SNAIL Parity Racing Series - 86 GT/FR-S/BR-Z Night

  • Thread starter Vol Jbolaz
I've never played games on the Gates Box. (Either of them...I've actually never seen the black one) Can you change the livery on cars in all Forzas or just the new one?
I've never played games on the Gates Box. (Either of them...I've actually never seen the black one) Can you change the livery on cars in all Forzas or just the new one?

I don't remember 1 or 2, but you definitely can in the two latest.
But it defaults at 394pp...?

Right, which means we can't go any higher than that. This week we, like last, we are doing tuning prohibited. Which means we can only use the engine limiter to move in the PP range.
Defaults @ 394pp and no tuning but:

Initial Performance Point Level: 479
Lower Performance Point Level: 469
Upper Performance Point Level: 494
Performance Point Increment: 5

What am I missing?
Defaults @ 394pp and no tuning but:

Initial Performance Point Level: 479
Lower Performance Point Level: 469
Upper Performance Point Level: 494
Performance Point Increment: 5

What am I missing?

The car starts at 494. So the first race will be at 479. You'll use engine limiting to get to that. Some of the top finishers will drop to 474, some of the bottom finishers will rise to 484. Some in the middle will stay at 479.

If we started all the cars at 494, which we could do, we would just have to drop the top finishers by 10 PP and drop the ones in the middle by 5 PP.

p.s. Seems we have a big electrical storm brewing. If I drop off suddenly... I'm sorry. :(
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I updated the leaderboard and the second post.

I need to work on not crashing. Twice, I had fourth place positions but lost them due to offs.

Still, I don't know how well this is working. We'll see.
the racing is getting much better! when I can go from last to 3rd with huyler and nick, it's a good system! I could have held 2nd if I hadn't cooked the tires on a few corners on the last lap of Nurb.2 last night.. with the extra pp, I caught Nick (thru straight speed), but would have binned us both had I tried to pass through the chicane.

You crashing doesn't make the system bad, G. ;)
The system is fine as long as drivers can stay on track. There is no way you can win on these tracks against these drivers if you end up in the sand trap. This system is generating some very exciting racing. The first race I won by 3+ seconds. The third race I barely squeezed out a win. The system gives drivers a car they can win with if they just keep their lines clean.

Race #3 where Moses parted the Miatas for me :)

You crashing doesn't make the system bad, G. ;)

Probably not. Something I do want to do is punch up some numbers like this


There were races where I went off, but there were races where even if I didn't go off, I don't think my lap times were competitive. I think that may be in part to some tracks not taking advantage of differences in PP like other tracks do.
I'm in 100% agreement with huyler on the system providing the the race where I did the best, if I had taken the better lines I would have stuck to huyler's bumper, and probably passed him.. I find I charge the corners a bit when I'm in the video above - when I ended up losing it after the corkscrew.

before that, I had managed to (start to) open up a nice little gap!
I think that may be in part to some tracks not taking advantage of differences in PP like other tracks do.

Every 5 pp was worth about .5 - .7 second on these tracks. Theoretically you should have been running 3+ seconds quicker than everyone else. That affords you one recoverable mistake per lap to stay on par or you could practically coast through the turns and still stay ahead as long as you block the racing line. You simply cannot devise a system that allows you to drive off the track and still expect to place well.
Every 5 pp was worth about .5 - .7 second on these tracks. Theoretically you should have been running 3+ seconds quicker than everyone else. That affords you one recoverable mistake per lap to stay on par or you could practically coast through the turns and still stay ahead as long as you block the racing line. You simply cannot devise a system that allows you to drive off the track and still expect to place well.

True, and at GP/D, even though Nic was faster than me through the corners, I could catch back up to him and even bump him to try and catch us up to Pyxen.

And at the second time at Madrid, I think I was slowly closing on the leader from seven seconds behind, but I stuffed it into a wall.

I want to double check, but I think at Laguna Seca, my fastest clean lap was still slower than most of the field. And it may not be the car/course, it may simply be that I am just really that slow on that course. If I attempt to take the corners any faster I just skid off into the sand.
Probably not. Something I do want to do is punch up some numbers like this


There were races where I went off, but there were races where even if I didn't go off, I don't think my lap times were competitive. I think that may be in part to some tracks not taking advantage of differences in PP like other tracks do.

The "snail" charts are very telling. for the second week in a row I was the only D1 driver never to finish worse than they started. Unfortunately it also proves I don't take enough risks. I just follow folks till they have an off. I made an effort last night to be more aggressive and ending up yo-yoing (Is this a word) more in the early stages of the race before settling in.
Most of the corners at Laguna are early apex, you slide into them as if you're going to cut short and the car slides across the track and ends up just right for exit. If you wait too long to turn in, you'll have to overbrake and it kills your lap time even though you stayed on the track.

FYI, I was curious to see how the 2nd round of races would work out in points. This is sort of what it might look like if we assigned handicaps at the start of the first race. (note: I removed pxyn since he only raced one of the last 3 races)

dabney 18
diabolic 17
chuyler1 14
nic 13
twichie 9
miata_1 7
a_garris 6

The top 4 are essentially reversed with 5 point spread instead of a 7 point spread. That proves to me that they system works. If we were to start out next week with this week's handicaps, I probably wouldn't have a chance to be champion of the evening...but I'd be fighting tooth and nail for every place I gain.
FYI, I was curious to see how the 2nd round of races would work out in points. This is sort of what it might look like if we assigned handicaps at the start of the first race. (note: I removed pxyn since he only raced one of the last 3 races)

dabney 18
diabolic 17
chuyler1 14
nic 13
twichie 9
miata_1 7
a_garris 6

I like how race 4 and 6 myself, chuyler and nic were all square. The parting of the miatas was a/the turning point. I went to last and chuyler moved up. I had 5 more pp then but too many cars to overtake to catch up.
If we were to start out next week with this week's handicaps

Something I've wondered, is starting the first week of next week, based on the standings from this week, as though it were a single race. Not starting with the exact same handicap, but, for example:

20 March (6 races)
  1. chuyler1 - 33 points - starts 1 increment down
  2. Diabolicwyvern - 31 - starts 1 increment down
  3. Nic-KL - 30
  4. dabney - 26
  5. miata_1 - 15 - starts 1 increment up
  6. a_garris - 11 - starts 1 increment up

It wasn't until the forth race last night until we broke up the podium. something else I'm wondering is a sliding scale. Last night, we did 5 PP increments.

  • Down 10 PP
  • Down 5 PP
  • Initial
  • Up 5 PP
  • Up 10 PP
  • Up 15 PP

In the past, we've tried 4 and 3. What if it was a sliding scale.

  • Down 5 PP
  • Down 3 PP - 2 gap with previous
  • Initial - 3 gap with previous
  • Up 4 PP - 4 gap with previous
  • Up 9 PP - 5 gap with previous
  • Up 14 PP - 5 gap with previous
  • Up 19 PP - 5 gap with previous