SimVibe (SimXperience)

  • Thread starter the_greeze
It feels great now apart from the fact that I can't really feel the curbs for some reason (tested at Belgium Forest). Even though I feel road and off-road noise as well as impacts fine.

Maybe someone here has an idea on how to improve this?

I have the same...may be something to do with the track rather than SV :s

Also when starting CARS just now, SV didn't seem to register at first so I had to alt+tab out, stop SV and hit CARS logo in SV again and it was fine. I am using x-sim3 as well so can be fiddly as have to start that first.
With the last build of SimVibe, when i exit to the menù, my BKG2 continues to vibrate until i exit from pcars.....
Someone has the same issue??
Try hitting Auto Discover button?

Tried that while setting it up as well, even uninstalled SimVibe and reinstalled and it still doesn't see it. Not sure what the problem is. After this season (iRacing) my rig is getting it's 100 hour full rebuild. I have a few plans I want to work on. I will more then likely miss the following season and rejoin around fall.

Hopefully when I try installing everything again I can get things going in the proper direction. For me I have really only been mostly hot lapping pCARS so I can go without it until it matures some more. Thanks Steve for taking the time to reply. :)

Pcars build 439 there is another user on pcars forum with the same issue

never mind. :ouch:
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With the last build of SimVibe, when i exit to the menù, my BKG2 continues to vibrate until i exit from pcars.....
Someone has the same issue??

Ive had this a couple of times. I found that making sure there is no vibes when exiting a race helps. Also if it is still shaking rejoin a race an exit when not shaking fixes it.
Ive had this a couple of times. I found that making sure there is no vibes when exiting a race helps. Also if it is still shaking rejoin a race an exit when not shaking fixes it.

If you have engine vibration enabled, your workaround don't works.
Tonight i try if this happens only with pcars.
I personally don't like engine vibration effect so delete it in all my profiles.
My fav effects are usually gear change, road/wind noise and either suspension effects or road textures.. They're normally enough for me :)
Hi guys, I need your help, Mr.latte where are you?!:)
I finally will add the tactile transducer to my cockpit. I will get the f TST239 tranducers by Clark Syntesis that I will put in the seat and 2 Bass Aura, one over the brake pedal and one under my DSD sequenzial pro-shifter!
Now, I have to ask you, where I should mount the Clark one, directly to the seat body or behind it?


I mean, position A, directly to the seat body, under the seat?
Or, I thougt to put wooden frame between the the two aluminium profile where the seat is mounted and mount the Clark over it and behind the seat, position B!
What do you think?:)
Hi, the Clark models ship with different brackets.

You could mount it under your seat. Although if such a direct connection is a little too strong consider adding a little extra foam/cushioning or alternatively use a rubber isolator to connect between the tactile and bottom of seat to help dampen the effects a little.

Although the TST 239 is listed as requiring mounting only horizontal they state on their website it can go vertical as well and I believe at least one user here has his this way.

Is their a reason you would not consider 2x TST 239 for 1 each side of the seat for stereo effects? Then get other units later for pedals/shifter?
Hi, the Clark models ship with different brackets.

You could mount it under your seat. Although if such a direct connection is a little too strong consider adding a little extra foam/cushioning or alternatively use a rubber isolator to connect between the tactile and bottom of seat to help dampen the effects a little.

Although the TST 239 is listed as requiring mounting only horizontal they state on their website it can go vertical as well and I believe at least one user here has his this way.

Is their a reason you would not consider 2x TST 239 for 1 each side of the seat for stereo effects? Then get other units later for pedals/shifter?
Becuase here in Israel every thing costs the double or the triple!
Consider that only the TST239 and the Amplifier have costed me around 600$!
The TST 239 alone costs 320$
Then add the 2 Bass Aura- 150$, so the total is around 750$:crazy:
However, thanks you mate!
Becuase here in Israel every thing costs the double or the triple!
Consider that only the TST239 and the Amplifier have costed me around 600$!
The TST 239 alone costs 320$
Then add the 2 Bass Aura- 150$, so the total is around 750$:crazy:
However, thanks you mate!

Hey I thought UK import duty was bad.
I know someone you should seek for possible prices as he is based in Cyprus.

PM me sometime and if you want a cheap set of 2nd hand briefly used Aura Pro let me know I have 4-5 of them sitting doing nothing. :)
Hey I thought UK import duty was bad.
I know someone you should seek for possible prices as he is based in Cyprus.

PM me sometime and if you want a cheap set of 2nd hand briefly used Aura Pro let me know I have 4-5 of them sitting doing nothing. :)
Great, I will PM you soon!👍
$18,000?? Hell no, if anyone buys that, they are a complete idiot. You can get a 90's Porsche Boxtser for around the same price as that sim rig, and have WAAAAYYY more fun.

Simply, not, worth.
Back with my dashboard issues :(
I thought I'd resovled it months ago but I must have just given up.
Anyway, looking at it again this evening and my problem is that anytime I move tab or exit and come back in, it defaults my dashboard settings all to 0 (height, width, zoom) so I dont know when I'm loading or saving a dashboard what it is actually doing cos I cannot see any dash items.
I've tried using a simple one gauge dash and it doesn't do anything. It lets me save etc but when I try and load i get nothing showing and everytime the background tab shows everything at 0 again. I've tried increasing height and width etc before saving but makes no difference.
Any pointers : ?
Just bought this, the Pepperdecks Djoclate, today to aid Simvibe with some audio tactile mixed in.
I now use the bass kill on the audio channel and use that to bring some more life into the higher frequency vibrations.
I think the result is pretty nice and for the price (39.90 euros) it's hard to go wrong. After all you can always use it for something else at some point. :)

For those interested, you can order from their site with worldwide shipping.


Is it possible to connect SimVibe output to a 5.1 home theater receiver and get good results?

I've got a single Aura Bass Shaker and for Aura Pucks along with a spare 5.1 receiver that I've had sitting here for 2 or 3 years.

How would I wire it all up and how would I configure the software? I tried searching Google and came up with this thread but couldn't really find exactly what I was looking for.
A normal 5.1 receiver will only allow you to run 2 shakers from simvibe. You would use the analogue L/R inputs and output via speaker L/R
In basic terms, one channel in is one speaker out and most 5.1 receivers will only have a stereo input
Be sure to check the resistance (Ohms) on your amp.

If you have an 8 Ohm amplifier, you should not drive speakers with a lower value with it.
If you do put a 4 Ohm speaker on it the amp will become too hot as the speaker tries to draw too much power out of it. This can easily result in permanent damage to your amp, and being the end for it as well.

I tried this carefully yesterday as well with an old Akai dolby prologic receiver. It said 8-16 Ohm on the receiver, I put a buttkicker mini lfe on there which is rated 4 Ohm. The result was that my amp become hot and I started to notice a burning electronics smell.

So please be careful. Amps are more expensive than speakers after all.
Is it possible to connect SimVibe output to a 5.1 home theater receiver and get good results?

I've got a single Aura Bass Shaker and for Aura Pucks along with a spare 5.1 receiver that I've had sitting here for 2 or 3 years.

How would I wire it all up and how would I configure the software? I tried searching Google and came up with this thread but couldn't really find exactly what I was looking for.

It depends on the amplifier but yes it is a very easy and cheap way of powering multiple tactile from one unit.

Ideally a second hand bargin of a decent quality amplifier from the mid 00's should have all you need. Back then good amplifiers typically came with:

  • 100w + per channel @ 4 ohm support (rare these days on mid priced units)
  • 5.1 - 7.1 Multichannel inputs (very rare these days)


The mulitchannel inputs allow you to connect each channel separately for any multichannel based sound source. Take note however when using multichannel inputs the AV amplifer has no control over the sound other than direct amplification. So you would make changes on your soundcard and simvibe software for bass/treble eq etc.

If your unit does not have this then look on auction sites and then search for reviews of any models. Typically you could get a $£600-$£1000 originally priced unit for about a 1/5 or 1/4 of the original price.

Yamaha are among the easiest to use, Sony has very strong amplification with in some models heavier bass, Onkyo are similar but some of their models run rather hot. Also consider a Denon. Pioneer and Marantz had some good units but I always found them quirkier to use with their menu systems.

You could create a tactile configuration with multiple channels that supports Sim-vibe and audio based tactile. It is not hard to do at all and using DSP like DTS Neo 6 or Dolby Pro LogicIIx for consoles etc.

When you say "pucks" do you mean Dayton Pucks. Mr Ganji referred to the Aura Pro as "Pucks" in a recent video which is wrong. The "Puck" is about the size of an ice hockey puck, hence the name (I guess).

*Edit: I knew I had a pic somewhere.

Top Right is the "Dayton Pucks"

Tactile from 15 watts with the Dayton Puck - 1500 watts with the Buttkicker LFE.
I know what I prefer :)

If you want really good results the "Pucks" are not the way to go. Cheap and nice to experience tactile but remember tactile is about "feeling" so the lower the sub-harmonics can operate the better the experience can be.
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Sorry, mixed those up. Yes, 4 Dayton Pucks and 1 Aura Bass Shaker.

Thanks for the info, getting ready to go to sleep, so I'll have a better look at it tomorrow morning.
Sorry, mixed those up. Yes, 4 Dayton Pucks and 1 Aura Bass Shaker.

Thanks for the info, getting ready to go to sleep, so I'll have a better look at it tomorrow morning.

No probs, got me on late lunch break!
Connecting is simple with 3.5mm - Phone/RCA and then speaker cable.
Off-topic a bit... ish...

What I have done this weekend.
I have been playing with the new Behringer iNuke NU1000DSP amp I got. Which required some soldering of new cables to hook up the Buttkickers.

Made a cable from SpeakOn -> 1/4" Male Jack, plus attached a 1/4" Female Jack to my mini LFE. As for the BKG2, I kept the original cable intact and just attached the following cable to the banana plugs. So... Female Banana -> 1/4" Female Jack Plug.

I also put a female and male jack plug in between my normal front speakers so I can attach the amp to them and fiddle with the DSP a bit easier. After all it is easier to hear the DSP changes to make than to feel them.
Attaching jack plugs ended up being really handy and they are easy to use. They will connect and disconnect without unwanted noise. Also they act as a quick disconnect if you trip over it. Kinda like the xbox controller cables.

The usb controlled DSP is really handy. It has a limiter, crossover, parametric equalizer, dynamic equalizer and delay.
Plus you have a good amount of presets you can save on the amp and else save them on the PC.
I only need a spectrum analyzer now to see in which frequencies ranges Simvibe operates to dial in everything a bit better/easier.
The tough point is actually equalizing the frequency response of the buttkickers, as you can only feel it. The fact that frequencies are dampened by the chair's cushions doesn't help either, especially in the higher ranges where a sharp fall off happens.
I agree to an extent in hearing what signals your tactile is getting to give a good understanding of the frequencies. One of the reasons I have used a sub at the same time with my own tests.

If you want to mess around with spectrum analyzers, maybe try this one.
I have used it a bit and it seems quite good.



Maybe check this out

Oh and remember back on my thread I mentioned a setting for the Mini LFE, so be interesting to see how you find it and what you come up with instead. Leave the DEQ until you get suitable settings for the PEQ.
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I agree to an extent in hearing what signals your tactile is getting to give a good understanding of the frequencies. One of the reasons I have used a sub at the same time with my own tests.

If you want to mess around with spectrum analyzers, maybe try this one.
I have used it a bit and it seems quite good.


Maybe check this out

Oh and remember back on my thread I mentioned a setting for the Mini LFE, so be interesting to see how you find it and what you come up with instead. Leave the DEQ until you get suitable settings for the PEQ.

I actually have Audio Tool by Performance Audio on my iPhone which has a scope in it.
The only downside is that you can't pickup the sounds correctly coming from tactile with an iPhone. :(

I have seen those settings, but have not tried them yet. I will soon though.

What I did do today was play with the delay on my amp to adjust for the offset between the virtual car's kingpin for each wheel to their respective buttkickers.
Or in my case from the axles to the transducers, as I don't have 4 but just 2 kickers.
One of my kickers is mounted on my pedals and the other one is under my seat.

As you might imagine the pedal and seat positions are different in each car. So the distance from there to each wheel is different. A normal car has a different seating position than a modern F1 car, and an 80's Lotus 98T is different again. Also a left hand drive and right hand drive car will be different, so the timing of the vibrations until they reach the driver is different as well.

Than there is the problem that every rig out there is different in size and shape, and everyone mounted their tactile transducer in a different place.
But there is one thing most of us have in common. Absolutely non of our rigs is a full sized car with the transducers mounted at the wheel positions to create a 0.00 meters offset between the virtual car and the rig.

So what I did was (for now) estimate roughly the distance of a general car from wheel to wheel. I went with a guess of roughly 4 meters.
I have the front channels plugged into Channel A on the amp and rear channels in Channel B (So... PC green output -> Stereo Mini Jack -> Stereo RCA -> RCA Y Splitter -> 1/4" Mono Jack -> Channel A input. Same for Rears' black output to Channel B).
The amp switched to Dual Mono and the PC's Realtek output to 5.1. Not Quadrophonic, as this causes a blend in the front and rear channels. You'd want all channels to be separate.
In SimCommander I switched off the "Light Blend" in the Chassis Mode options. After all, the blend will happy naturally in your rig and doesn't need to be aided. Having the rear axle replicate what the front did or the other way around is just weird.

Now for a general car I first dialed in a 1.60 meter delay for Channel A (mini LFE on pedals), and a 2.30 meter delay on Channel B (BKG2). So that's a total of 4 meters distance without a seam. Though I might need to put a seam in there which is the distance between the front and rear buttkickers, which is 1.30 meters on my rig. Which with these settings would result in tyre to tyre length of 1.60m + 1.30m + 2.30M = 5.20m. By comparison, the length of a Mitsubish Evo X is 4.33 meters. Ooops.
Anyways... I will continue fiddling with it for a while.
I will probably go with a 0.75m + 1.30m + 1.95m = 4.00 meters a bit later tonight.

With this (the 1.60 and 2.30) I went for a drive in Dirt 2 and drove with a pickup on the first Baja course. The impacts are phenomenal when you land. You can definitely feel the length of the car during the impact, as you feel the whole vibrations traveling down your rig in such a nice manner. It really made me think I was really in that car and I caught myself bracing for impact even. lol

A tip for those who mount their tactile transducers upside down. Set the phase to 180 degrees on the iNuke amp, or on any other amp, just switch around physical polarity (the plus and minus leads).
The reason is that the vibrations it makes will be reversed. A thing you wish to do as you want the vibe to be going in the right direction.
So let's say if a suspension bottoms out on impact. This would mean the impact goes from the bottom to the top of the car, as in the direction the wheel is pushed and the suspension compressed.
However, if you have your transducer physically reversed it would project this impact downwards into the floor. To get this back into the right direction you can change the phase/polarity.
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I made a small picture to maybe make things more clear what I mean to do with the delay.
