Star Wars Battlefront ;)

  • Thread starter dice1998
I side with Paulie. Just because it's a model EA wants us to accept, doesn't mean that we have to, nor should, roll over and take it.
EA's model can go burn in a special place in hell. They've ruined BF1 with the continued seperation of premium/non-premium, and gave the base game almost zero good content compared to past games. It started with Battlefront 1, and I really don't want to purchase another EA/Dice game again.
"We weren't expecting special forces."

"That's the point, Sergeant." :mischievous:👍

Kind of confused. They say all eras, yet I've only seen stuff from Return of the Jedi, fhe thirty years, and The Force Awakens; besides Mual and Yoda. Wondering if they're just adding all era heros?

I want to see some clone troopers, dangit! :banghead:
Kind of confused. They say all eras, yet I've only seen stuff from Return of the Jedi, fhe thirty years, and The Force Awakens; besides Mual and Yoda. Wondering if they're just adding all era heros?

I want to see some clone troopers, dangit! :banghead:
The story will be set between Return of the Jedi until The Force Awakens.
On multiplayer is where their promise lies true, you will be able to play heroes and villains from all three eras.

I'd personally like to see that Inferno Squad story made into a feature film...
Maybe it'll be the one after "The Last Jedi"? :D Wishful thinking I know, but it would be cool. :P

They better not screw this one up. If you want to charge customers to play with new heroes and weapons, ok, I understand that. However, when you lock entire maps and gamemodes behind a paywall, you're only dividing the playerbase and killing off the game faster.
*coughBattlefield 1cough* :crazy:
Edit: CRAP, just saw there's a new thread for number II, please disregard.
Hey @OZZYGT — go easy on me! :lol:

Ran into you in a room late last night. I keep thinking I've got the hang of this game, but I'm still pretty terrible at it: a good round for me is one where I manage a 1:1 K/D ratio.
Hey @OZZYGT — go easy on me! :lol:

Ran into you in a room late last night. I keep thinking I've got the hang of this game, but I'm still pretty terrible at it: a good round for me is one where I manage a 1:1 K/D ratio.

Haha sorry man! Send me an invite and we'll play together sometime. The game is fun and with everything going on at the same time (AT-STs, Star Fighters, Droids and Turrets, Heroes etc) it's hard to care about your KD :lol:
Not sure why some people say this game sucks. I just downloaded it from Origin and I have to say it is one of the most amazing and fun games I've ever played. Just tons of things to do even if it lacks story mode. Even me not being an online guy find the online matches to be so much fun!

Lately it has been really hard for me to get engaged in games due to work, but here I am playing this thing for hours straight. Often just playing offline missions or skirmishes as practice and getting use to the mechanics. There is plenty for hundreds of hours.

This game is a real treat for any fan of Star Wars; casual or hardcore. The SOUND! OMG! Something that EA is actually good at. The music, gameplay and one of the BEST graphics I've ever experienced. I'm not even playing on Ultra (all High) and I can certainly say this is the best looking game I have.

If this game is so freaking awesome, I can't imagine Battlefront II. That thing... geez... I'm am so hyped!!
If this game is so freaking awesome, I can't imagine Battlefront II. That thing... geez... I'm am so hyped!!

DICE made Battlefront in 6 months. Let's hope it's a much better game now that they've had 2 years to create Battlefront II.
DICE made Battlefront in 6 months. Let's hope it's a much better game now that they've had 2 years to create Battlefront II.
Really? Although I got bored of it rather quickly it looked good and seemed rather stable for a game that only took 6 months to make.
Really? Although I got bored of it rather quickly it looked good and seemed rather stable for a game that only took 6 months to make.

Well, it's basically just Battlefield underneath. But yeah, they did a pretty good job for just a 6 month make. That's probably part of the reason why they stopped supporting it awhile back. They knew it wasn't going to be good. Battlefront II should be much better, I hope. Should be of the quality of the Battlefield series.
Okay I know this thread has been dormant for a while, but I recently dove back into this game again and I think I have an issue.

Often times if I am in battle, the triangle, L1 or R1 buttons will activate whatever my character has and I swear I don't even touch those buttons. Not sure if this is an issue with my controller, the game or both, but it doesn't happen when I am using a fighter or any other games in general. (And yes I am on the latest update)
Okay I know this thread has been dormant for a while, but I recently dove back into this game again and I think I have an issue.

Often times if I am in battle, the triangle, L1 or R1 buttons will activate whatever my character has and I swear I don't even touch those buttons. Not sure if this is an issue with my controller, the game or both, but it doesn't happen when I am using a fighter or any other games in general. (And yes I am on the latest update)

Turn off the touchpad option in the menus. I had the exact same thing happen at first until I realized I was just brushing that.
Oh, somehow while I was typing that, I began to wonder if I was missing something here, now I know! :dunce: Thank you! Now I can get a little more enjoyment from the game without explosives randomly going off.

Just got back into the game again since shortly after it's release and I bought the season pass on sale not too long ago. My thoughts on the game so far? It's okay. I do get bored with it after a while when I don't have PS Plus. I have yet to play the other online only modes, but i'll give my thoughts on it when I have played through it some.
Something I'm curious about but has there been any mention of there being any additional single player content outside of the campaign?
Has anyone experienced a glitch when playing as Chewbacca on hero battle that prevents you from picking up health? I am not sure what triggers it, but nearly every single game I play with him, it will get to were if I try to collect it, he just walks straight through it.
I still occasionally drop into fighter squadrons to get my X-Wing fix, waiting to see how the content updates pan out. Hero starfighter battles are interesting but not sure if I'm liking the format too much. Still wish in normal battles they'd only let you use era appropriate heroes, would prompt them to add more heroes for eras as well.
Anyone here still plays this game? I do pretty often, specially cargo :)

I play SW:BF 1 probably 3-4 times a week, and pretty much have only played Cargo, on both the PS4 and Xbox1... Have over 600 hrs on Xbox1 and almost at 900 hrs on PS4... :rolleyes:

Haven't put 50 hrs into SW:BF 2 yet. :lol:
Hey there. I was wondering if anyone has played SWBF 2015 lately. I've been thinking about downloading the last updates but I don't know how stable the game is, or how unbalanced things might be.
I play it almost daily... getting harder to find games, as in there is always someone playing something. I'll play it til they pull it. If you can get it cheap it's probably worth it - but I wouldn't pay much for it. When RDR2 came out, it saw a drop off.
I play it almost daily... getting harder to find games, as in there is always someone playing something. I'll play it til they pull it. If you can get it cheap it's probably worth it - but I wouldn't pay much for it. When RDR2 came out, it saw a drop off.

I've owned the game since release, but stopped playing for a while. Would you say the game is still balanced or are there "overpowered" loadouts?
It's the same, I just enjoy the "game" for what it is. when I get frustrated with "those" situations I just turn it off and race. :D

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