Well, I haven't been in here for a while...
Starting with the RS200 set:
A very good set with lots of variety and angles.
First shot is nice, an interesting angle that I haven't seen used before. Only thing that bugs me is the jaggy lines that you get from sharpening the picture, though, if I recall correctly, the RS200 has a few jaggy lines normally. The colour balance sets off a really nice mood, 'the calm before the storm', as they say.
Sadly the other RS200 shots have the same case, though on a few it's not as bad.
I really like the second shot, the warm colouring really sets it off, reminding me of a summer's day. A good angle too.
The third shot is really exciting; low down, action shot. The high speed and colouring, once again set it off. And, dare I say it, the lens flare actually works really well!
The forth shot is definitely fit for the realistic picture thread. It genuinely looks like something a journalist would be able to muster in real life. Well done. 👍
To be brutally honest, I'm not really feeling the fifth shot. There's not much movement or anything, it's just not really interesting. It's not bad, but it's just not my cup of tea.
Now, the sixth shot is something I really like. A very nice angle and motion. Very noice.
Now, the preview:
Great toning and colouring once again. The composition is interesting, and very brave to have a huge pole largely in the shot. You somehow manage to not get me distracted and look elsewhere, which is very good. I feel that it could be even better if you had zoomed in a bit more to focus a bit more on the El Camino. But that's just me nit picking.
Very cool idea for the past and present thing as well. 👍
Now, on to the next set:
First shot: I really, really like this shot. So badass! From this angle, it actually reminds me of the first actual corner on the TGTT. Both in England, so no surprises there.

Nice colouring and angle once again. Could be even better if it was zoomed in a bit more, but it still looks fine the way it is.
Second shot: Now, this shot is gorgeous. Easily in my top ten of all-time favourites of shots taken in GT6 so far. I wouldn't change a single thing, other than the lens flare, but it doesn't even ruin the shot. Epic.
Third shot: This shot is actually quite nice. The thing that you told about that we must never tell anyone else about because the thing is very special works well, it means multiple things are in focus, without making it really obvious. Nice lighting too. 👍
Forth shot: This shot is very pretty, it has a very mystic feeling. The bright haze of the sun looks very cool too. 👍
Fifth shot: At first I didn't like the panno, but, after looking at it for a little longer, I can see what you were trying to do. I really like the simplicity, it shouts "less is more", which is good. 👍
Sixth shot: This is a bit of an odd shot. I guess it's a given if it's the LRV floating in mid-air.

I think this would of worked without the sharpening, as it makes the details a bit too sharp for my tastes (if that makes sense

). It makes the stars and other details a bit unrealistic (even though the initial photo concept it unrealistic.

). You get what I'm saying?
Seventh shot: I quite like this shot. Even though it's similar to the RS200 shot in which I disliked, IMO it works better with this shot. It's just a nice, simplistic shot. 👍
Eighth shot: This shot is very cool, me likey. A wacky angle, fitting for the car (going by how we were driving it today @
). Just screams "I just don't care!"

The blue tint works really well as well.
Ninth shot: This shot is lovely. Everything just works so well, the colours, the DoF, everything. Battling for most favourite shot in the set with the 507 shot.
Props if you're still reading. Nearly there...
Now, onto the latest set:
First shot: I really like this shot. Even though most of the car is obscured by a giant cloud of snow, it looks very cool (PUN PUN PUN), kinda dream like. If only it was a Hakosuka, then it'd be like my dreams.
Second shot: An interesting angle. I like the motion, it certainly works for the angle and type of shot you were going for. Unfortunately you received a case of colour banding, but luckily it's not too noticeable therefore taking away anything from the shot.
Third shot: I like this shot. It looks very much like a holiday trip snap; "ooooh, that's a nice view." park up, get to a good vantage point and snap. Liking colours too.
Forth shot:

As always you have an epic humour. Can't really say anything about the shot other than you photo shopped the policemen in well. 👍
They were photo shopped right? *shudders*
Fifth shot: Decent shot. I think it would have worked better with a higher DoF, or even trying your magic with it.

Not your best IMO, but definitely not bad by any stretch.
Sixth shot: A cool shot, and a cool concept. I just can't help but feel it would look much better without the lens flare, for me it just distracts me too much.
Seventh shot: I'm not a fan of this shot either, to be honest. The composition and focus makes it hard for me to 'understand' the picture correctly, as there are too many bright colours fuzzy and unfocused. I do understand that you did have to work around the fact there isn't actually an interior picture taking option, so props for that. 👍
Eighth shot: Now, I really, really like this shot. If only there was some sort of vintage racing suit and helmet, it would look even better. Angle and general idea is really excellent. Moment is great too, under the brakes for the tight left hander. Can't fault anything.
Ninth shot: This is a really nice shot too, colours and everything are really pleasing. The only thing I'd change would be to have the SLS in focus and the Viper and the rest of the back ground unfocused, or working your magic and having the background blurred with still having both cars focused. Sadly there isn't much you can do for having your idea in the original picture, which is a shame. Hopefully they include multiple focus points at one point.
Tenth shot: Ah man, you keep on making amazing shots! I absolutely love this one to absolutely pieces. Everything is just perfect. Everything.
Eleventh shot: Like the other interior picture, I don't like this one either. It's for a different reason though. This time is because I just find it a little bit dull to tell you the absolute truth. It doesn't really say anything, it's just not very interesting.
Twelfth shot: I really like the angle on this. As in, really really like the angle. Would look great as a portrait banner.
Thirteenth shot: This shot made me think for a little bit. Another nice shot. 👍 Not my favourite from you, but still a very good effort nevertheless.
Fourteenth shot: Interesting composition; and props for keeping it fairly basic editing wise. If it were me I'd bump the saturation of the red paint work just a tad, just to make them stand out a little more, but I'm just thinking out loud here.
Fifteenth shot: Really like this shot as well. Composition, colour, DoF is all spot on. Very noice. 👍
Sixteenth shot: Epic edit, you're making me very jelly of your snow adding skills.

The snow on the car and the condensation/frosting of the windows looks genuinely real.

A nice touch with the snow tracks as well. 👍 Colour balance and composition feels really good too. Very well done on a very complicated picture to edit/take. 👍
And, as always, all of your funny comments keep me on the floor rolling.
Phew, that was long. Very long.
If you say tl;dr, I will either break you or rip apart you. Or I'll just do it for ripping apart my flower that was in my now broken flower pot.