The A500 is a good amp, but it's rated at a minimum of 4 ohm impedance. So it won't be powerful enough to drive the Gamer2.
I had not complaints about it when I was trying out HoiHman's rig though. However, I rather direct you to him by waiting for his reply here or send him a pm on here. He has more experience with that amp and will be able to tell you a bit more about it.
For everyone (and you too coopersam):
I wish you guys to watch the following video.
The video is about "clipping".
Clipping is actually what causes the bottoming out because of the usage of a too weak amplifier.
During the time that it bottoms out and stands still for a bit, it actually quickly heats up the copper coil inside the speaker. If this happens long enough, the coil will heat up so much that it will burn up.
In short this means that due to a too weak amp you will blow up your expensive speakers.
This because you need to drive the amp on or over its limits to drive your speaker, causing the AC current's alternation to happen too slower for that amount of power. Which means you end up with DC and the speaker ending up bottomed out (one way or the other end of the coil).
ps. Also note that bottoming out and the thumb sound it caused was the reason for Simxperience to have the special Simvibe Edition made on which they only seemed to have replaced the foam ends for a soft piece of foam. Which tends to quickly wear and stick out the holes in the end camps of the speakers.
Personally I dislike this edition, as with a good amp you shouldn't have any issues with bottoming out. I bought that mini LFE from HoiHman and it doesn't bottom out for me, and I also tried the Simvibe Edition at his place. I myself did not feel any difference between these two.
An example why I think the Buttkicker Gamer 2 kit is bad.
I grabbed the following info from the specifications site.
As you all can see, the amplifier in the kit is rated at 90 watts @ 2 ohm.
The minimum power the speaker of the Gamer 2 wants is 75 watts @ 2 ohm.
Now we all have pretty rigid steel/alu rigs. So to get that solid material moving/vibrating you need to get a lot of force going.
Now at 75 watts the amp is already close to its limits, but the speaker only just starts to move. When you sit in your chair it will be hard to even feel anything.
So you push the 'volume +' button a few times and when you finally get something going that you can feel, what happens. The red light starts to just light up, the amp is clipping. Causing damage to your speaker by overheating its coil due to a DC current, but also to the amp as that is (over)heating its components as well due to working at/over the limit (which was a big issue with the original Buttkicker Gamer amp).
And all this will the speaker still can handle a spare 310 watts @ 2 ohm than what the amp can deliver. So the speaker is fine, but those amps are simply not compatible.
Lastly below you find a QA about the "bottoming out"/"knocking"/"banging" of the Gamer in the quick start manual's FAQ section.
As you can see they also warn that you will risk blowing up your equipment if you use it whilst clipping over a longer period of time. Only they used a more round'a'bout wording to not scare off people from a purchase I think.