Smarter AI

  • Thread starter cletus 669
Did a search but this did not fit in, I don't think. I remembered a motorcycle game that I played years ago, name not important, I can't remember anyway. The AI riders would leave you alone until you messed with them first. Then they would run you off the road or crash you. If that tecnology was there years ago why can't GT5 have AI that does that instead of driving around the track like a train on tracks? If this thread shouldn't be here or has been done then please move/delete and sorry for the inconvience.
Sure AI in GT4 needed to be fixed, but if you are a hardcore sim racer, and you fallow Racing line to heart, the AI is perfect. Only casual player and racers think its bad, because you enter corner too fast or too slow, and AI hits you.. I wonder why.

But don't worry Kaz mentions New AI and better one will be in Full game.
Sure AI in GT4 needed to be fixed, but if you are a hardcore sim racer, and you fallow Racing line to heart, the AI is perfect. Only casual player and racers think its bad, because you enter corner too fast or too slow, and AI hits you.. I wonder why.

But don't worry Kaz mentions New AI and better one will be in Full game.

I agree, but say you did miss your breaking piont and rearended an AI, then 2 laps later it catches you and returns the favor, I think it would cause even the casual player to be more careful not to crash-n-punt if they know if that AI catches them they will regret it.
I agree, but say you did miss your breaking piont and rearended an AI, then 2 laps later it catches you and returns the favor, I think it would cause even the casual player to be more careful not to crash-n-punt if they know if that AI catches them they will regret it.

Yeah that songs good. I hope GT5 does not read your GT5Prologue save data ! :scared:

For the first 5 races, the AI would have REVENGE one me, especially GT5 promises damage for internal and external abuse!

This will happen to me on Pit-lane!

GT4 AI was appaling. It managed to be worse then GT3. You would have a 24h endurance and you could count every single lap the stupid Ford GT would miss the turn after the Dulsanne straight and go to the gravel pit. So many times it happened to me that I would try to overtake from the outside a car on Motegi after the first double turn and it would just randomly run into me forcing me out of the road. I'm pretty confident it was the most autistic AI ever.
Sure AI in GT4 needed to be fixed, but if you are a hardcore sim racer, and you fallow Racing line to heart, the AI is perfect. Only casual player and racers think its bad, because you enter corner too fast or too slow, and AI hits you.. I wonder why.

Not true at all. This is okay if you just stay in your starting driving position but if you want to pass you need to move around other cars. When you do this and you're side by side with another car, the AI acts like you're not even there and moves right into you, sometimes pushing you off the track. Part of racing is to not hit other drivers and the AI does not do this very well at all. Just watch them battle each other -- they're constantly brushing against each other.
GT4 AI was appaling. It managed to be worse then GT3. You would have a 24h endurance and you could count every single lap the stupid Ford GT would miss the turn after the Dulsanne straight and go to the gravel pit. So many times it happened to me that I would try to overtake from the outside a car on Motegi after the first double turn and it would just randomly run into me forcing me out of the road. I'm pretty confident it was the most autistic AI ever.
That is a bit strong to say the most autistic, but ya, that was pretty bad, you would think that the cars would learn from stupid mistakes, has anyone ever put an 03 Audi RS4 on the old LeMans, it stops right in the middle of the Mulsane Straight on the first couple laps(may be a different car or lack of memory from not doing it in a long time but ya), and if you take the same car to the same track and let it go twice(do B-spec, time trial), it will have the same exact time every time.
Sure AI in GT4 needed to be fixed, but if you are a hardcore sim racer, and you fallow Racing line to heart, the AI is perfect. Only casual player and racers think its bad, because you enter corner too fast or too slow, and AI hits you.. I wonder why.
I'd say about 3/4s of the tracks in the game suffer because the AI will drive off the track if they were driving an FF car, and AWD and some MR cars cars do not fair much better.
Then there are all of the cars that the AI doesn't understand how the brakes work on, resulting in them stopping way, way, way too early (Corvette C1 @ Le Sarthe) or shooting off track for braking too late (Ford GT40 @ anywhere). Lap after lap after lap.

Quite frankly, the AI in GT4 is perhaps the worst I've ever seen, even ignoring that they have no concept of monitoring their surroundings.
Did a search but this did not fit in, I don't think. I remembered a motorcycle game that I played years ago, name not important, I can't remember anyway. The AI riders would leave you alone until you messed with them first. Then they would run you off the road or crash you. If that tecnology was there years ago why can't GT5 have AI that does that instead of driving around the track like a train on tracks? If this thread shouldn't be here or has been done then please move/delete and sorry for the inconvience.

I wouldn't like that, when I race it's no contact. I don't need the AI to hit me back for something they probably caused.

More intelligent AI is always good, but it's not something to devote time to when there's online.
To me offline is as entertaining as online. I just think it would be fun if the AI held a grudge thats all. If you have a clean race then you wouldn't have to worry about the AI causing any problems, but slip up and tempers flair. It happens all the time at the tracks the world over, and it all starts from one little bump/nudge and before too long they both let tempers take over and in the wall they go.
Humm, I think the AI needs some work if I'm honest. In GT5P, its not quite so bad as GT4, but its still pretty rubbish. For example, I was on Fuji the other night and was braking for the first corner in my F40, when a F430 came flying into the back of me. Now, obviously the F430 has better brakes, so why didn't he do:

A) Outbrake me on the inside and overtake me!

B) Brake earlier to avoid me altogether

C) Brake as late as he dares, relise he's going to hit me and take avoiding action

But, it has good points too, same track, same car, I went in too hot on the last corner and got a tank slapper on, ended up moving very slowly (off boost) down the first part of the straight. The AI cars cleanly overtook me and didn't run up my behind!

I've just played Forza 3's demo around my mateshouse, and I've gotta me honest, the AI is pretty damn clever. The game itself is pretty poor imo, with glassy feeling steering, floating rather than gripping in corners. Graphics wern't much cop either, but the AI was bloody clever. Overtaking, trying to outbrake me, blocking the inside line... great fun! :ouch:
Yeah that songs good. I hope GT5 does not read your GT5Prologue save data ! :scared:

For the first 5 races, the AI would have REVENGE one me, especially GT5 promises damage for internal and external abuse!

This will happen to me on Pit-lane!

Gotta love America, even motorsports are full contact.

Smarter AI? I dont know, i dont give a crap if they're calculus masters, however id like them to at least be Conscious, Aware and Competitive. At least.

Ahem Ahem, Kaz i know you don't want to fully imitate what real life looks like, but i know for a fact you want to imitate best you can, what real life acts like.
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Sure AI in GT4 needed to be fixed, but if you are a hardcore sim racer, and you fallow Racing line to heart, the AI is perfect. Only casual player and racers think its bad, because you enter corner too fast or too slow, and AI hits you.. I wonder why.

But don't worry Kaz mentions New AI and better one will be in Full game.

You're joking, right? AI that doesnt react to its opponents and drives in the same predetermined path is perfect?
Listen, we all love GT series here but give me an effin' break. That is as bad as AI gets.
I'm honestly not a fan of revenge-style AI. Its rarely done realistically enough (hey mister AI driver, I scraped up against you in a minor way while passing you. I can totally understand why you would kamikaze me into the wall during the next lap.) for it to be anything other than an annoyance. I'd much prefer a Viper Racing-style AI.
If you have a clean race then you wouldn't have to worry about the AI causing any problems,

With the way the AI brakes, I wouldn't trust them. A bottle neck at turn 1 Fuji = roadblock. Then they'd all be after me if I scrape them. Revenge (as in cars attacking each other) doesn't belong in racing IMO, it belongs in Burnout [Revenge].
If we got something like this...

... I think my head would explode.

That Vette got what was coming to him... You don't loosen a guy up in the LAST turn of a race, and not see that coming. The Prsche forced him to the wall, and the Vette lost control. The Porsche did NOT fishtail him though. If you watch closely you can see the Vette hit the wall, and lose control, he doesn't even touch the Porsche.
Not true at all. This is okay if you just stay in your starting driving position but if you want to pass you need to move around other cars. When you do this and you're side by side with another car, the AI acts like you're not even there and moves right into you, sometimes pushing you off the track. Part of racing is to not hit other drivers and the AI does not do this very well at all. Just watch them battle each other -- they're constantly brushing against each other.

True, they really need to do something about this.
Did a search but this did not fit in, I don't think. I remembered a motorcycle game that I played years ago, name not important, I can't remember anyway. The AI riders would leave you alone until you messed with them first. Then they would run you off the road or crash you. If that tecnology was there years ago why can't GT5 have AI that does that instead of driving around the track like a train on tracks? If this thread shouldn't be here or has been done then please move/delete and sorry for the inconvience.

Because GT type racing (in real-life) never becomes a bunch of "bumper cars". Instead, such racers have a respect for one another that transcends childish pushing. I'm not saying cars never bump into one another in real-life..i'm saying it never gets to the point that drivers go out of their way to "punish" other drivers. 👎

I'd personally stop playing Gran Turismo forever if PD implemented what you're talking about. :grumpy:

As far as the video above opinion is the Porsche driver was in the wrong. The Corvette clearly was about to make a clean pass. Let the Vette pass, lose gracefully--don't push into another car's line. :grumpy:
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I was actually watching that race, but missed the last 20 minutes. Later my brother was saying how the Porsche rammed the Vette into the wall.
I was actually watching that race, but missed the last 20 minutes. Later my brother was saying how the Porsche rammed the Vette into the wall.

Yea it's pretty intense; I'm surprised ESPN/Speed focused so heavily on that duel--they're usually only showing the LMPs. I personally love GT2 class--I don't really care for watching the prototypes so much.
The Vette deserved it. As has been said, you don't loosen up someone on the last turn and not expect anything back. He deserved to slam. He should have taken his foot off the accelerator and gave way, he knew he was taking a line that was already taken.
The Vette deserved it. As has been said, you don't loosen up someone on the last turn and not expect anything back. He deserved to slam. He should have taken his foot off the accelerator and gave way, he knew he was taking a line that was already taken.

I disagree. The Porsche driver is clearly in the wrong. That Vette was about to pass, was making a pass, and the Porsche driver cock-blocked him. Very unsportsmanlike. It would be different if the Porsche was ahead by a car-length. Instead, he steered into the Vette's way as the Vette was passing.

On the other hand, there was a moment when the Vette got over-aggro and steered at full speed into the pit lane. There's a slo-mo cam at 5:11. I'm not sure what the rules are, but this seems extremely dangerous. Of course, I do this all the time in Gran Turismo. :P But in real-life it seems like there should be a rule about this.

That being said, it is fun to watch, I gotta admit. I'm currently watching the entire thing again. :)
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