Well, you know how it isHugo Boss...Too bad you wouldn't go for the tie...
Hi guys, i saw this challenge a few days ago and me and my mates been having a go at it. they were only able to do a 1'20.xxx but ive watched a lot more racing shows than them and such learned some more skills. After trying my hardest for a whole hour i managed.
25.028 // 48.932 // 1'18.978
And you should have seen my last corner i just went all Keiichi Tsuchiya on its arse and managed to keep an extra 6kph apex speed. too bad i dont have a maxdrive and the batteries are flat in my camera. But dont worry im the real deal, honest.
But for the technique you want to scandinavian flick it into the last corner as you change direction from the right kink. Use the weightshifting+braking to fling the car and you will be amazed at how much speed can be gained.
good luck guys i'll be back later.
First of all, welcome - then you go Arcade Mode/Time Trial/Original Circuits/Midfield Raceway-normal/BMW M3 '04, sports:medium and OK.... then, on your screen, it should read the car, power (339 hp), weight (1570 Kg) and tyres (SM)... that´s it!GrumpEoneI'm curious, how are you guys getting such fast time, without any upgrades??
First of all... blazing time, Ron 👍
Secondly... you´ve just gotta be kidding me
First amemyarz and now Small_Fryz... either SF´s account been hacked or....
I know SF is a regular and everything but this is just downright stupid!
Maybe it just comes down to wishfull thinking on your part... I don´t know?
Scandinavian flick.... batteries gone flat.... should have seen my last corner.... Keiichi "Ping Pong" whatever.... yeah, right - and my pacemaker needs an upgrade ... my butt!
Small_Fryz, if you´re that bloody good as to replicating my lines and braking points then prove it.
The confidence you´re displaying it shouldn´t be to hard.
Make a bloody video... for Gods sake! .. and do indeed watch mine.
Should have ignored you guys in the first place but I´ve got to admit that you´ve really hit a nerve this time 👎
First of all, welcome - then you go Arcade Mode/Time Trial/Original Circuits/Midfield Raceway-normal/BMW M3 '04, sports:medium and OK.... then, on your screen, it should read the car, power (339 hp), weight (1570 Kg) and tyres (SM)... that´s it!
After that... practice!
Thanks for taking your time to create a new leaderboard, 006r. 👍
Finally, got some replays and a video containing to differrent laps (the second one is the faulty one).
Just my two cents, btw.
Its a sin to play GT with driving aids
So, no, no driving aids:tup:
Thnx, let´s just hope that won´t happen again006r...You know hsh if you stopped improving your already awesome time I wouldnt feel so bad everytime I tried to improve my own time!...