SimVibe (SimXperience)

  • Thread starter the_greeze
Just downloaded the latest Simvibe update and now we have support for Project CARS:gtpflag:

Ooooh... Simvibe and pCARS? This has been a great Easter for me. :D
Will try it later today. Thanks for the update, Henk!
Berney has been busy, because in the plug-in list i can also see Assetto Corsa Preview 👍

Very happy that these games get the simvibe support they need. :D


Project CARS works excellent with simvibe, only minor issues with laptiming on the dashboards.

Assetto Corsa only seems to work with engine and gearshift data for now, but it's a start
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Just downloaded the latest Simvibe update and now we have support for Project CARS:gtpflag:

Great News... 👍
Told ya that Berney was keen to get new titles added!
Now I have more enthusiasm to play around with it soon.

Regards any issues I have had with the guy and I have said this before his software and cockpits are indeed excellent. Great to see him being quick getting onto the case of adding support as it seems X-sim people are doing the same.

This was a concern I had with other motion seats, great having the product but if the software and updates are slow to incorporate new titles it has a bearing on the whole enjoyment.

Also updates are so simple and easy...

Well done to Mr.Villers and being so quick with this, he has pushed for it pretty hard for sometime over at WMD.
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Can't wait to try this tonight..
I changed my GPU this week so finally (after a touch of overclocking) I'm finally getting some half decent visuals from pCARS without chugging a 15fps
I did a couple of races on old Spa this morning with the Lotus

I used my F1 2012 simvibe profile which works pretty good "out of the box" with PCARS. I will do some tweaking later, but it's a very good start.

It just felt like X-mas this morning : PCARS with simvibe and a new videocard :D

Very happy that we finally have an update for simvibe. When they did not support WRC3 with advanced plugin, i was fearing the same thing as MrLatte:

Having al those buttkickers and no support for new games.
Keep us updated on how well it feels/works...

Just sold my Behringer EP4000 on ebay.
Have the inuke 6000 dsp coming to replace it and finally will be able to easily test the LFE Buttkickers at upto their 1500w rating. :)

These "inuke dsp" to me are the best amps available for tactile, though a little expensive.
So much control with their Parametric EQ and feature set.

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Keep us updated on how well it feels/works...

Just sold my Behringer EP4000 on ebay.
Have the inuke 6000 dsp coming to replace it and finally will be able to easily test the LFE Buttkickers at upto their 1500w rating. :)

These "inuke dsp" to me are the best amps available for tactile, though a little expensive.
So much control with their Parametric EQ and feature set.


Are these not a bit OTT for use with something like SimVibe? If SV deals in frequencies and pulls out from the game and puts out to the amp the right mHZ for the effect then is it not a case of we only actually need the amplification?
I could be wrong of has been known on many occasions :D
Are these not a bit OTT for use with something like SimVibe? If SV deals in frequencies and pulls out from the game and puts out to the amp the right mHZ for the effect then is it not a case of we only actually need the amplification?
I could be wrong of has been known on many occasions :D

Have you not seen the stuff Latte has already steve :lol:
He only does OTT :)

Trust me steve one day I will give a low down on my own experiences/findings and thoughts.

These DSP units start from £200 and compare that to what BK are charging for their amplifiers. A user could spend approx £160 more to have 4x Mini LFE and dual inuke dsp 1000 over say purchasing 4x Buttkicker Gamers that ISR showcased.

For that £160 you'd get a lot more for your money.

Yes their is the issue of over complicating things but these amps allow me to get rid of seperate EQ units which some guys in the forums have used. Now you can do it all within one lightweight CLASS D amplifier unit and controlled via on-screen PC/desktop using the USB. It may not be the route everyone wants to go and well everyone to their own preference that is their decision.

With inuke dsp you can fine tune to a level not common with added advantages.

  • Set a limit for max output:
  • Determine a Hz range the tactile operate within to .1 of a Hz
  • Select ANY Hz range from 20Hz - 20K
  • Use multiple types of filters
  • Save multiple pre-sets
  • Run the amps in mono/stereo/bridge mode

You want an LFE to operate at only 20Hz-45Hz to examine its low end with it's own EQ and settings = no problem!
You want to test a unit from 50Hz - 150Hz to sample it's detailing with its own EQ and settings again = no problem!

You cannot do things like this with Simvibe or standard amps and find the peak performance/personal preference each user may want for their tactile to operate.

Let's say your tactile bottoms at a set volume or Hz range, simple you can go to that exact frequency ranges that cause the problem and alter it accordingly with +/- gain. With the tuning options available and a users own Simvibe settings I would personally say at present their would be few better solutions.

I have spent a lot on tactile and well this is the best combination I have found for me anyways.
Mark can confirm how easy it is to control and I will even use the software on a touch screen along with Simvibe.

You will find guys over at AVS with their cinema rigs also praising these inuke models.
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Hey guys,
I've got the nu3000dsp like Mr Latte's and its miles better than a buttkicker wireless amp that costs more, fair do's the they do sell just the wireless amp without the wireless kit for £200 but needng 2 of these wuld be £400, the nu3000dsp can be got for arund £260/280 and is stereo, it allso lets you alter the frequency's whch can really help tweak the setup perfectly.

I'd suggest the nu6000dsp though over the 3000 as its not much more bt has oodles mre power according to its specs.

Simevibe and pcars is great :)

Asd i'm stalking mrlatte i'll probly get the 6000 if he gives it a thumbs up for when i'm lfe only in the future.

Thanks mrlatte for spending your money so i dont have to :)
I have just moved house and set my rig up, My buttkickers are showing as not connected in audio settings.

I have them running off mobo soundcard and it's enabled in bios settings also.

Any ideas of why they are showing as not connected?
Installed SimXperience Commander today and set up all my games manually because they are not in the default location.
So fine so good.. But after every restart of the commander either the iRacing or the pCARS Sim Setup is not shown. The game itself is still properly installed in sim commander settings but the icon is deleted. After automatic research the icon is back..
Anyone else with that problem?
Installed SimXperience Commander today and set up all my games manually because they are not in the default location.
So fine so good.. But after every restart of the commander either the iRacing or the pCARS Sim Setup is not shown. The game itself is still properly installed in sim commander settings but the icon is deleted. After automatic research the icon is back..
Anyone else with that problem?

I have the same issue and also simvibe doesnt work in pcars for me. All looks right and seems like it should work, but no vibes. Dont know how to solve either issue.
mhm I cant tell about simvibe in pcars as I only set up the commander today. tomorrow the aura bass shakers and my amp will arrive and will be set up on wednesday and then I can look if I get simvibe working with pcars.
I am also in contact with Berney about the deleting problem but he cant reproduce it for now. Bit interesting to see that I am not the only one with that prob..
Good stuff :)

This is the update for SimVibe released today

Solved conflict between iRacing and Project Cars unique identifiers causing these sim setups not to save correctly in some instances.

Fix for enabling motion & SimVibe on 1st lap of pCars practice or time trial

Fix to Race 07 Auto Max RPM for SimVibe

Correction of default pCARS SimVibe Sim Setups to include Road Bumps effct, not Suspension. Please delete pCars sim setups and press auto-detect to get the correction after instal this update.
puuuh I just set up my new system with two Aurashakers with SimVibe and .. arghhhuuum I feel buzzed.
Driving with shakers is pure porn. :D

Anyone wanna share their profiles? I cant get a nice feeling in pCars.. iRacing feels good without these ugly rear/front suspension bumps.. ^^
I can not get SimVibe to work for pCARS, SimVibe doesn't even see pCARS, I manually set up pCARS but it still doesn't see it. Any suggestions?
Finally got to setup Simvibe properly with pCARS.
I had to adjust the strength of some effects, as well as the frequency band for the engine vibration.
It feels great now apart from the fact that I can't really feel the curbs for some reason (tested at Belgium Forest). Even though I feel road and off-road noise as well as impacts fine.

Maybe someone here has an idea on how to improve this?
I can not get SimVibe to work for pCARS, SimVibe doesn't even see pCARS, I manually set up pCARS but it still doesn't see it. Any suggestions?

What do you mean doesn't see it?
When you set up manually you have an icon etc and can start pCARS but no output in game?