Sick with no new DLC cars.....

  • Thread starter nickf1gr
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I just hope PD has been taking notes and comes out with a great GT6.
In my opinion everything hints at the opposite. In the last 1,5 years since GT5:
* PD removed a bunch of seasonals, although Kaz admitted there is not enough A-spec content. Makes the game even less finished than before, because you know what you had before and now you don't have it anymore. For quite some time since then, the seasonals where very uninspiring.
* PD didn't make good use of the DLC capabilities so far. First we got RM versions of existing cars (but PD called them TC so they could add more inconsistency, rendering the RM function pretty useless). Most reactions here were "wait till the next round of DLC". Same reaction with the few other rounds of DLC. In the meantime all cars have aged 2 more years, and hardly any new cars have been added.
* A major gripe, the communication and interaction with the customer, has not been tackled by PD in any way. Even the opposite: Kaz's twitter account is not used at all for GT5 anymore lately.
* The updates fixed trivial stuff (like wheel changes and menu controls), but the new things they brought do not promise a lot of good for the future (GT6). More collection stuff (new cards, helmets/suits), car wash tickets, repair tickets, restore tickets. Never understood why effort was spent on these tickets. If the engine or chassis repair of 500k credits is too high, then lower the price, instead of one-time handing out tickets. The game only became more inconsistent because of it.

I don't see any sign that they took notes, or any indication that PD will get its act together for GT6. In my opinion (and an opinion is what it is) GT6 -if it ever comes- will be worse than GT5.
No. I don't have any interest in any new DLC. It'll just cost me about £3 for a few new cars when there are already over 1000 cars in the game.

And how many in that 1000 are unique cars people actually want? Probably 500 max. Quality > quantity for me always.
And how many in that 1000 are unique cars people actually want? Probably 500 max. Quality > quantity for me always.

1000 cars are a marketing trick, which looks fine only on the cover of the game. We have four Fiat 500 (almost the same, one premium is enough), many Honda/Acura NSX (one premium model of each generation is also enough), the same with Skylines, MX-5, S2000 (totally ridiculous quantity, the same chassis, performance, only difference is 'UE, 'J or 'US - ONE premium S2000 is sufficient), Opel and its equivalent Vauxhall, etc. If we got rid of it, we would have about 700 - 800 or less, many of them are unremarkable, only 200 premiums, the rest are simply taken from the previous game.

Forza's cars lineup is a truly encyclopaedia, something that Gran Turismo used to be. In terms of this aspect GT5 fell significantly behind.

I don't demand any new cars, I only want many valuable standards to be upgraded to premiums. It would be fair to us.
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I'm not saying Forza is bad. I'm just tired of everyone whining about how flawed GT5 is. If it's so bad then just get Forza.

So people should just jump to FM4? That's asinine in many ways, and shows a lack of understanding from you on what sim racing games are out there. FM and GT aren't the only two. Also don't make some flame war just because someone criticized your precious GT.
The issue as far as I see it is far more deep and complicated than the release of a new package including a few cars. :rolleyes:
In my opinion the main problem is the mentality behind the producers.:banghead:

Being PD a Japanese team they have quite a close mentality regarding cars.

I must admit things have slightly improved in the last couple of years (maybe pd is starting to feel a bit more the pressure from Players who, more than ever before start making comparisons between Turn 10 and they).

So for those saying that Porsches are not relevant, that's not an acceptable claim, as they can add much more diversity to the lineup of vehicles. I would rather get rid of the thousands copies of the same japanese metal boxes on wheels that I struggle to see anyone using them.
It would be interesting if another teir was added to A-Spec and B-Spec, Maybe some sprint style events one event three races (normal grid, reverse gride and fastest time at rear)

Wheel and tyre pack would be nice I havn't been playing GT of late been replaying Ass Creed series and Skyrim.

I think all points have been vaild and 90% spot on.
I would rather get rid of the thousands copies of the same japanese metal boxes on wheels that I struggle to see anyone using them.

I totally agree with you on this issue. I even don't look at them in UCD, don't buy them because I'm not going to waste my time in order to have all cars in the game. They are completely useless.

The only hope is that the competition (Turn10), lots of fans of GT series who will probably dump GT in favor of Forza and falling profits force PD to rethink their policy and to listen more to their fans' demands and expectations.
Dlc is killing gaming!


Companies thinking that DLC is a license to print money is killing gaming.

Actually, companies thinking that making any crappy DLC they like entitles them to wads of cash is killing gaming.

ACTUALLY, people paying money for DLC that should never have made it off the design whiteboard in the first place is killing gaming.

There, I fixed it.
The only hope is that the competition (Turn10), lots of fans of GT series who will probably dump GT in favor of Forza and falling profits force PD to rethink their policy and to listen more to their fans' demands and expectations.

This will have no effect. PD has already made $10's of Millions on the game and the number of new purchases is miniscule at this point as it is with all videogames, 18 months after their release date. Everyone who owns GT5 could quit and go to Forza, all that matters at this point is how many people will buy GT6. I believe there is a serious disconnect between PD and GT5 fans. I think they sit back and say, and I'm paraphrasing, "They have 1000 cars and 50+ tracks, that's more than enough"

To me what would make the most sense for DLC is two things. New tracks and/or variants on existing tracks, and car packs that make sense with cars related to each other.

In the absence of new tracks, small variations to existing tracks would be a simple and cheap way to enhance the track lineup. Even something as simple as allowing a variation of Tsukuba where the chicane after the right hander after the second hairpin is a track variation would be an improvement. Shortened or lengthened versions of Trial Mountain, Deep Forest etc.

When it comes to cars, rather than releasing 2012 sedans and economy cars and cars with curiousity value, how about an Austrailian V8 Supercar Pack for example, a 2012 Indycar Pack, Vintage F1 cars pack, RM car packs designed to compete in a series, Vintage Japanese race cars, etc. Anything with a theme where we can take a pack of cars designed to compete against each other. Then throw in some Seasonals to take advantage of these car packs, and announce it ahead of time to give people an incentive to buy the pack. These are basic marketing principles PD seems to never have learned. Their customer communication is a disgrace really.
Own both consoles and be happy. Dedication to a console or franchise is silly, play what grabs your attention.

Agreed 100%. 👍 It's just sad to see fans of one game against the other, puts me down. :(

Even though I love GT5. I play FM4 as well, and often for one good reason. Not only it has lots of good cars, but a very good scenery. And with Horizon being the same and it's open world on road and off road, I may play that a lot, especially like going on a adaventure with your friends and hanging out at the gas stations.

If you have a Xbox, you can become my friend anytime. ;)

I just hope PD does something soon.
So people should just jump to FM4? That's asinine in many ways, and shows a lack of understanding from you on what sim racing games are out there. FM and GT aren't the only two. Also don't make some flame war just because someone criticized your precious GT.

URGH!! I'm just saying if the guy with the first post is admiring Forza then just get it. I'm sick of hearing "Forza looks so much better while GT5 took 6 years and you don't get DLC!" Nothing's holding anyone back from getting the game. It seems to me he wants it, so get it.
It is an ignorant comment. What you are saying, in essence, is that "I think GT5 is alright, so you being the ones who are complaining, just shut up and play your Forza. And since only I matter, that's what you should do."

Are we not allowed to make criticism about GT5? Or anything in general for that matter.

Nah, I don't mind criticism, but I'd say going to GameStop and getting Forza is a lot more effective than crying about how much better it is than GT5. Sure criticizes, I criticize, I'm criticizing about someone criticizing, but in the long run criticizing won't make GT5 magically better or make Forza appear on your door step.
This is the deciding factor for me. Why pay for more cars when there are over 1000 in the game already. And about the Porsche thing. I don't want it either. A Porsche is just a Beetle to me. And if you want Porsche, go buy an Xbox and Forza 4.

Though you have a point. More than 80% of those cars are standard( i prefer premiums) out of those about 200 are Japanese(correct me if im mistaken)

It may just be me but there is a lack of variation in models from non -Japanese Dealers, both premium and standard.
Im no software developer or anything but one thing i have learned from coding(C++) is that everything takes time, especially modeling cars and tracks. We have no choice but to enjoy the game for what it is right now.

I learn to deal with things.
Here Here!!!👍👍👍

To me it's all about your friends. If you have good friends GT5 great. Yesterday I did a stock Ruf race with about 8 people and even though It was a standard it did not matter to me the racing was intense and fun. I took last in 3 of the races and took 4 from being consistent in the fourth. Everybody was smoking fast. :lol: I really wish they would give us those GT4 tracks! :lol:
I see the Forza Motorsport 4 more new and interesting car packages and do the comparison with the Gran Turismo 5 that runs behind both new cars ... Already they will release the ninth package!!. And don't forget the Porsche package!! I would like your opinion on this ....

I`m a die hard GT fan and I always enjoyed GT5, yes it has many weaknesses, but as long as you drive everything is fine.
I have to admit it really hurts to see how the competition delivers a very good game and keeps pushing it with one dlc after another.

Its not only T10. Shift2 had great DLC too. We had 3 DLC so far, none of them above avarage, especially the lame second one.
PD released this game (unfinsihed in most aspects) earlier then Shift2 and T10... Still the later ones provided more content for ther customer base... Yes, you can say that they ripped off game content before the release, but even then those games had very strong car lists from the beginning while GT5 only had +200 cars (I dont count the standard cars because they were done before work for GT5 started), which was very good of course, but still so small and very few iconic cars (Shift2 has a great collection of M3`s) - and don`t forget, the first DLC only included cars which were already in the game with bodykits/liverys; the second one also some cars which were already in the game, while the third one provided alot of new content (speed test, alot of new cars, the first premiumsized standard car).

One reason for our lack of DLC was certainly the earthquake, I believe this made them stop working on the games for a certain amount of time till they moved their HQ to another place (Which also meant alot of logistic work to be done + its unlikely that every employee stayed when PD moved from Tokiyo, so the staff has probably reshuffled too).

IMO this explains why the first two DLC were so weak (IIRC Spa was already done or almost finished when GT5 released?). Now they probably have given up GT5 already, the GT:A cars and Motegi will probably be the last DLC content we will get.
PD works very slow and inefficient, I doubt that they can afford to give us new cars every 2-3 months without taking away too much new content of GT6.
Plus, with that new free roam thing coming out from Forza, I think that just going to hurt PD that much more. I just hope PD has been taking notes and comes out with a great GT6. Thanks for reading and remember, we don't have to have these flame wars over these two great games. Constructive criticism is good, bashing/flaming is not. Peace.

It seems T10 is just working ten times more effectivly. Pd needs too increase their staff count. If Gt5 was released with all those tracks it wouldn't be half as bad as it's now. Forza is still behind on graphics and lighting but far ahead of everything else. Pd needs too release all those Gt4 tracks. That would really 'save' the game. Then focus on more Premiums.

I have no clue how Pd will handle the car count in Gt6 but if they will still have Standards i dont know how the fans will react. If they do decide too do All premiums how much will there be? And will there actually be Premium Pagani's Koenigseggs and Rufs?

1000 cars are a marketing trick, which looks fine only on the cover of the game. We have four Fiat 500 (almost the same, one premium is enough), many Honda/Acura NSX (one premium model of each generation is also enough), the same with Skylines, MX-5, S2000 (totally ridiculous quantity, the same chassis, performance, only difference is 'UE, 'J or 'US - ONE premium S2000 is sufficient), Opel and its equivalent Vauxhall, etc. If we got rid of it, we would have about 700 - 800 or less, many of them are unremarkable, only 200 premiums, the rest are simply taken from the previous game.

Forza's cars lineup is a truly encyclopaedia, something that Gran Turismo used to be. In terms of this aspect GT5 fell significantly behind.

I don't demand any new cars, I only want many valuable standards to be upgraded to premiums. It would be fair to us.

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What I like about FM4 is that they offer newer cars (by year) and 2012 models in all catagories of cars, including LMP's. There is another DLC today too! 10 more cars.

Keep in mind Turn 10 is still in the honeymoon phase with this title. It may cool off after Forza Horizion is released in October.
URGH!! I'm just saying if the guy with the first post is admiring Forza then just get it. I'm sick of hearing "Forza looks so much better while GT5 took 6 years and you don't get DLC!" Nothing's holding anyone back from getting the game. It seems to me he wants it, so get it.

So basically you want someone to sugar coat it. T10 is more open with their fans it's quite true. You can be a fan of GT and admire Forza, there is nothing wrong with it. Better yet instead of telling that user to just buy forza and drop it, why don't you just leave the thread if reading all this is so awful.
So basically you want someone to sugar coat it. T10 is more open with their fans it's quite true. You can be a fan of GT and admire Forza, there is nothing wrong with it. Better yet instead of telling that user to just buy forza and drop it, why don't you just leave the thread if reading all this is so awful.

I even quoted "Forza's not bad." My intention was never to slam Forza, and ya I believe getting Forza is the most effective way to solve this, but I would love to here your solution mate.
I even quoted "Forza's not bad." My intention was never to slam Forza, and ya I believe getting Forza is the most effective way to solve this, but I would love to here your solution mate.
What's the problem in the first place? It seems that you're the one who's bringing up a problem, not anyone else.
I even quoted "Forza's not bad." My intention was never to slam Forza, and ya I believe getting Forza is the most effective way to solve this, but I would love to here your solution mate.

I have a solution for you. Instead of offering an immature smartass remark like you did telling him to sell his PS3 if he thinks Forza is so great. you could have posted a mature response or not posted nothing at all. Next time try being more mature with your remarks and less of a smartass.
The only hope is that the competition (Turn10), lots of fans of GT series who will probably dump GT in favor of Forza and falling profits force PD to rethink their policy and to listen more to their fans' demands and expectations.
I find this a incredible post. I personally do not want GT to be Forza. I want GT to be GT.

I want you to look at what demands and expectations the fans require, let alone this forum. It's absolutely limitless, let alone are you going to embrace everyone. The more I read, the more I take in the thought of negativity here. This is a GT site right? PD will try, and they very well have been. Which in itself is absolutely noticable. But in the end they'll regardless fail. Thus becoming null, only because the "fans" will always be underwhelmed.
Forza only adds new cars for money. They had made those cars months ago and could easily be put in the game if they waited like 3-4 months.
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