Trust me steve one day I will give a low down on my own experiences/findings and thoughts.
These DSP units start from £200 and compare that to what BK are charging for their amplifiers. A user could spend approx £160 more to have 4x Mini LFE and dual inuke dsp 1000 over say purchasing 4x Buttkicker Gamers that ISR showcased.
For that £160 you'd get a lot more for your money.
Yes their is the issue of over complicating things but these amps allow me to get rid of seperate EQ units which some guys in the forums have used. Now you can do it all within one lightweight CLASS D amplifier unit and controlled via on-screen PC/desktop using the USB. It may not be the route everyone wants to go and well everyone to their own preference that is their decision.
With inuke dsp you can fine tune to a level not common with added advantages.
- Set a limit for max output:
- Determine a Hz range the tactile operate within to .1 of a Hz
- Select ANY Hz range from 20Hz - 20K
- Use multiple types of filters
- Save multiple pre-sets
- Run the amps in mono/stereo/bridge mode
You want an LFE to operate at only 20Hz-45Hz to examine its low end with it's own EQ and settings = no problem!
You want to test a unit from 50Hz - 150Hz to sample it's detailing with its own EQ and settings again = no problem!
You cannot do things like this with Simvibe or standard amps and find the peak performance/personal preference each user may want for their tactile to operate.
Let's say your tactile bottoms at a set volume or Hz range, simple you can go to that exact frequency ranges that cause the problem and alter it accordingly with +/- gain. With the tuning options available and a users own Simvibe settings I would personally say at present their would be few better solutions.
I have spent a lot on tactile and well this is the best combination I have found for me anyways.
Mark can confirm how easy it is to control and I will even use the software on a touch screen along with Simvibe.
You will find guys over at AVS with their cinema rigs also praising these inuke models.