Games have been patchable for quite a while... the number of major fix patches (like what we are talking about here) to hit consoles is pretty slim.
And I don't understand the logic of "don't try to get things fixed while the game is in development and is open and being worked on, wait until it's gold then try to get someone to figure out how to patch it after the fact". That just seems backwards to me.
Besides I am not a fan of "lemme give you my money first, then we can disucss how you can make the product worth my money".
Patching (just like DLC which is essentially patching for $$$ or double charging if you ask me) should be a last resort to fix a problem, not the norm and standard.
Something slip through testing? Weird bug in the code that didn't manifest on small scale testing? Patch it.
Decision on major game aspects and carrying out those decisions? That should be the development before release portion.
And honestly, patching and firmware updates are something that is way oversold out there as a fix all. In all my years, I honestly can remember only a handful of real solid patches or firmware updates, even though everytime a product that supports either relaeases with noteable issues, it's always "don't worry, it will be patched/updated, XXXX company is the best!".
Again... cart before the horse if you ask me