*Complete* SNAIL Michelin Pilot Challenge, "PS5 Users ONLY",GS/GT4 Monthly Series, Congrat's to Rauljimenez76 for the Championship!!

  • Thread starter llNovall
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Run with 9 before the Championship is compromised. No one wants to win a championship at the whim of an attendance rule. Run it.
Before I make a final call to cancel or push forward, I want to know who can race on November 10th for Event #7?
If our numbers confirmed for November 10th are better (especially to include the top contenders), we will run Event #7 on that night, and push back the finale to December 1st.

All drivers tagged have until 5pm est tomorrow (10/20) to confirm their availability for November 10th. If better numbers are reached by then, we will go through with racing tomorrow. I personally would rather have all the top contenders on the grid to ensure they all get a fair shot at the overall championship. Final postponement if we get the better numbers.

NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
2. Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)
3. tyro_2004_2004 / @Tyro (#40)
4. Ice Warden / @IceWarden (#22)
5. DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
6. Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99)
7. Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12)
8. Nyati_Jumapili / @Nyati_Jumapil (#31)
9. AKZL298 / @Akzl298 (#298)
10. saber_stance / @Saber_stance (#25)
11. kgffty / @Kgffy (#84)
12. IforceV8 / @IforceV8 (#36)
13. SRT_Guido / @GTP_Guido (#69)
14. Sandite5 / @Sandite5 (#19)
15. TooBadIts_A_KIA / @johnnypaws (#76)
16. fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
17. rsrgse / @rsrgse (#7)
18. R1600Turbo / @R1600Turbo (#62)
19. MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#27)
20. xWARMACHINE84x/ @Chris Kelley (#3)
21. Dioready / @AColon (#21)
22. JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9)
23. GTP_Worstdriver / @Worst_Driver (#13)
24. gutterbutter369 / @bmkpriest (#39)
I think I should be alright for the 10th. We have a big job starting in Nov and it's possible overtime is coming. I won't know for sure till the week before or so.
50/50 for the 10th. I'll be there as long as the company lease car I ordered doesn't arrive on that day or it'll be a late work day for me.
November 10th is a no go for me, but december 1st is OK. I usually don’t have a very busy schedule but it falls on the one day I can’t race :(
Less than 2 hours to go for one more driver to confirm. Going to need some drivers twisting some arms by 5pm est today to get to our required 10 drivers. If not reached by 5pm est, Event #7 would be cancelled. Got to be at least one more driver available??
What about a sprint race for half the points as in F1?
50/50 for the 10th. I'll be there as long as the company lease car I ordered doesn't arrive on that day or it'll be a late work day for me.
Scratch this, I'm actually off on the 10th for the holiday. Forgot about that. So I'm good to race that day.
Decision for Event #7
Alright Drivers, after some consideration and frustration (I explain a few paragraphs down), I have decided to run Event #7 on it's postponement date of tonight 10/20/23, 9pm est. We are currently at 9 drivers, better than what would have been afforded last week, and I have 1 driver possibly able to make it on the grid for tonight which would officially make the 10 needed. Also, waiting for some replies from other drivers that I personally reached out to see if they can race. Either way, we are a GO for tonight.
My hope in postponing from last week due to low attendance (8) was to afford an opportunity for our top 2 contenders to both be on the grid, but unfortunately neither can make tonight's date...so for them, it will be nothing lost, nothing gained on each other. As a result, this will be an opportunity and reward to the rest of the grid for their consistent attendance and performance to possibly make some gains or pull away in the overall points.

I set the postponement and subsequent cancellation rule in place to avoid constant make up dates and to keep the series on some sort of schedule. I do not take lightly to amending rules that I have set in place, but given we are 1 driver away from the required 10, and he may very well post up on the grid, I am bending the rules to keep this event live and the championship on track.

It's a tough call, as last week Turbo was able to race, and could have moved further away in points from Duc, but we were only at 8 drivers...and frankly deserved a postponement for better numbers. As mentioned, my hope was that this would have worked for both Turbo and Duc and afforded others such as Donovan and a few others to jump in to get a stronger grid. Unfortunately, it did not pan out that way leaving me to either follow thru on cancelling Event #7 all together, or running it with what we have. Cancelling it would have froze the standings with the finale to decide, but in a way this unfairly punishes those who always show up. But, to run on this postponement date hurts Turbo's standing overall since he is unable to make tonight. My worry about cancelling the event #7, is if the finale didn't pull enough numbers again, we would basically have to call the series as it stands which I do not want to do...this series needs a decision. So with all that said and an explanation given, the show must go on. I am amending the rule moving forward, that if we are under the 10 drivers required that an event will postponed 1 week out, and then will be run regardless of how many are on the grid. This eliminates any more of these situations.

Take a look at the points standings noted below...I made the adjustment to Turbo's score showing his missed race tonight as his drop score which does afford him an additional 20 pints to his overall score. Everyone else has their drop score in place as we stand.


Good luck to everyone for tonight's race. Pre-Race Driver's Briefing will be posted shortly.

Tagging the drivers yet to reply:
NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4) - confirmed 1
2. Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68) - confirmed 2
3. tyro_2004_2004 / @Tyro (#40)
4. Ice Warden / @IceWarden (#22)
5. DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88) - reported absent
6. Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99) - confirmed 9
7. Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12) - confirmed 3
8. Nyati_Jumapili / @Nyati_Jumapil (#31) - confirmed 4
9. AKZL298 / @Akzl298 (#298)
10. saber_stance / @Saber_stance (#25)
11. kgffty / @Kgffy (#84) - confirmed 5
12. IforceV8 / @IforceV8 (#36)
13. SRT_Guido / @GTP_Guido (#69)
14. Sandite5 / @Sandite5 (#19)
15. TooBadIts_A_KIA / @johnnypaws (#76)
16. fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42) - confirmed 6
17. rsrgse / @rsrgse (#7)
18. R1600Turbo / @R1600Turbo (#62) - reported absent
19. MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#27) - reported absent
20. xWARMACHINE84x/ @Chris Kelley (#3) - confirmed 7
21. Dioready / @AColon (#21)
22. JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9) - 50/50 maybe (birthday weekend)
23. GTP_Worstdriver / @Worst_Driver (#13) - confirmed 8
24. gutterbutter369 / @bmkpriest (#39)
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Drivers Meeting

Grid Business
Good afternoon to all the drivers who will be attending tonight's 7th event at Blue Moon Bay Infield A. After much back and forth (see post above), we are running Event #7 tonight for it's makeup date. We are currently sitting at 9 drivers confirmed for tonight's races with 1 tentative, so there are plenty of grid spots remaining for those available and interested in racing. Please confirm or notify your intent to race here in the thread or pm me via psn. At the moment, all confirmed drivers are noted as attending, and have until 9:10pm est (5 minutes prior to Start of Qualifying) to secure their spot.

We do have 6-7 open grid spots available. Any last minute drivers that confirm their status to race, please be sure to submit their spec sheets via psn between 9:00pm-9:10pm est (submission window for all drivers) to my psn: NOVA-0479. A primary party chat will be open for our 16 drivers on grid. If anyone is not present by 9:10pm est, I will PSN message the available Reserves. If a prioritized Reserve is not online, the next Reserve driver will be offered the spot if available and ready to enter room.

Reminder to all drivers:
All confirmed drivers are holding 1 of 16 grid spots. Please notify me as soon as reasonably possible if you are unable to make the event. The latest acceptable notice without any recourse is 9:10pm est. Any drivers who are confirmed to attend, and fails to appear, will be placed on automatic Reserve for their next confirmed event.

Drivers Briefing
A few reminders for Blue Moon Bay Infield A:
1.) Be mindful in the opening laps. Be patient, and avoid contact/incident at all cost. Incidents that result in an issued caution, in the opening 2 laps, will come under automatic review for any possible infractions and penalized as necessary. Please be patient, brake earlier, and respect your opponent driver's space/line..they are not brakes or guard rails.
2.) Know when you have lost the position when approaching these sections, and be considerate enough to back out to avoid the risk of incidents. This series will continue to induce some very close quarters racing, and one slow up, or mistake could result in yourself, both, or many drivers losing position....don't be that guy. If both drivers are dead on, side by side, proceed with caution, and hold your lines. Just be warned that attempting to go side by side in these sections cleanly will slow both of you down and almost guarantee a loss of position(s) from other attacking drivers. BE CAREFUL and AVOID CONTACT ;)
3.) See this Event Details Link, and review for driver specs, race details, and allowable track boundaries for Daytona.

Final Reminders:
-Please be sure that everyone is on a wired connection to their PS5 (in any way possible)
-Clear cache before entering the race room
Lets try to do the best we can to reduce the jitters within the lobby.
Any drivers that are noted or noticed to create continuous issues will be asked to retire for the event.

NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4) - confirmed 1
2. Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68) - confirmed 2
3. tyro_2004_2004 / @Tyro (#40)
4. Ice Warden / @IceWarden (#22)
5. DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88) - reported absent
6. Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99) - confirmed 9
7. Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12) - confirmed 3
8. Nyati_Jumapili / @Nyati_Jumapil (#31) - confirmed 4
9. AKZL298 / @Akzl298 (#298)
10. saber_stance / @Saber_stance (#25)
11. kgffty / @Kgffy (#84) - confirmed 5
12. IforceV8 / @IforceV8 (#36)
13. SRT_Guido / @GTP_Guido (#69)
14. Sandite5 / @Sandite5 (#19)
15. TooBadIts_A_KIA / @johnnypaws (#76)
16. fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42) - confirmed 6
17. rsrgse / @rsrgse (#7)
18. R1600Turbo / @R1600Turbo (#62) - reported absent
19. MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#27) - reported absent
20. xWARMACHINE84x/ @Chris Kelley (#3) - confirmed 7
21. Dioready / @AColon (#21)
22. JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9) - 50/50 maybe (birthday weekend)
23. GTP_Worstdriver / @Worst_Driver (#13) - confirmed 8
24. gutterbutter369 / @bmkpriest (#39)
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If Raul can’t get in after the recent update, I’ll appoint a backup host.
Awesome race last night even though we were a small grid. 26 laps (times 2) of close racing with @Fudman420 You were very consistent and made very few mistakes. I had to work hard to take the win on the second one capitalizing on a mistake you made on the penultimate lap. What a race ! Great job and you totally earned the overall win taking the pole and both fastest laps during the races. Congrats !

Unfortunately, I won't be able to race for the next event on november 10th :( Good luck to everyone though !

Thanks for setting this up, I will be on track with my Rothmans Lambo for the first round of the new championship in December.
Awesome race last night even though we were a small grid. 26 laps (times 2) of close racing with @Fudman420 You were very consistent and made very few mistakes. I had to work hard to take the win on the second one capitalizing on a mistake you made on the penultimate lap. What a race ! Great job and you totally earned the overall win taking the pole and both fastest laps during the races. Congrats !

Unfortunately, I won't be able to race for the next event on november 10th :( Good luck to everyone though !

Thanks for setting this up, I will be on track with my Rothmans Lambo for the first round of the new championship in December.
Great racing last night! @Worst_Driver Thank you! It was lap after lap of just back and forth clean racing. Its been quite a long while since I've had close of racing for that many laps. @Noob01_lmdead thank you again for spending some time helping me get the transmission and aero all dialed in, much appreciated!
Great racing last night! @Worst_Driver Thank you! It was lap after lap of just back and forth clean racing. Its been quite a long while since I've had close of racing for that many laps. @Noob01_lmdead thank you again for spending some time helping me get the transmission and aero all dialed in, much appreciated!
Im glad my limited knowlwdge about setting cars up help
Im happy to help at any time
Congrats on the nigth win
I haven’t heard anything. He may be waiting on this next update. All I know is anyone mathematically capable of winning the championship will be running that Yellow Banner and wing I got approved in the Championship round. Or it may be the top 5 in points. I know we discussed both. I’d have to go and look.
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