Star Wars Battlefront ;)

  • Thread starter dice1998
Imagine the insanity if a new pistol Star Card was added. You could have four pistols on you at any time. Just use a primary like a DL-44 or highly controversial DH-17, then a Scout Pistol, a Stinger Pistol, and whatever new one came out. Of course, you can have four guns currently, but it just goes to show how odd the loadouts can become in this game.
But given the absurdity of the Disruption card, I would not be surprised to see people running this loadout.
The good news is... no more helmetless stormtroopers!! and we get separate traits for our two loadouts :)

I can't wait.

Wait. Does that mean we'll never have helmetless troopers ever again?! Even on the rest of the maps and gamemodes?!

Also, people saw what looked like TIE Defenders in the trailer. Any word about them? Finally, how are the new weapons?
Showcases the new hero's, and customisation.

No more helmet-less storm troopers, but have the option to change pauldron colours for regular troopers and face for the Deathstar troopers and imperial officers

Rebels your able to mix and match from what it seems.
Showcases the new hero's, and customisation.

No more helmet-less storm troopers, but have the option to change pauldron colours for regular troopers and face for the Deathstar troopers and imperial officers

Rebels your able to mix and match from what it seems.

Oh my god this is perfect!
Wait. Does that mean we'll never have helmetless troopers ever again?! Even on the rest of the maps and gamemodes?!

Also, people saw what looked like TIE Defenders in the trailer. Any word about them? Finally, how are the new weapons?

TIE defenders/bombers are AI controlled wingmen that are available as power pick ups. This applies to every fighter squadron map and Battle Station.
The same goes with Y-wings and B-wings for the rebels; hopefully DICE will allow us to play them in the future.

On a separate note, people on reddit are celebrating the fact that Chewie looks a lot better than what the trailer showed, however it is just the cut scene that shows a better rendered chewbacca. The actual gameplay has the odd looking one :lol:
Alright, so, I played the new DLC. Quite simply, it's fantastic. Starfighters are actually fun to play with for once, and I didn't rage* at all. Right now, I'm 15 kills away from unlocking the TL-50. Until then, it's LMG spam from me. :lol: The addition of specific traits for loadouts is a godsend... even though I only have Scout unlocked because I'm poor. :( Probably the only negative aspect of the DLC is many Imperial players are purposely letting the Rebels win so the other phases can be played. Currently, there isn't much inventive for the Imperials to win the first round. One user on r/StarWarsBattlefront had an idea where the Empire could assault a Rebel ship if they prevent the Star Destroyer from exploding. I can't remember the entire post and it's most likely buried now, but it was interesting.

* Unless you count swears muttered under my breath because my teammates wouldn't push into rooms to capture R2-D2, ultimately leading to our defeat. Several times.
When does the DLC go live for non-season pass players? I went out last night and got a $20 PSStore card to play it, only to find I can't...yet. Did mess around with the weapons in singleplayer, though. The TL-50 is a must for me; the pistol, not so much. The new heros look incredible; Bosskk's voice sound insane, but oddly familiar in a way.

The generator room in the Death Star and the Medical Droid are giving me so much nostalgia at the moment. I feel like 8 year old me playing Battlefront II all over again.
If you guys are into making quick money (in game currency) let me know. We can do droid run matches and trade activations for the entire match. The other night we made close to 6,000 in game credits PER match lol. Let me know!
If you guys are into making quick money (in game currency) let me know. We can do droid run matches and trade activations for the entire match. The other night we made close to 6,000 in game credits PER match lol. Let me know!

I'd be interested around 7:00 PM EST.

Unrelated, are the Death Star gamemodes allowed to be played separately, or are they only done in a playlist? Can't check at the moment.
Separately. Like the other DLCs. Just hit square on them and the three modes will appear (Battlestation, Fighter Squadron & Blast). It's still a rotation though, so even if you select one in particular, you might go into a different one once the match is over...
Separately. Like the other DLCs. Just hit square on them and the three modes will appear (Battlestation, Fighter Squadron & Blast). It's still a rotation though, so even if you select one in particular, you might go into a different one once the match is over...

Oh. :| Despite Fighter Squadron being massively improved, I don't always want to play it.
That new heavy repeater is pretty brutal :) . I bought the season pass now that it's only €30 until the end of the month. Well worth it. But I'd never buy it at full price.
That new heavy repeater is pretty brutal :) . I bought the season pass now that it's only €30 until the end of the month. Well worth it. But I'd never buy it at full price.

That secondary fire doe... I think it's a little OP ATM. I tried it but ended up switching back to my SE-14C/EE-3 after a few matches. The range and poser is just not there for me..
Is it just me who finds the death star really boring ?, ive done each one two times, i cant bring myself to play them again.This game is fast losing its appeal for me.
Ho... lee... crap...

Albert Ross, Swany Games, Velociraptor & Neb-J have thing going on recently to see who's gets the biggest killstreak. Swany Games was the first one to reach 200 after Albert Ross' 186, then AR reached 204 and now Swanny is back it again lol.

I recently won like 6 consecutive hero hunt matches using Bossk all the time for the imperials. He is crazy good

Is it just me who finds the death star really boring ?, ive done each one two times, i cant bring myself to play them again.This game is fast losing its appeal for me.

Dennis from DICE recently confirmed more infantry modes being added to the DS DLC. Apparently after so much bitching from the gaming community regarding the lack of space battles, now that they're in people are now complaining "there's too much flying".

I for one do enjoy the second phase of Battlestation and hope for more modes on this map. (I believe they are releasing a Heroes Blast game mode with all 12 of them together)
There's a rumor that the CJ-9 Bo-Rifle will be a "viral pickup." That means, you only unlock it if you kill someone wielding it. Once you kill them, a pickup appears over their body. Grab it, and you unlock it permanently.
There's a rumor that the CJ-9 Bo-Rifle will be a "viral pickup." That means, you only unlock it if you kill someone wielding it. Once you kill them, a pickup appears over their body. Grab it, and you unlock it permanently.
Wait, you unlock it permanently? So will it be like a power-up pick up from then or a star card?
Wait, you unlock it permanently? So will it be like a power-up pick up from then or a star card?

It'll probably work like the way dice did with the dice specific dogtags in BF4. A select few will have it unlocked (probably employees, youtubers ect) and when they die a pick up like token will spawn. Players can then run over it to permanently unlock and use it like any other primary blaster (ee-3 e-11 ect)
There's a rumor that the CJ-9 Bo-Rifle will be a "viral pickup." That means, you only unlock it if you kill someone wielding it. Once you kill them, a pickup appears over their body. Grab it, and you unlock it permanently.
If that's true, who will get the first one and how?
If that's true, who will get the first one and how?

Almost certainly the devs will be playing and popular streamers like BattlefrontUpdates will be given the rifle while playing in public matches. As they encounter more players, more people get the rifle, and it continues to spread throughout the community.
Finally managed to hit rank 75 today and unlocked the Rebel Pilot skin...for 25,000 credits! :scared: Aside from the price, I love the look of it. I don't even care if I stick out like a zore thumb, this will most likely become my main Rebel skin!

I wish DICE would have included a version with the helmet along with the one in game. Feels odd running around without it on.
As I only accquired the season pass a week ago, all of the dlc is new to me. To my own surprise, I'm currently having the most fun with the Extraction mode in Outer Rim. So addictive :D
I've come to the conclusion that bossk is seriously overpowered :lol::lol:. Just went 107-0 on Endor. Thermal vision plus health re-gen and a gun that can 2 hit kill at any range with a head shot is a pretty deadly combo.
I've come to the conclusion that bossk is seriously overpowered :lol::lol:. Just went 107-0 on Endor. Thermal vision plus health re-gen and a gun that can 2 hit kill at any range with a head shot is a pretty deadly combo.

Unfortunately, instead of lightly tweaking his abilities, he'll be nerfed into the ground and become borderline unusable as DICE typically does when balancing features in their games. :(

ey b0ssk