Spot Race Challenge Discussion Thread!!

  • Thread starter mafia_boy
So a 3-way it is. :mischievous:
DC2R vs DC2R. Any year, so long as it IS a DC2 Integra Type R.
Same three challenges - 400m, 1000m & Top setup for all.

Quoted from here

Here's my DC2R entry:

Base Car: Spoon INTEGRA TYPE R (DC2) '99 New

Power: 324hp
Weight: 1080kg
Top Speed: 360+ km/h
0-400m: 11.9xx
0-1000m: 20.3xx

Parts To Buy :

Oil Change
Wing ( just for the looks )
Racing Exhaust
Stage 3 NA
Port & Polish
Engine Balancing
NOS (100)
Fully Customisable Gearbox
Triple Plate Clutch
Racing Flywheel
Fully Customisable LSD
Fully Customisable Suspension
R5 Tyres

Ok, parts are listed, so lets start off with the transmission.
I'll explain this step by step.

1. Move Final Gear to 3.000 and then Autoset to 1 .
2. Now leave the transmission setup by accepting the changes.
3. Then return to transmission setup and move Final Gear to 6.000 and then move Autoset to 2.
4. Now the important part: Exit transmission setup by pressing square or triangle - button.
5. Return to transmission setup and set the gears as follows:
(You'll have to move the gears back and fourth to make them stretch)

1st: 3.217
2nd: 2.377
3rd: 1.920
4th: 1.575
5th: 1.255
6th: 1.020
Final: 3.000

Suspension settings:

Spring Rate: 15.6/6.9
Height: 66/120
Damper Bound: 2/8
Damper Rebound: 7/8
Camber: 0.0/0.0
Toe Angle: 4/-4
Stabilisers: 4/5


Downforce 0/0

Initial: 50
Acceleration: 50
Deceleration: 5

no ballast 💡

Something to say about the car, hmm..
I chose to use NA route for this challenge and the Spoon DC2R .
For max speed run hit the nos coming out of the oval.
There is plenty of nos , so you may have to try a few times to find the right spot ,
where to start using the nos.
Goal is to have empty nos tanks just before finish line.
1000m can be ran at the same time as the 400m (1/4 mile) run.
For the drag runs launch with nos injected. Shift up at as high rpm as possible.
EDIT: For 400m and 1000m , launch from 2nd gear at 4000-5000 rpm having with nos injected
and shift up at 10900 rpm. For max speed runs , start injecting nos after passin the "stick/pole"
before the fence on right side and shift up to 6th gear at 310-313 km/h (193-194 mph).

I will edit in the accurate launch and shift points tomorrow if it's allowed.
Othervice you'll have to run the car a few more times to find the right rpms.


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You can put it up tommorrow no problem with that and i know i said ill be off for the day but i gotta break for a little while.Also this race is going to be good because we might have the fastest teggys out there.
Hey Maxie, Spoon's aren't allowed, they're tuner cars!! :scared: Get a normal DC2R you sneaky cheating thing you. :D:P:sly::dopey:

Oh well, I saw an opening and went for it. :lol:

Edited in the right launch and shift points.

So, setups are ready'n waiting for tester results.

The setup should be tested as written, no adding anything own to it.
If something was not mentioned then it's the tuners mistake.

About my setup, It's an allarounder in the terms of this 3-way battle.

To Mafs, did I break the rules by entering with a Spoon instead of a Honda? :lol:
(If so where was it written?)

I got a bit concerned about my 400m/1000m times being too slow compared to you Max, mazdaman's times didn't require too much editing, that's why I added my standard FF drag suspension settings, other than that....the gearbox is nearly untouched from the other day when I entered it, except for the shorter 6th gear due to the ballast & downforce.

The top speed loses 15km/h as a consequence but I'm confident it will be more than enough to win it overall, my 1000m time will make up for the slower 400m and I have more power my top speed is a proven 370km/h (230mph) even with the wing, ballast & shorter 6th gear. :cool:

May the best tuner win. 👍

P.S. You didn't 'break' a found a loophole, you sneaky thing. :P
I'm a bit concerned about your tunes mafia_boy and mazdaman.
Your tunes have no TCS that would improve the 400m and 1000m times.

(Just thought to mention)

I'm a bit concerned about your tunes mafia_boy and mazdaman.
Your tunes have no TCS that would improve the 400m and 1000m times.

(Just thought to mention)


Oh 🤬.

Well, that's done me then. I'm out unless my TCS is on. :indiff:
Where is that LanEvo7/mman setup for the 'ring challenge? Someone pls post links if it's still on.

I'll set up the 'tegs instead, even though I loathe the car. Hope you're still judging this RJ, cause I won't get time.
As I said PF, I'm out unless I turn the TCS on. :yuck: I forgot to add it to the modified setup when I did have it initially. My stupidity, but no excuse for not double checking my work.

This is why I normally write my tunes in Word first with all the BBcodes before I post on here. :dunce:
I'll let you add the TCS levels to use with the integras mafia_boy and mazdaman,
If I can also add the ASM understeer and oversteer levels. (you can add this too)

ASM I won't touch, it's just TCS I need. 👍

I meant that ASM understeer and oversteer is usually set to zero (0) value.

AND add the TCS level now, or there will be no fair competition for the firts 1000 meters :lol:.

:lol: No 🤬 Sherlock there won't be any competition if I can't add TCS in. :P The results would go this way in the first 1000m:

mazdaman-----------------------------------------------------------mafia_boy-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*all this area is daylight! :lol:*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MadMax86.


*added bit* Aight, now it's in there. No excuses. I lose, I lost to the better tuner (which I say anyway since you wipe the floor with my 1/4 mile times!). :cool:
:lol: No 🤬 Sherlock there won't be any competition if I can't add TCS in. :P The results would go this way in the first 1000m:

mazdaman-----------------------------------------------------------mafia_boy-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*all this area is daylight! :lol:*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MadMax86.


*added bit* Aight, now it's in there. No excuses. I lose, I lost to the better tuner (which I say anyway since you wipe the floor with my 1/4 mile times!). :cool:

1. Move Final Gear to 3.000 and then Autoset to 1 .
2. Now leave the transmission setup by accepting the changes.
3. Then return to transmission setup and move Final Gear to 6.000 and then move Autoset to 2.
4. Now the important part: Exit transmission setup by pressing square or triangle - button.
5. Return to transmission setup and set the gears as follows:
(You'll have to move the gears back and fourth to make them stretch)
3rd is buggered if I do this; am I doing it wrong or are the numbers wrong? Have tried it 3 times from default settings and get a crazy-looking gear graph.

EDIT: Gear graph looks like a bunch of amputee stick figures pogoing to Cannibal Corpse. With a midget stage-diving. Took a photo on my phone but don't have the leads to post it.
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1. Move Final Gear to 3.000 and then Autoset to 1 .
2. Now leave the transmission setup by accepting the changes.
3. Then return to transmission setup and move Final Gear to 6.000 and then move Autoset to 2.
4. Now the important part: Exit transmission setup by pressing square or triangle - button.
5. Return to transmission setup and set the gears as follows:
(You'll have to move the gears back and fourth to make them stretch)
3rd is buggered if I do this; am I doing it wrong or are the numbers wrong? Have tried it 3 times from default settings and get a crazy-looking gear graph.

EDIT: Gear graph looks like a bunch of amputee stick figures pogoing to Cannibal Corpse. With a midget stage-diving. Took a photo on my phone but don't have the leads to post it.

I believe the thing you are doing wrong is that you haven't moved the gears back and front. (even if the numeral value is correct the position of the gear isn't )
This gives all the gears new positions and is needed to make them work.

Thanks Max, was unaware that you could change the ratios like that. Insert learning curve here.

I'm glad you found it usefull.
That method can be used for max speed tuning too.
Though, I've worked on so many GT4 transmissions that I know this:
The results of the "gear stretching" can be done invert and/or by
alternative gearing method that you don't end up with acupunction needles.
Super long (acupunction) 1st gear (not in use) will boost 2nd gear alot.

mazdaman's time is up for the TCS adding. (has been for 10 days now)
While waiting for results, I'll suggest that a multiuser drag tune competition would be held.

Anyone interested ?

3 interested so far 👍

mazdaman , do you mean the GT40 Race Car?

If yes then I'll put it to the list of possible speciments. 👍
Few cars from the list:
Ford Taurus
Mini Marcos GT
ASL Garaiya
TVR Tamora

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