Time to revive this thread... (sadly)
There are reports today that the SNP may be on the verge of ditching one of their flagship policies, that is for an independent Scotland to stay in/join the EU. This claim has already been dismissed by SNP supporters online, as well as Alex Salmond, but I am inclined to believe that there is a strong chance of this turning out to be true.
I suspect that the sticking point is (or will be) the Euro. Until now, EU membership for Scots has not involved signing up to the Euro - but if an independent Scotland wishes to stay in/re-join the EU, it will (sooner or later) have to adopt the Euro. The SNP know, however, that this is universally unpopular in Scotland, and so they have a major problem.
The SNP are using the Brexit vote to justify calling a second independence referendum on the basis that 2/3rd of Scots voted to remain in the EU (but the UK as a whole voted to leave), but they also must now realise that they won't win a vote on it when people realise that it will mean accepting the Euro. The answer? A Norway-style deal with the EU that falls short of full EU membership but retains access to the European single market and allows Scotland to adopt its own currency. The problem with that, however, is that it completely undermines the supposed reason for calling another independence referendum (i.e. full EU membership). I think that is what they call trying to square a circle.
The Euro's unpopularity in Scotland is widespread and (IMHO) is not likely to improve any time soon. I expect the SNP will argue that EU membership won't necessarily mean accepting the Euro - ironically, an independent Scotland would not even qualify for membership of the Eurozone at the moment anyway - but it is almost certain that any application to stay or rejoin the EU would entail a commitment to joining the Euro eventually... indeed, the EU itself is likely to be pushing harder for all EU member states to adopt the Euro before much longer.
I expect the SNP will flat-out deny that they are considering anything less than full EU membership (because this would undermine the very reason for calling a second referendum), push for a second referendum and possibly even win it, begin the process of formally withdrawing from the UK and then announce that Scotland will not join the EU as a full member after all, and end up with a 'soft Brexit' style deal that neither Remain or Leave voters (i.e. the vast majority) will not accept.