace time (with the ability to make business with any country in the world) than war time (where in this case, you suffer sanctions and lose access to quite a few important clients), bar some exceptions. The fact that Russian military equipment is losing credibility, and consequently lose export value for potential costumers, penalizes them even more.
My take on this all is they do it exactly for money, gas and oil to be precise. Around 2014 huge gas and oil reserves were discovered in the east of Ukraine, thats when it all started.
Thing is if Ukraine got to extract that stuff they could have used existing Russian pipelines running through Ukraine to deliver the gas and oil to Europe completely undercutting Russia big time.

Since Russia is all about oil and gas and they've never bothered to develop other sectors enough to help support their country and those natural resources are their only instrument to exert political pressure on Europe they went berserk with plans to annex those areas rich in natural resources - no matter the cost.


Its always about money. Always each and every time.
My take on this all is they do it exactly for money, gas and oil to be precise. Around 2014 huge gas and oil reserves were discovered in the east of Ukraine, thats when it all started.
Thing is if Ukraine got to extract that stuff they could have used existing Russian pipelines running through Ukraine to deliver the gas and oil to Europe completely undercutting Russia big time.

Since Russia is all about oil and gas and they've never bothered to develop other sectors enough to help support their country and those natural resources are their only instrument to exert political pressure on Europe they went berserk with plans to annex those areas rich in natural resources - no matter the cost.

View attachment 1371518

Its always about money. Always each and every time.
Aka, what Venezuela is trying to do to Guyana by suddenly claiming 50%+ of it as their historical land and what Hezbollah did to Israel a few years ago for the exact same reason (but in that case, it was maritime claims).
Around 2014 huge gas and oil reserves were discovered in the east of Ukraine
While it could partly feel Ukrainian needs, there were 0 chances that it could harm EU-Russia gas/oil relationship. On the other hand, with those resources Ukrainian dependence from Russia would been cut in half which was unacceptable for Putin.
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Niece of RF MoD asking him to stop. She lived in Kiev for 10y, her kid with special needs was threated in hitted hospital and his cousin still lives in Kiev and taking care of Belousov aunt grave.

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A truly shocking disregard for human life.
There are reports that people with heavy wounds being send back to frontlines after initial stabilisation in hospital being done. Without fingers, with shrapnel in body, even without legs or eye.
Why are Russians so willing to bleed for this guy
Initially its money. First payment is 1.500.000+ with avg salary 30.000+. Salary for 4 years in one day + 6 salaries every month.

Imagine someone from Jackson MS ghetto and give him 200.000$ for being deployed + 24.000 monthly. My guess, you could find thousands volunteers instantly.
How many Russians would die overthrowing the regime of V.Putin? Probably less than this war.