Star Wars Battlefront ;)

  • Thread starter dice1998
The disruption card can be - and is already being - countered by plenty of weapon cards (scatter gun, scout pistol, Cycler rifle etc). I mainly use it to give myself a laugh. I'm pretty good aiming, but I crack up every time I see someone coming with their explosive shot ready to blast me and I surprise them with disruption card, then I use the shock grenade right after before I emote in front of them. It's really a ball buster card :lol:

How to make this even worse: Shadow Trooper with the laugh emote. Every d-bag in this game laughs after each kill.
How to make this even worse: Shadow Trooper with the laugh emote. Every d-bag in this game laughs after each kill.

I saw a guy yesterday with the Weequay skin, who had just killed me on my first time on a new map. He instantly did the laugh emote...

...then got killed by the AT-AT right behind him.

Joke's on you, buddy!
I saw a guy yesterday with the Weequay skin, who had just killed me on my first time on a new map. He instantly did the laugh emote...

...then got killed by the AT-AT right behind him.

Joke's on you, buddy!

Would be nice if the camping snipers in this game would get roadkilled by GR-75s or Imperial Shuttles. :lol:
How to make this even worse: Shadow Trooper with the laugh emote. Every d-bag in this game laughs after each kill.
Not ashamed to say I've done this, but ironically, after killing somebody who tried that disruption none sense on me. :lol: (My second hand has cooling cell in it)
So, I finally got to play as the two new heros today. If you ever get the chance to play as Dengar, do it! Played as him in a Heros Vs Villians match in the Imperial Hanger and man, he just decimates everything! I managed to take 6 heros down, 3 in 2 matches, with him. I used the grenade rush ability (Don't know the exact names.) to start off, which deals a ton of damge, spun around and used the melee rush to deal even more and build up some distance, then used the rapid fire ability to absolutly oblierate them at the end. (Dat Recoil Doe.) Took down Leia pretty easily, somehow managed to kill Luke with that, too, and just managed to shoot Lando enough times to finish him. Dengar on standard infantry though, is just so cruel, but oh so effective.

Lando seems pretty weak to me. I'm not really a fan of his abilities, but he can do some pretty good damage at range. His blaster powerup is difficult to use, but highly effective if you land a shot. Just ask the royal guard I'm domed and put down with one full charged shot. The shock trap is good for cutting off hallways, nd his disrupter is...well...disruptive. Overall, he's kinda meh. You can put up a decent fight against Palpitine if you know what you're doing, but any other villian is almost always going to destroy him.

Got the X-8 Nightsniper today, as well. Haven't played with the standard version yet, only Lando's, but it looks cool.

And I've now learned the true rage mechanism of this game: Disruption. I can understand using it in a fight, but using it before engaging someone, then killing them before they can react is such a cheap tactice. Let's just say, many 🤬's were shouted.

TL;DR: Dengar is bae, Lando is eh, disruption sucks on receiving end.
Got the X-8 Nightsniper today, as well. Haven't played with the standard version yet, only Lando's, but it looks cool.

And I've now learned the true rage mechanism of this game: Disruption. I can understand using it in a fight, but using it before engaging someone, then killing them before they can react is such a cheap tactice. Let's just say, many 🤬's were shouted.

From what I've seen and heard, the X-8 is downright AWFUL to play with in it's current state. People have suggested using the Cooling Cell charge card or a secondary weapon like the Scout Pistol, Scatter Gun, or Pulse Cannon when hit with the Disruption card.
At the Moment there are two things that annoy my friend and me, that make this game in our opinion a little bit p2w:

  • The EE-4. We tried this weapon in single player and holy moly this thing is op. I once had a 1v1 with a guy who used the EE-4. I used the A-280 and had explosive blast (I am not sure if that is the exact english name, I play the german version where it is called 'Explosivschuss') activated. We started shooting each other nearly at the same time and neither him nor me missed a single shot. By the time I was killed, he still had 50% of his health and he wasn't bacta'd nor he had the 'Berserker' special ability. That was not the only case. I lose about 80% of my 1v1s against EE-4 while I lose about 50% against other weapons. Also, besides a Relby here and there, the EE-4 is the only DLC weapon I see online. If you look at the KDs of the EE-4 users, they always have the highest.
  • The shock grenade. Yes I know, by spoiling the active cooling I could theoretically get away from the shock, but the amount of time needed for that is too high. Every other grenade in the game (Except for the contact grenade, that needs to be aimed correctly) gives you some time to flee. Even the mine can be avoided in some cases. Also, the radius of the shock grenade seems to be pretty big.
Other than that, I am pretty satisfied with the game, although there could be more ''free" content in a game that regularely costs about 60€.
From what I've seen and heard, the X-8 is downright AWFUL to play with in it's current state. People have suggested using the Cooling Cell charge card or a secondary weapon like the Scout Pistol, Scatter Gun, or Pulse Cannon when hit with the Disruption card.

The X-8 is weak without a doubt, but the night vision ability can -sort of- make up for the lack of power. Look at it as a specialty weapon that you'd use for specific maps and game modes.

I use the EE-3 with Berserker/Bacta/Jump Pack for almost every game I play. But I have created a hand called "Ambusher" that I use sometimes in cargo matches. The hand contains Smoke Grenade, Disruptor, Shock Grenade. Using this hand along with the Scout trait and the X-8, almost feels unfair to the opposition. I play in parties most of the time, so I tell my peeps to use the x-8 if they want to deal with my smoke screens. They all love it. I can throw a smoke grenade into the enemys cargo area and take out campers that are guarding it before jumping in and get the cargo.
I usually save the disruption card for when I'm carrying the cargo and I'm about to deliver it as there are usually a player or two trying to ambush me at the end.

I quite like the X-8, but a buff would definitely make it one of the best weapons in the game.

At the Moment there are two things that annoy my friend and me, that make this game in our opinion a little bit p2w:

  • The EE-4. We tried this weapon in single player and holy moly this thing is op. I once had a 1v1 with a guy who used the EE-4. I used the A-280 and had explosive blast (I am not sure if that is the exact english name, I play the german version where it is called 'Explosivschuss') activated. We started shooting each other nearly at the same time and neither him nor me missed a single shot. By the time I was killed, he still had 50% of his health and he wasn't bacta'd nor he had the 'Berserker' special ability. That was not the only case. I lose about 80% of my 1v1s against EE-4 while I lose about 50% against other weapons. Also, besides a Relby here and there, the EE-4 is the only DLC weapon I see online. If you look at the KDs of the EE-4 users, they always have the highest.
I loved the EE-4 when I first started using it, but got turned off by its lack of range. If there's one thing I love about the EE-3 is its accuracy, rate and range on larger maps and how deadly it can be in smaller maps as well. So yeah, the EE-4 requires little aiming skill at short distances, but I don't think it would need a nerf of some sort.

  • The shock grenade. Yes I know, by spoiling the active cooling I could theoretically get away from the shock, but the amount of time needed for that is too high. Every other grenade in the game (Except for the contact grenade, that needs to be aimed correctly) gives you some time to flee. Even the mine can be avoided in some cases. Also, the radius of the shock grenade seems to be pretty big.

Yeah the sock grenade is a hot topic. I would be fine with a nerf to it since I don't depend on it. I use it merely for laughs; sometimes I get caught up by my own grenades which makes it fun to see who can break-out of the effect first.

I don't know if you guys have ever played Killer Instinct (for SNES and N64) but at the end of Fulgore's life, in the "finish him!" part, he does the same wobbling/shaking motion and that's who everybody remind me of. :D

IMO the EE-4 does need a nerf, especially if I am looking at the statistics after every match (EE-4 users nearly always have the highest KD). It is good enough for a decent mid range weapon, but it's true that I loose most close range 1v1s against EE-4s. Also, I never play the 40 player modes unless I use the DLT-19X. My favourite game mode is droid run as it is extremely dynamic.
The X-8 is weak without a doubt, but the night vision ability can -sort of- make up for the lack of power. Look at it as a specialty weapon that you'd use for specific maps and game modes.

The muzzle velocity, damage, and firing rate are problematic with this gun. In order to be accurate to the movie, the blaster bolts travel slower than bullets do. At longer ranges, where this gun is implied to be most useful, the bolt takes a very long time to actually hit the target. Even the most casual and beginner players in this game will instantly move as they're being shot. No one would stand still and let themselves continue to be hit. Now, the damage is rather low for a "sniper" weapon. Matthew Serna has shown it takes up to four shots on enemies without the Bacta Bomb at close range. That's pretty insane for a weapon that sounds like it should be dishing out DL-44 damage.

Also, I never play the 40 player modes unless I use the DLT-19X. My favourite game mode is droid run as it is extremely dynamic.

Damn you must be a very skilled sniper to only use that weapon on larger maps!! I cannot survive without something more forgiving like an automatic blaster or even the T-21B.

Yeah droid run is fun as hell. Quite different than all the other modes and often overlooked. I personally enjoy every mode except for Hero hunt :yuck:

The muzzle velocity, damage, and firing rate are problematic with this gun. In order to be accurate to the movie, the blaster bolts travel slower than bullets do. At longer ranges, where this gun is implied to be most useful, the bolt takes a very long time to actually hit the target. Even the most casual and beginner players in this game will instantly move as they're being shot. No one would stand still and let themselves continue to be hit. Now, the damage is rather low for a "sniper" weapon. Matthew Serna has shown it takes up to four shots on enemies without the Bacta Bomb at close range. That's pretty insane for a weapon that sounds like it should be dishing out DL-44 damage.
Dude the X-8 has a night scope! The DL-44 doesn't, and I don't think every pistol should be as powerful as the DL-44. I just think you need to get creative with it or you simply have to be in the mood for it. I like a weapon that presents a challenge yet it has a uniqueness to it. Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy with a buff for sure, but I don't think the weapon is terrible as is.

And marthew serna likes to complaint a lot. He is entertaining to watch sometimes but I personally like velociraptor's or Albert Ross's videos better. Less talking and more skill. As a matter of fact, velociraptor uploaded recently a vid where he went 20-0 on a blast match by only using the DLT-19x on a CQC map!

Just get that season pass already :P
Damn you must be a very skilled sniper to only use that weapon on larger maps!! I cannot survive without something more forgiving like an automatic blaster or even the T-21B.
No, I am not really skilled, I just like to snipe sometimes and sniping in droid run doesn't really make sense:lol::P

Other than that I mostly use the A280, EE-3, E-11 or DLT-19, depending on the situation/map.
Dude the X-8 has a night scope! The DL-44 doesn't, and I don't think every pistol should be as powerful as the DL-44. I just think you need to get creative with it or you simply have to be in the mood for it. I like a weapon that presents a challenge yet it has a uniqueness to it. Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy with a buff for sure, but I don't think the weapon is terrible as is.

And marthew serna likes to complaint a lot. He is entertaining to watch sometimes but I personally like velociraptor's or Albert Ross's videos better. Less talking and more skill. As a matter of fact, velociraptor uploaded recently a vid where he went 20-0 on a blast match by only using the DLT-19x on a CQC map!

Just get that season pass already :P

I can understand weapons that require skill and present a challenge to users, but in my opinion, there seems to be more negatives than positives so I won't be wasting my time for it.

Matthew Serna might complain, but he is extremely experienced in shooter games, so his complaints aren't baseless. I've seen Velociraptor's videos before and he's very impressive; never heard of Albert Ross though.

I'm not getting the season pass. $50 is way too expensive and I'm no longer interested by the Outer Rim DLC aside from the Scatter Gun.
The X-8 isn't that bad. Maybe a tad bit weak, but I think it needs to be more accurate than anything. Might just be me trying to shoot while moving, but it reminds me of the DL-44 in terms of accuracy, albeit not as bad.
Another thing that annoys me, is that on the in-game screen that you can open by pressing tab, assists are counted as kills since the last update, but that's nothing too big.
Another thing that annoys me, is that on the in-game screen that you can open by pressing tab, assists are counted as kills since the last update, but that's nothing too big.
That annoys me till no end too! I honestly don't know why DICE did that. Was it to help the KD of everybody? I don't even think assist kills count towards KD anyway. Other than to "show off" your kills during the game, I see no point in granting a kill for a 30% damage or more on a player. I think it's pretty stupid because now you see players spraying bullets around just to get those assist kills.
I'm not as annoyed by it, but if I want to check my stats, I'd like to see what percentage were actual kills versus assists. If I unload my A280C (Or whatever weapon) into another player and they die without interaction from one of my teammates, then that's the only time I should get a kill award.
That annoys me till no end too! I honestly don't know why DICE did that. Was it to help the KD of everybody? I don't even think assist kills count towards KD anyway. Other than to "show off" your kills during the game, I see no point in granting a kill for a 30% damage or more on a player. I think it's pretty stupid because now you see players spraying bullets around just to get those assist kills.
No it does not add to the actual KD. It does not even make any sense.

I'm not as annoyed by it, but if I want to check my stats, I'd like to see what percentage were actual kills versus assists. If I unload my A280C (Or whatever weapon) into another player and they die without interaction from one of my teammates, then that's the only time I should get a kill award.
It makes me feel kinda 'bad' about my stats during the game as I am not really good in 1v1s which leads to me having a high rate of assists and before they changed it I was kinda 'proud' when I had a good KD. :lol:
Do not like how the dlc maps don't play with the regular maps.

I usually stay long range. I love when ppl try to jet pack out of my shot loll.

Kinda got this back in March but only now got around to it:


Wasn't until I really looked at it and opened up I noticed this interesting thing:



Was interesting to me. Anyhow, will be trying it out soon.
Kinda got this back in March but only now got around to it:

View attachment 567586

Wasn't until I really looked at it and opened up I noticed this interesting thing:

View attachment 567587

View attachment 567589

Was interesting to me. Anyhow, will be trying it out soon.

Welcome to the club trooper! Please keep your helmet on at all times and don't for get to PTFO to keep that rebel scum from our uplinks! You'll get more points for credits that way. ;)

Also, since you're starting, you may want to stick to the EE-11 until you can unlock the EE-3 or T-21B for long range matches. The EE-11 is a great starting weapon.
Welcome to the club trooper! Please keep your helmet on at all times and don't for get to PTFO to keep that rebel scum from our uplinks! You'll get more points for credits that way. ;)

Also, since you're starting, you may want to stick to the EE-11 until you can unlock the EE-3 or T-21B for long range matches. The EE-11 is a great starting weapon.
*E-11 ;)
Welcome to the club trooper! Please keep your helmet on at all times and don't for get to PTFO to keep that rebel scum from our uplinks! You'll get more points for credits that way. ;)

Also, since you're starting, you may want to stick to the EE-11 until you can unlock the EE-3 or T-21B for long range matches. The EE-11 is a great starting weapon.

@RACECAR Like OZZY said, the E-11 is one of the best weapons you can get. The closest competitor is the A280C. The A280C has a higher firing rate with slightly less damage, but the E-11 has a slower firing rate with slightly higher damage. It's really a matter of personal preference. Even some of the most experienced players swear by the A280C for it's reliability.

The blaster pistols in this game are excellent. You'll have a lot of fun with the DH-17 since it's fully automatic, but remember that it has a severe damage and accuracy drop-off at long range. The SE-14C is a five-shot burst pistol, but don't let that discourage you; it's a monster at close-quarters combat. If I remember correctly, the maximum damage each bolt will deal is 20 at extreme close-range, but expect that to drop off the further away your target is. The DL-44 will receive a buff soon, as it's firing rare was nerfed. It can still deal 50 damage per shot in CQC.

With the loadouts, or "hands" as they are called in this game, you should think about which star cards will be most beneficial to you in each situation. If you're playing Walker Assault on the Rebel side, a loadout with some Ion-based weaponry (Such as the Ion Torpedo, Ion Shot, or Ion Grenade) is essential, but you'll only need them during the Y-Wing bombing runs or if you encounter an AT-ST. If you're playing Blast, a Jump Pack, Scan Pulse, or a Scout Pistol (Two shots; make them count) can really help you. Keep in mind that primary weapons

Now, let's talk about Charge Cards, since I was confused by them initially. Charge Cards are the ones kept in the top, center of your "hand." You can only use these cards if you have enough charges for them. Charges can either be purchased or found on the battlefield as glowing blue spark icons. Charge cards can be activated by pressing Triangle.

If you're using Explosive Shot or Ion Shot, your charge won't be used up as long as you don't press the fire button. Explosive shot will give your primary weapon a damage boost, but you will overheat faster. Ion Shot will allow you to deal more damage to droids, vehicles, turrets, and turbolasers. Scan Pulse will reveal the location of all enemies nearby for an extremely brief time in four pulses. Your pulses do not appear for your teammates. Personal Shield will prevent you from being killed by blasters or grenades, but you can be easily killed by the Scatter Gun or Cycler Rifle. Cooling cell will prevent your primary weapon from overheating for a short time. Useful for attacking a Hero or Villain. Focus Fire will temporarily give your weapon increased accuracy for attacking long-range targets. Focus Fire and the CA-87 shotgun are a deadly combination. Adrenaline Stim is locked to the Outer Rim DLC, and the Disruption card is locked to the Bespin DLC as far as I know.
@RACECAR Like OZZY said, the E-11 is one of the best weapons you can get. The closest competitor is the A280C. The A280C has a higher firing rate with slightly less damage, but the E-11 has a slower firing rate with slightly higher damage. It's really a matter of personal preference. Even some of the most experienced players swear by the A280C for it's reliability.

The blaster pistols in this game are excellent. You'll have a lot of fun with the DH-17 since it's fully automatic, but remember that it has a severe damage and accuracy drop-off at long range. The SE-14C is a five-shot burst pistol, but don't let that discourage you; it's a monster at close-quarters combat. If I remember correctly, the maximum damage each bolt will deal is 20 at extreme close-range, but expect that to drop off the further away your target is. The DL-44 will receive a buff soon, as it's firing rare was nerfed. It can still deal 50 damage per shot in CQC.

With the loadouts, or "hands" as they are called in this game, you should think about which star cards will be most beneficial to you in each situation. If you're playing Walker Assault on the Rebel side, a loadout with some Ion-based weaponry (Such as the Ion Torpedo, Ion Shot, or Ion Grenade) is essential, but you'll only need them during the Y-Wing bombing runs or if you encounter an AT-ST. If you're playing Blast, a Jump Pack, Scan Pulse, or a Scout Pistol (Two shots; make them count) can really help you. Keep in mind that primary weapons

Now, let's talk about Charge Cards, since I was confused by them initially. Charge Cards are the ones kept in the top, center of your "hand." You can only use these cards if you have enough charges for them. Charges can either be purchased or found on the battlefield as glowing blue spark icons. Charge cards can be activated by pressing Triangle.

If you're using Explosive Shot or Ion Shot, your charge won't be used up as long as you don't press the fire button. Explosive shot will give your primary weapon a damage boost, but you will overheat faster. Ion Shot will allow you to deal more damage to droids, vehicles, turrets, and turbolasers. Scan Pulse will reveal the location of all enemies nearby for an extremely brief time in four pulses. Your pulses do not appear for your teammates. Personal Shield will prevent you from being killed by blasters or grenades, but you can be easily killed by the Scatter Gun or Cycler Rifle. Cooling cell will prevent your primary weapon from overheating for a short time. Useful for attacking a Hero or Villain. Focus Fire will temporarily give your weapon increased accuracy for attacking long-range targets. Focus Fire and the CA-87 shotgun are a deadly combination. Adrenaline Stim is locked to the Outer Rim DLC, and the Disruption card is locked to the Bespin DLC as far as I know.

Great post. Yeah I forgot to mention the A280C. Those two are the best specially since you get them right at the get-go. The other ones you'll have to level up to get them.

If you want to level up quickly, definitely play the objective. DICE has it setup to reward you if you do. And if your KD sucks at the beginning, then don't sweat it as it definitely gets better. Just don't run/shoot around too much so you stay off the radar, and consider 3rd person view (hold down the down button on the d-pad) as it allows you to see over your shoulders.
Great post. Yeah I forgot to mention the A280C. Those two are the best specially since you get them right at the get-go. The other ones you'll have to level up to get them.

If you want to level up quickly, definitely play the objective. DICE has it setup to reward you if you do. And if your KD sucks at the beginning, then don't sweat it as it definitely gets better. Just don't run/shoot around too much so you stay off the radar, and consider 3rd person view (hold down the down button on the d-pad) as it allows you to see over your shoulders.

That reminded me of Traits!

Traits offer you special abilities, and are geared towards certain play styles. There are three levels for each trait; you start off at level one, and you unlock level two after getting three kills in one life. If you manage another three kills without dying, you get the third level. If you die, you go back one level after respawning.

The first trait I want to mention is Scout. Scout allows you to run without appearing on the mini map; at level two, you can fire your weapon without appearing on the minimap; at level three, each kill resets your weapon's heat. Perfect for flanking and sniping.

Berserker trait is unlocked by the Hutt Contracts. Berserker allows you to deal more damage and have more resistance to damage when you're hurt. If you prefer to be in the center of the battle, use this.

Bodyguard will help you resist explosive damage. Also use this if you are playing aggressively.

Bounty Hunter will give you a chance to receive a Powerup after each kill, and will reset the cooldown on your Star Cars at Level 3. Aggressive players use this all the time.

Sharpshooter will reduce the cooldown on your Star Cards for every headshot kill. I have never seen anyone use this before, and sniping isn't that easy with slow projectiles from the T-21B, inaccurate shots from the Relby V10, and slow firing rate of the X-8 Night Sniper. Use at your own discretion.

Survivalist will allow your health to regenerate faster, and you'll get a small amount of health back for each kill. Good for support players who drop Bacta Bombs on teammates constantly.
I want to add to @Dan 's post:

Sniping makes only sense for me if you use the DLT-19X, one shot kill in the head, fast projectile, but it should only be used for extreme high ranges as it overheats with every shot. Make sure that you use the Impulse shot (DLT-20A) as a part of your loadout.

Middle to high range sniping can be quite dynamic, but it does not make too much sense for me as the only weapon in this range is the T-21B with it's slow bullet speed and low damage compared to the DLT-19X.

If you move to mid-range sniping, drop the T-21B and use the A280C, that you can also use in close-range situations.

As I mentioned earlier, I only snipe on big 40 player maps and I only play 40 player maps for sniping.

I hope that helps @RACECAR

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