SimVibe (SimXperience)

  • Thread starter the_greeze
I agree with trying to run 2 Xonar, I have a DX model and one that is above that, not at my racing PC ATM. I have had success with an external soundcard and 1 Xonar but not running 2 Xonar's, I will probably go back to the external and 1 Xonar.
venom666, received the card, installed it, set it up per SimVibe instructions and each BK worked in 'chassis mode' and 'extensions mode' in the SimVibe control center. However, when I tried to run iRacing from SimVibe it froze up. I rebooted and tried again and the same thing happened, iRacing froze up again. This time I rebooted and started iRacing normally from my browser and it worked (of course without BKs).

I then shut down iRacing and started SimVibe and tried to start iRacing again from SimVibe. This time it started although there is one part of booting into iRacing that it stops for a second and then continues.

Even though iRacing finally started I'm experiencing some problems which I'm not sure if are related to SimVibe or something else. I've got to try to narrow down what is causing the other issues I'm having (could be the location of one of my BK) but the sound card did work as it should in SimVibe control center.

Great news, thanks.
I will buy this card for sure 👍

ps. in extensions mode you enabled all the 3 effects (seat, pedal shifter)?
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Great news, thanks.
I will buy this card for sure 👍

ps. in extensions mode you enabled all the 3 effects (seat, pedal shifter)?

Yep, all modes are operational, four BKs in chassis mode and three in extensions mode. It's going to take awhile to get everything dialed in. I can see now that for best results you need to create a separate setup for each car.

Does anyone know how to add the 'steering wheel' to extensions mode?
I would uninstall SimVibe and reinstall it, I think I read where Berney has told others with problems that this should be your first thing to try.

I had a problem with Aero peek and SimVibe. I'm not sure where the conflict was but there was a conflict.

Well, it may have helped a little bit, but not enough. I'm still getting stutters :ouch:
I have a quuestion for you guys who have buttkickers plus other brands. Why are the buttkicker mini LFE units so much bigger then all the other brands. Everyone else that makes them they look flat.
Do they provide stronger hitting bass or something compared to other brands in the same price range?
Yep, all modes are operational, four BKs in chassis mode and three in extensions mode. It's going to take awhile to get everything dialed in. I can see now that for best results you need to create a separate setup for each car.

Does anyone know how to add the 'steering wheel' to extensions mode?

i bought the SB1350 but in the windows audio properties of the card i have only "stereo" or "5.1 channel", not quadraphonic.
How did you configured?
I see where you're coming from but I still think tactile on the rest of the rig is important (and effective). :) For example, I have three Mini LFE's on the seat itself, three Mini LFE's under the floorboards where the pedals are mounted and two Aure Pro's; one on the steering wheel mounting plate and one on the shifter assembly. It all works very well as it is so I'm interested to see if this SimVibe application raises tactile to a whole new level 👍

There is a great review of this software on It looks promising, I recently equipped my rig with 3 tactile transducers. A Dayton puck under the pedal platform, a Clark tactile under the seat, and most recently I built a 12" tactile and mounted it in about the center of the sim. I retired a Logitech amp in favor of my latest 75 dollar deal on Craigslist and am now powering the tactiles with with an IceBlue 5000 watt DJ amp. It's my understanding this Simvibe software gives us unconditional support of what and where the sounds go. It is however only for PC and to my knowledge I cant use it on the Xbox, but for games on PC I bet it adds a realism we haven't felt before.
i bought the SB1350 but in the windows audio properties of the card i have only "stereo" or "5.1 channel", not quadraphonic.
How did you configured?

venom666, mine doesn't show quadraphonic either but I'm using it in extension mode where the setting is suppose to be 5.1 channel. Have you tried using it yet? It should work perfect for extensions mode.
venom666, mine doesn't show quadraphonic either but I'm using it in extension mode where the setting is suppose to be 5.1 channel. Have you tried using it yet? It should work perfect for extensions mode.

Ok i will use the onboard Realtek set 4 channel for the chassis mode and the Recon3d set 5.1 for extension mode.
I have not all the Aura yet for my configuration so i make only a test.
Is there some particular setting for the 5.1 on the Recon3d? Have you set it from Windows audio properties or from Creative program?
Thanks a lot.
There is a great review of this software on It looks promising, I recently equipped my rig with 3 tactile transducers. A Dayton puck under the pedal platform, a Clark tactile under the seat, and most recently I built a 12" tactile and mounted it in about the center of the sim. I retired a Logitech amp in favor of my latest 75 dollar deal on Craigslist and am now powering the tactiles with with an IceBlue 5000 watt DJ amp. It's my understanding this Simvibe software gives us unconditional support of what and where the sounds go. It is however only for PC and to my knowledge I cant use it on the Xbox, but for games on PC I bet it adds a realism we haven't felt before.

Simvibe works great. It will be hard to go back to using your transducers on console games without it. It actually uses what your car is doing instead of sound.
You can feel as small of bumps and movements of the car as you want and can tune them to hit at the frequency you want. The amount of user tweaking is fantastic and does take time to get everything just right.
It's the best piece of software you can get for sim racing.
Ok i will use the onboard Realtek set 4 channel for the chassis mode and the Recon3d set 5.1 for extension mode.
I have not all the Aura yet for my configuration so i make only a test.
Is there some particular setting for the 5.1 on the Recon3d? Have you set it from Windows audio properties or from Creative program?
Thanks a lot.

In the Creative program I made sure any '3D' effects, etc were turned off and I set the speakers to 'Large' as suggested by the SimVibe. I also set the speakers to 'Large' in Windows audio properties for the Sound Blaster card.
In the Creative program I made sure any '3D' effects, etc were turned off and I set the speakers to 'Large' as suggested by the SimVibe. I also set the speakers to 'Large' in Windows audio properties for the Sound Blaster card.

Thanks, i hope to do a test tomorrow.
Thanks again
Does anyone know how to add the steering wheel to the extensions mode in SimVibe? I've heard you can do this but haven't seen any info on how to do this.
Pretty sure there's no actual steering wheel option. Perhaps you mean people that have added a shaker near the steering wheel mounting point.

lol..that told me :D I'd never seen it cos it was hidden
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Does anyone know how to add the steering wheel to the extensions mode in SimVibe? I've heard you can do this but haven't seen any info on how to do this.


You can add the wheel extension by manual editing the SimVibeExtensions.XML file in located in the C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Documents\SimXperience Commander 3\Hardware Settings folder.

Change the line




Save and restart simcommander :)
That´s what the forums are for :D

lol..I've never seen it mentioned anywhere before, is why is it hidden in the first place?

SimVibe updates seemed to stop very early on in it's life and the support questions rarely get answered so I stopped looking at it ages ago. But saying that I love SimVibe and rarely make any changes as I have it setup just right for my current racers :)
lol..I've never seen it mentioned anywhere before, is why is it hidden in the first place?

SimVibe updates seemed to stop very early on in it's life and the support questions rarely get answered so I stopped looking at it ages ago. But saying that I love SimVibe and rarely make any changes as I have it setup just right for my current racers :)

When i was beta testing i asked Berney Villers, why this mode was not implemented. He told me that it was hidden mainly because of two issues

1. De FFB of the wheel would not be in sync with simvibe
2. A lot of wheels can´t handle the forces of the transducers, so they were afraid that simvibe would kill the endusers wheels.

I fully agree with you on the lack of updates and support, which is a real shame :grumpy:

Last i asked about simvibe support on WRC3 and i got the reply that they don´t support a game that isn´t official for sale in the US. If somehow they could get hold of a copy they would look into it. A month later when you can buy the game anywhere on the world online, i asked the same question and never got a reply back.

I really hope we we see some updates and hope ALL the new sims will be supported.:)
When i was beta testing i asked Berney Villers, why this mode was not implemented. He told me that it was hidden mainly because of two issues

1. De FFB of the wheel would not be in sync with simvibe
2. A lot of wheels can´t handle the forces of the transducers, so they were afraid that simvibe would kill the endusers wheels.

I fully agree with you on the lack of updates and support, which is a real shame :grumpy:

Last i asked about simvibe support on WRC3 and i got the reply that they don´t support a game that isn´t official for sale in the US. If somehow they could get hold of a copy they would look into it. A month later when you can buy the game anywhere on the world online, i asked the same question and never got a reply back.

I really hope we we see some updates and hope ALL the new sims will be supported.:)

Thanks for the reply :)

You can add the wheel extension by manual editing the SimVibeExtensions.XML file in located in the C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Documents\SimXperience Commander 3\Hardware Settings folder.

Change the line




Save and restart simcommander :)

Thank you HoiHman, I don't think I would have ever found that. Just one other question when you set the line to 'True' does the wheel show up in the SimVibe control panel extensions mode GUI? I'll check this out later after I change the line from 'false' to 'true' but I'm sure other's may have the same question so posting that info here would be useful (I'll post what I find if you do not read this before I get a chance to check it out).

Who has the wheel option enabled? How do you like it?

And you are correct HoiHman, this type of information is exactly what the forums are for, but without people like you, left888, Mayaman and many others who are willing to take the time to offer assistance the forums would not be as helpful.
After you have edited the XML you can add the wheel output mix in the simvibe control panel for each game next to all other output mixes.

I have not tested the wheel extension myself because with 3 extensions combined with the chassismode, i have enough zones already. :D
Not sure about "wheel effects" wouldn't be wanting to have effects detract from the FFB the wheel produces.

What is the general opinion regards track texture effects?
Better with or without. How do you guys prefer it?

Sorry I am still buying components for my build, having recently upped the layout to include 4x 12" subs to partner the 4x LFE for each chassis channel and buying a 2nd 429 platinum for front end LFE effects for crashes etc.
Not sure about "wheel effects" wouldn't be wanting to have effects detract from the FFB the wheel produces.

What is the general opinion regards track texture effects?
Better with or without. How do you guys prefer it?

Sorry I am still buying components for my build, having recently upped the layout to include 4x 12" subs to partner the 4x LFE for each chassis channel and buying a 2nd 429 platinum for front end LFE effects for crashes etc.

Depends on the game probably, the only game I have used it with is iRacing.

In iRacing it's completely different for oval and road cars. For road cars the texture effects seem to be more of a subtle little bump and kind of pick up things the suspension effects miss.
On oval cars the suspension effects do nothing and you switch to road bumps instead of suspension. In oval the textures seem a little stronger but still seem to pick up the things the road bump effects miss. It seems to be more for little tiny bumps.

I think i have a pretty decent grasp of the simvibe software now and have mine setup to where I feel almost everything just how i want it on the road side and am really close to getting my oval setup perfect.

It really does change alot from car to car though on the road side. I really only drive 2 cars, the skippy and spec racer and for the spec racer the suspension seems to be alot softer then the skippy so you need to change your dynamic range and intensity for it.

I think as far as texture goes you need it for all cars just to add the tiny bumps and cahnges in the track that the suspension doesn't pick up.

The vertical effects are also pretty important to use to get everything just right and take some playing with.

One thing I noticed that helped alot is changing the suspension effects to work with compression and decompression.

None of this may apply to you at all though. The things that work for me might not work for you at all depending on how stiff your setup is. I use it with a playseat and think this helps me. It really lets the vibrations travel through my rig and lets you feel alot of different frequency settings very strong.
Depends on the game probably, the only game I have used it with is iRacing.

It really does change alot from car to car though on the road side. I really only drive 2 cars, the skippy and spec racer and for the spec racer the suspension seems to be alot softer then the skippy so you need to change your dynamic range and intensity for it.

Hi bevo, you wouldn't happen to have a "saved setup" for the spec racer for SimVibe would you? Between the Riley and MX-5 I have been racing the spec racer more and more. I would love to race the Radical more but it isn't getting any love from the members lately.
Hi bevo, you wouldn't happen to have a "saved setup" for the spec racer for SimVibe would you? Between the Riley and MX-5 I have been racing the spec racer more and more. I would love to race the Radical more but it isn't getting any love from the members lately.

I have one, that works pretty good, but the way I have mine setup is on a playseat. I have 2 mini LFEs on each side of my seat, and then one buttkicker gamer on the center cossbar that I set to rear in chasis mode. I use the front suspension on my 2 side LFEs and set engine REV to rear and a few other things. I'll give it a better look tonight after the kids are asleep. I could send you the install and drive file and you could just switch the rev off of rear to all all 4 and add the rear suspension effects.

I've completely taking the rear suspension effects off of it because they just overpowered my front effects and just didn't really like the feel of them since I only have the 2 side LFEs to transmit it felt better with just the front suspension.

I don't know how well it would work for you but it would probably give you a good starting point for the front and then you could just match the rear to that. I wish I had a way to get 4 of them going on my rig. I've thought about building one, but I really want to wait awhile and just enjoy what i have for now. I'm running out of upgrades i want to do, and if i went full blown DIY I wouldn't have anything left to upgrade :) Adding new stuff is half the fun of it. I'm going to hold off until I get bored with what I have.

I'll post the install and drive in the iracing install and drive thread. I'll label it spec racer.
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I forgot about matching transducers, so your configuration will not work for me. ATM, I have 6 Aura bass shakers and 2 buttkicker gamer II's, I love how I have my Riley DP set up, however the MX-5 and the spec racer seem a little light. Mind you I haven't really worked on them very much. I'll add those to my list. :)

I understand completely about upgrades, you're preaching to the choir here. :D Once SymProjects release their multi rev burner I can complete my dash with 6 gauges.