Star Wars Battlefront ;)

  • Thread starter dice1998
I personally don't think he's OP. He's actually easy to kill if you get to flank him. He's rather weak on HvV and the only game mode where he can be hard to kill is Walker Assault.
I personally don't think he's OP. He's actually easy to kill if you get to flank him. He's rather weak on HvV and the only game mode where he can be hard to kill is Walker Assault.

Which is where the streak happened. Was partly due to the team I was playing against, where i was only flanked when pushing the last up-link, but by then the health re gen was at teir 3.

That's probably where bossk would be balanced, tier 3 is around 10 health per kill i assume so a quick string of kills and your back to full health.
BTW, i think we may have a new record: Neb-J was at 266 kills with Bossk before the server kicked them all out :lol:

One of the most hysterical videos I've seen in a while

Does Bossk's Toxic Escape count as getting kills with the Dioxis Grenade?
Nope sir :lol:. You're gonna have to grind those Dioxis grenade kills for that upgraded card.
They did buff it a bit though, I got most of the kills on extraction or Drop Zone. People will underestimate the green cloud all for activating the pods :mischievous:
@OZZYGT Nicely done. *Applauds*

Since T-47 Airspeeders can take down an AT-AT relatively easily even if it's at full health, I think it would be a smart idea if T-47s could not attach their tow cables unless the AT-AT is at 40% health or less. This would prevent garbage teams from winning at the last possible second because of one competent player.
So out of the three current DLC, which one is worth buying the most?

EDIT: Bit the bullet and bought the Season Pass that was heavily discounted. Must admit I was a bit disappointed to find out that the DLC was exclusive to Multiplayer. But with how everything in gaming has shifted from local multiplayer to online multiplayer, I should've suspected it to be the case.
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I picked this up this morning for the kids to play. I might have to give it a go myself, though.
And people said Bossk was OP! :lol::lol::lol:

Palatine can chain lightning through walls, the floor and round corners as well as kill a hero in a single lightning burst

So out of the three current DLC, which one is worth buying the most?

EDIT: Bit the bullet and bought the Season Pass that was heavily discounted. Must admit I was a bit disappointed to find out that the DLC was exclusive to Multiplayer. But with how everything in gaming has shifted from local multiplayer to online multiplayer, I should've suspected it to be the case.

Season pass for this game is a huge disappointment, all content is locked into multiplayer playlists. Never would have got it if I had known that and regret buying it even though I got it at a discount.
Season pass for this game is a huge disappointment, all content is locked into multiplayer playlists. Never would have got it if I had known that and regret buying it even though I got it at a discount.
That is I would say the biggest mistake DICE/EA has made with this game since they released the season pass. Considering that Rogue One will be the last content (free or paid) we'll see for the next 12 months, it would have been great if they released the SP content for offline access....
So this happened today.

Wish there was a single player campaign for this. I suck at multiplayer shooters. So all I'll do with this is admire how pretty it is. :(

Wish there was a single player campaign for this. I suck at multiplayer shooters. So all I'll do with this is admire how pretty it is. :(

I believe the single campaign -or lack thereof- is what stopped this game from becoming a candidate for GOTY for 2015. If you don't have the game but are considering it, i'd suggest hold off until SWBF II is released. EA just announced that their focus will be on Battlefront, not Battlefield for the next few years and confirmed a much more in depth campaign mode for SWBF II

So this happened today.



My best is 80-9 on Hoth but I did spend some time as the AT-AT and as Bossk too.
That was the result of just Bossk, and a fairly incompetent enemy team :lol:. Don't think I dropped below 75 health that entire match. Best was 116-0 with Bossk on normal Endor, but didn't manage to get a screenshot in time.
Uhmmm.. Yeah, that Scarif DLC is pretty dope.

Also loving the buffs given to the rebel heroes. Bringing some balance to the force 👍
Played the new DLC for about 30 minutes, doubt i'll touch it again. Once again everything is stuck in a playlist and we are forced to play all modes including the fighter squadron type mode which I can't stand. I also have to play on US servers so the latency is pretty bad, can't find any games on AUS servers due to the lack of players on PC.
What's every ones thoughts on the Bo Rifle? (playable in skirmish) Personally I think the damage needs to be buffed a little, as 4 shots to the body and a slow rate of fire make it next to useless in CQB. Would have thought with its special ability being melee that the range would have been slightly longer seeing as you can't spam the melee like you can with a regular blaster.
Played the new DLC for about 30 minutes, doubt i'll touch it again. Once again everything is stuck in a playlist and we are forced to play all modes including the fighter squadron type mode which I can't stand. I also have to play on US servers so the latency is pretty bad, can't find any games on AUS servers due to the lack of players on PC.

I also doubt the longevity will be long. Instead of the announced 4 maps, it's basically 2 maps: one in space, the other one consisting of 3 parts that almost look exactly the same. The maps are quite small as well, resulting in very short matches. The only plus I can say is that it looks the part, but other than that, mèh.
Not a big fan of Director Krennic, he just doesn't suit my playstyle. Jyn Erso is definitely one of the better gun-weilding hereos, but she isn't anything too special. Haven't had the chance to try out the new maps, will probably get to that after Christmas.
What's every ones thoughts on the Bo Rifle? (playable in skirmish) Personally I think the damage needs to be buffed a little, as 4 shots to the body and a slow rate of fire make it next to useless in CQB. Would have thought with its special ability being melee that the range would have been slightly longer seeing as you can't spam the melee like you can with a regular blaster.

I have not tried it yet but I find it strange that it would take 4 shots to take down a player. The last footage I saw of it seemed like it was pretty OP. Didn't know about the melee delay either but it's understandable as it is a OHK.
I personally think that the EE-4 is the best weapon for CQC and I'm very surprised it didn't get nerfed. Other than that, I'm not too impressed with the new pistols. IMO we already have plenty of good pistols in the game. I would have wanted another rifle similar to the TL-50 but without its secondary fire obviously.
It looks fun to use! I'll try to get it tonight. I doubt i'd be adopting it as my main rifle, though; I am too attached to my EE-3 :P
I was killed by it, but I wasn't able to get one. Seems like a good long range rifle. Definetly want one.

EDIT: Got one 30 seconds in a match today. Spawned in, notice an enemy at half health running into our spawn. Shot him, and ran over the yellow icon.

Best bit was the end of te match while I was using it. Chased a Rodian down, shot him in the back, he turns around and drops a bacta bmb at his feet. Then I one-hit-killed him with the melee. Not today, my!
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