Should most (if not all) cars be unlocked in Arcade Mode?

Quite frankly, the more and more I think about it, the more I wish GT5 would return to the ways things in general were handled before GT4, and this is no exception. I want the old arcade mode back: You unlock cars for free race in Arcade Mode by winning races in Arcade Mode, and you can use the cars you own in GT mode for races in arcade mode.
I think that actually would be the best solution, for both seasoned and casual players. 👍 That way everyone would have to make the effort to unlock new cars, and not just have them handed all for free. :mischievous: *evil laugh*
I think that actually would be the best solution, for both seasoned and casual players. 👍 That way everyone would have to make the effort to unlock new cars
That's pretty much what I was thinking yesterday. An arcade mode which is a little more complex and interesting than GT3's arcade mode would be perfect for those who don't want to spend the time it takes to get cars in GT mode.

and not just have them handed all for free. :mischievous: *evil laugh*
Damn right. :sly:
I don't see that having cars unlocked in Arcade mode as lessening the GT mode at all. To my mind, they're as near as can be to two entirely separate games. Clearly a lot of people feel differently, but were all the cars unlocked you could choose NOT to drive the ones you hadn't bought yet, if you thought that enhanced your gaming experience. It's simply a matter of choice.
Oh dear, the old "you could choose NOT to" argument... :rolleyes:

It's not about lessoning the GT mode, it's about the killing the anticipation of working towards, and finally driving that Veyron you've been saving up for. Sorry, I forgot, I could just ignore the fact that it is there for me to drive right away.... Whatever.
I can see some spoiled brats which always get all the goodies from their mother on the first try. But neither life nor good game is like that. In fact, I don't want anything to be unlocked from day one, just very base models of all marks and few base tracks. After five years of waiting, spending thousands of hours on forums and discussing nonsences like this, I really don't want so big game as GT5 is going to be to last me only few weeks. Every new car and track should be pleasant surprise of a day for me.
Oh dear, the old "you could choose NOT to" argument... :rolleyes:

It's not about lessoning the GT mode, it's about the killing the anticipation of working towards, and finally driving that Veyron you've been saving up for. Sorry, I forgot, I could just ignore the fact that it is there for me to drive right away.... Whatever.

Clearly there are people for whom working towards cars is their passion in GT. I don't deny them that, and I think GT mode is perfect for them.

There are people like me, for whom the driving itself is the passion. I consider spending time unlocking cars to be unfun, and just want to spend my time racing. I think an Arcade mode with unlocked cars is perfect for my style of racing game.

I'm all for raising a barrier between the two modes so that the Veyron DOES feel like an achievement when you get it. But I think there's only so much PD can do before it strays into the realm of spoiling other people's fun. Would it be better if you had to choose whether you want to play in Arcade or GT mode when you first insert your disc, and then it's locked to that forever? Should they sell different discs for Arcade and GT modes?

Or can we just be men, and say to ourselves "Dammit, I know that Veyron's there in Arcade mode but I wanna do this my way. I'll drive it when I've earned it".
I can see some spoiled brats which always get all the goodies from their mother on the first try. But neither life nor good game is like that. In fact, I don't want anything to be unlocked from day one, just very base models of all marks and few base tracks. After five years of waiting, spending thousands of hours on forums and discussing nonsences like this, I really don't want so big game as GT5 is going to be to last me only few weeks. Every new car and track should be pleasant surprise of a day for me.

I was waiting for this pathetic argument to show up. You're going to compare something as worthless as a game to real life? Your reasoning for me having to waste time after willingly parting with my own money is because you can't always get things instantly in real life? Why aren't you attacking GT's 1000 car garage? You're never going to get that in real life. Having such an outrageous fantasy is spoiling the game. So it driving cars you can't own. Now what they should do is link your credits to your real life bank account. Now you really have to earn those cars. Would be lots of fun.

I can't speak for others, but if you think I'm "spoiled" in life, you are sadly mistaken. I can safely say I wasn't lucky enough to become a spoiled brat who can ignore all the troubles of life if he wanted to.
Sure they could have most cars unlocked in Arcade mode, but in that case I´d like there to be some limitations; for example:
Since it´s supposed to be an arcade mode, all aids will be on, TCS, ASM, ABS and so on. All roadcars fitted with sports rubber (S2 equivalent in GT4) and all racecars with R3 equivalent. If we get to choose a number of physics settings, where pro is as real as possible and amateur is as arcadey as possible, amateur is the only option in arcademode. No damage.
A number of drivingmissions should be the order of the day, and you get a Cr. reward and a new car wich applies to your GT mode aswell. The car should not be arcade exklusive though, but able to be bought in GT mode.
Let´s say Arcade mode has 50 missions. You can get bronze, silver or gold, and one car for each medal, wich means 150 cars. All other cars unlocked from the get go.
Feels a bit odd to quote myself, but I feel that this has some relevans right here. What do you think? Feel free to elaborate.
Feels a bit odd to quote myself, but I feel that this has some relevans right here. What do you think? Feel free to elaborate.

I was actually referring to you when I said people were being biased against arcade mode just because of name; it's a couple posts back.

I don't mean to sound offensive, but I think your idea is less than good. Aids forced on? No damage? No physics? Just because it has arcade in the name? I can't follow that logic. That sounds like something for career mode where driving isn't the point of the game.

Arcade should let you do with race events what Forza lets you do with decals. Make absolutely anything. It needs everything in GT mode save for credits, unlocks, and licenses. I should have access to every car, be able to tune them any way, and then drive them on every track.

The "purists" don't have any special say in what is right in GT. If driving and simulation aren't what they are looking for, fine. They can enjoy what they want. But I don't enjoy wasting time, so I think I should get what I want as well. Come to think of it, if arcade is done like this, it should probably be renamed, Hardcore Race Mode.
I was actually referring to you when I said people were being biased against arcade mode just because of name; it's a couple posts back.

I don't mean to sound offensive, but I think your idea is less than good. Aids forced on? No damage? No physics? Just because it has arcade in the name? I can't follow that logic. That sounds like something for career mode where driving isn't the point of the game.

Arcade should let you do with race events what Forza lets you do with decals. Make absolutely anything. It needs everything in GT mode save for credits, unlocks, and licenses. I should have access to every car, be able to tune them any way, and then drive them on every track.

The "purists" don't have any special say in what is right in GT. If driving and simulation aren't what they are looking for, fine. They can enjoy what they want. But I don't enjoy wasting time, so I think I should get what I want as well. Come to think of it, if arcade is done like this, it should probably be renamed, Hardcore Race Mode.
That is something of the point I want to forward. "Arcade" should be exactly that. What you speak of should be directly online, and separated from the game itself. Come to think of it, you notion would make any mode useless, and render the fun of playing the game to nothing. If evething is available from the get-go, what would be the point of any form of mode where you have to unlock things to move forward in the game? That is why I want an arcade mode where you are sort of punished for being lazy, yet have some challange to it, and that also rewards you. Of course you should be able to link your GT mode garage to arcade aswell though.
Guys, this discussion is totally out of purpose, PD have already spent time tuning the game and adding new features, the arcade mode is just a little detail and they will probably decide which cars they will put on it with a simple decision, so there's no reason to speculate about it, because it won't change anything in the game quality. If you ONLY like the GT mode, play ONLY the GT mode and have a nice day, otherwise, enjoy the arcade mode no matter how odd it can be.

BTW: There's any news about GT5? I'm bored of getting to the news page and have only GTPSP or GT5P souvenirs.... :grumpy:
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That is something of the point I want to forward. "Arcade" should be exactly that. What you speak of should be directly online, and separated from the game itself. Come to think of it, you notion would make any mode useless, and render the fun of playing the game to nothing. If evething is available from the get-go, what would be the point of any form of mode where you have to unlock things to move forward in the game? That is why I want an arcade mode where you are sort of punished for being lazy, yet have some challange to it, and that also rewards you. Of course you should be able to link your GT mode garage to arcade aswell though.

*IMO, anything but online and arcade useless already*

But if career mode is so good, and unlocking cars is so worth it, why would free arcade bother you? If it is bothering you, you're just like me. You don't care about pointless collecting, you want to drive.

And believe it or not, I have done the grinding and enjoyed it... however, career is only fun after you've done the driving. Career mode's only draw (to me) is being a side quest for those days when you just don't feel like driving. It's the farthest thing from the point of the game.

If career is so special, you should be happy to do it regardless of what else is available.

Though, I like your idea of just making online completely open (if that's what you were saying). I'd give up free arcade for free online, no contest.
Guys, this discussion is totally out of purpose, PD have already spent time tuning the game and adding new features, the arcade mode is just a little detail and they will probably decide which cars they will put on it with a simple decision, so there's no reason to speculate about it, because it won't change anything in the game quality. If you ONLY like the GT mode, play ONLY the GT mode and have a nice day, otherwise, enjoy the arcade mode no matter how odd it can be.

BTW: There's any news about GT5? I'm bored of getting to the news page and have only GTPSP or GT5P souvenirs.... :grumpy:
HEY! You´re ruining the fun of speculatiing and wishing for us!:irked:;)
*IMO, anything but online and arcade useless already*

But if career mode is so good, and unlocking cars is so worth it, why would free arcade bother you? If it is bothering you, you're just like me. You don't care about pointless collecting, you want to drive.

And believe it or not, I have done the grinding and enjoyed it... however, career is only fun after you've done the driving. Career mode's only draw (to me) is being a side quest for those days when you just don't feel like driving. It's the farthest thing from the point of the game.

If career is so special, you should be happy to do it regardless of what else is available.

Though, I like your idea of just making online completely open (if that's what you were saying). I'd give up free arcade for free online, no contest.

Personally, I like GT mode. I never really bothered with arcade in GT4. And sadly, I haven´t had the opportunity to play online yet :( but I will, and I will also enyoy it, I´m sure.

Yes, the driving is the deal for me, but I also want to work my way up to the cars I really want, and not just have them from the start. Anticipation is one of the funfactors in GTmode. An open game with everything unlocked from the beginning would actually suck. On the other hand, the only game with enough cars to have some lenghty enjoyment in such a thing is GT.
Guys, this discussion is totally out of purpose, PD have already spent time tuning the game and adding new features, the arcade mode is just a little detail and they will probably decide which cars they will put on it with a simple decision, so there's no reason to speculate about it, because it won't change anything in the game quality
Actually, the completely awful arcade mode that GT4 has is one of the main reasons that I no longer play GT4. Even for multiplayer, where the problems aren't quite as bad, I play GT3 instead.
I want the game to give me all the best cars from day one because they're the most fun, and I don't want to have to wait to get to the most fun parts. That's BORING!

Why should I have to get good at a game so I can win races to earn money? That's really not fair on people who don't have any patience. Like Kaz says - it's 2009 and the people have changed and they want everything NOW!! So I think PD should respect that fact and design the game around it. :drool:👍👍👍
That's really not fair on people who don't have any patience. Like Kaz says - it's 2009 and the people have changed and they want everything NOW!! So I think PD should respect that fact and design the game around it.
There is a tinge of irony to this.
Actually, the completely awful arcade mode that GT4 has is one of the main reasons that I no longer play GT4. Even for multiplayer, where the problems aren't quite as bad, I play GT3 instead.

You're right, but what I was trying to say it's "Gran Turismo core is the GT mode", the arcade mode is just a add on to the game, I have to recognize that there's a lot of players who enjoyed playing in the arcade mode, but I'm really convinced that PD is not going to put a lot of effort on this.

The current trend is GT mode + ONLINE mode, and I'm sure that PD is focusing on these two game modes.

Sorry if my opinion cutted the speculation fun...that was not the intention, actually I'm one of the greatest speculation enthusiasts, maybe the previous post is result of a night without a nap......:)
Only after you win them,then they should be unlocked and available to purchase at the appropriate dealership.
I did like GT4's system. It gave me an incentive to buy all of the crappy, cheap cars I wouldn't normally think about. I'm a bit of a collector see.
Maybe they could have an arcade mode where you unlock cars as you go along. Sort of a watered down GT mode for those who like to focus on the driving aspect not the career aspect. I'm thinking, you should start off with a few various cars from each class like in previous arcade modes. But as you win races you unlock more cars i.e. if i win a race in my Castrol Supra i can win any car from JGTC at random, and if i race in my 787B i unlock any C-class or LMP car at random, and if i race in my Nissan GTR i can win any supercar from the likes of Lamborghini, Ferrari, Pagani, a Vette ZR1 etc.

It would make sense to have GT mode and arcade seperate, but there has to be some point to Arcade mode as a stand-alone other than just hot lapping. I think winning cars as you go along would be good.
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Maybe they could have an arcade mode where you unlock cars as you go along. Sort of a watered down GT mode for those who like to focus on the driving aspect not the career aspect. I'm thinking, you should start off with a few various cars from each class like in previous arcade modes. But as you win races you unlock more cars i.e. if i win a race in my Castrol Supra i can win any car from JGTC at random, and if i race in my 787B i unlock any C-class or LMP car at random, and if i race in my Nissan GTR i can win any supercar from the likes of Lamborghini, Ferrari, Pagani, a Vette ZR1 etc.

It would make sense to have GT mode and arcade seperate, but there has to be some point to Arcade mode as a stand-alone other than just hot lapping. I think winning cars as you go along would be good.

I like your idea. GT Light = Arcade mode.. GT HC (Hard core) = GT Mode
I want the game to give me all the best cars from day one because they're the most fun, and I don't want to have to wait to get to the most fun parts. That's BORING!

Why should I have to get good at a game so I can win races to earn money? That's really not fair on people who don't have any patience. Like Kaz says - it's 2009 and the people have changed and they want everything NOW!! So I think PD should respect that fact and design the game around it. :drool:👍👍👍

Taking away the challenge is what makes a racing game boring.Now say you got all the cars in GT5, you had to buy them in GTPSP &/or Prologue anyway.It's a challenge to drive a Zonda F on the Stelvio.
Maybe they could have an arcade mode where you unlock cars as you go along. Sort of a watered down GT mode for those who like to focus on the driving aspect not the career aspect. I'm thinking, you should start off with a few various cars from each class like in previous arcade modes. But as you win races you unlock more cars i.e. if i win a race in my Castrol Supra i can win any car from JGTC at random, and if i race in my 787B i unlock any C-class or LMP car at random, and if i race in my Nissan GTR i can win any supercar from the likes of Lamborghini, Ferrari, Pagani, a Vette ZR1 etc.

It would make sense to have GT mode and arcade seperate, but there has to be some point to Arcade mode as a stand-alone other than just hot lapping. I think winning cars as you go along would be good.

I can't follow that at all. If I want to focus on driving why would I want to be subjected to hours of wasting my time unlocking cars?

If you are sincerely proposing this for "those who like to focus on the driving aspect not the career aspect" [and if you do not consider yourself one of those people] then I think you're a little shaky on the concept of differences of opinion. I do not want to play the game in a way that you [very mistakenly in my opinion] think is right. I'm not trying to force things on you, so why force things on me?

Unlocking does not give a point to arcade, driving will give a point to arcade.
I can't follow that at all. If I want to focus on driving why would I want to be subjected to hours of wasting my time unlocking cars?

If you are sincerely proposing this for "those who like to focus on the driving aspect not the career aspect" [and if you do not consider yourself one of those people] then I think you're a little shaky on the concept of differences of opinion. I do not want to play the game in a way that you [very mistakenly in my opinion] think is right. I'm not trying to force things on you, so why force things on me?

Unlocking does not give a point to arcade, driving will give a point to arcade.

Just throwing the idea out there to see what people think :)

PD should implement the features of Arcade mode based on the demand of Arcade mode users, and i am not an Arcade mode user :P

My opinion is that the driving is just part of the game, the other features provide the all round video game experience. If you're after simulation but not bothered about video games in general, then there are actually better games out there for PC (though i can see where you're coming from, they don't have the great choice of cars in the lineups, iRacing only has like ~20 cars)
If you're after simulation but not bothered about video games in general, then there are actually better games out there for PC (though i can see where you're coming from, they don't have the great choice of cars in the lineups, iRacing only has like ~20 cars)

True. A major draw to GT is the scale, though it's still a good game/sim itself. I would go be a PC sim racer, but all my PC time is dedicated to flight sims which I enjoy even more (and have no decent equivalent to GT on consoles [Ace Combat certainly does not count lol]).

And I guess, GT is also one my first sim games and my first racing game, so there's a little nostalgia too.
Maybe they could have an arcade mode where you unlock cars as you go along. Sort of a watered down GT mode for those who like to focus on the driving aspect not the career aspect....

It would make sense to have GT mode and arcade seperate, but there has to be some point to Arcade mode as a stand-alone other than just hot lapping. I think winning cars as you go along would be good.

Already happened, it was basically the way that GT Arcade Mode was "living" in first 3 big games.

Not all cars were available through it though.

However, I like that and it fits in already established philosophy of the series.
In GT1 the arcade mode was totally seperate, it didn't have all the cars in GT mode, but at the same time there was a car exclusive to the Arcade mode, the 67 Covette. GT2-4 though allowed you to use your garage cars as well as the cars the Arcade mode offered, so really you could use any car in Arcade mode in GT2, 3 and 4. GT2 and 3 tough still had the stand alone arcade aspect where winning races in Arcade mode unlocked rewards. GT3's was imo the best Arcade mode in any GT game. GT2's was only really used for 2 player and I've used GT4's so infrequently I can't actually remember if the last time I used it or not was within the first month I owned the game only. GT is a game first, hence the reason the GT mode is the inegral part to the series. The Arcade mode sould reflect that imo.
I don't really care either way, I just want to use my fricken Sim mode cars on the arcade side (Why did NA-release GT4 exclude this?). :irked:

To give a straight answer, I feel GT3 did it best: Unlock new vehicles in a progressive series of stages.

I have answered this question in another thread, but I will say again that I would not mind having the arcade mode of the game giving a player access to all cars and all tracks. If your desire is to work for every car, then that is what GT mode is there for. However, if you so happen to get the urge one day to jump in a specific car and do a few hot laps around a specific circuit, then you should have that option available.

I'm married with a 6 week old son, I do not have the free time that I used to when I was younger to devote 4 hours a day to the PS3. Maybe I want to come home from work one day and do a couple of laps around the Ring in a CTR. I honestly feel that I should be able to, hence why there is an arcade mode available. However I do hope that arcade mode gives the user the same physics as GT mode as an option at least.