Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)

  • Thread starter tlowr4

What do you think about the new Internet BlackList Bill?

  • It's a load of crap! GET RID OF IT!!

    Votes: 131 67.9%
  • It's S.978 all over again. KILL IT. KILL IT WITH FIRE!!

    Votes: 57 29.5%
  • Oh finally, the US realizes that there's too much copywrited stuff going on these days. I'm happy ab

    Votes: 5 2.6%

  • Total voters
Even though a lot of countries have been signing this in the EU, it has not been enforced into law as the votes have not been taken place yet.

There's still time to contact your EP to convince them to vote against it.
Even though a lot of countries have been signing this in the EU, it has not been enforced into law as the votes have not been taken place yet.

There's still time to contact your EP to convince them to vote against it.

Do you mean "MP (Member of Palerment") ?
Possibly MEP. (Member of European Parliament)

But I'm very uncertain how this is going to pan out, or how appealing to a politician would help.
All world countries are free to sign until 2013.

Free to sign, and then create legislation to enforce the laws as they interpret them. Don't get me wrong, ACTA is very much worth fighting against, but in most places where nations have signed-on to this... Which is otherwise a trade agreement... There is still quite some time to shape the legislation that will eventually affect them.
Free to sign, and then create legislation to enforce the laws as they interpret them. Don't get me wrong, ACTA is very much worth fighting against, but in most places where nations have signed-on to this... Which is otherwise a trade agreement... There is still quite some time to shape the legislation that will eventually affect them.

It also has yet to be passed in all countries that signed it so it very well may not happen in most. 👍
Yep wont happen, we didn't even get to vote in the current prime minister. :dopey:

We just have to vote over and over until we say yes, take the Lisbon Treaty for example..
If you're going to say "SOPA is back, the sky is falling" perhaps it would be more usesful to have current references in your links, and not stuff at least a year old. And the first one has nothing to do with SOPA anyway. The ransomware virus was not put out there by the government!
If you're going to say "SOPA is back, the sky is falling" perhaps it would be more usesful to have current references in your links, and not stuff at least a year old. And the first one has nothing to do with SOPA anyway. The ransomware virus was not put out there by the government!

Never checked the dates -_-.

What ones are outdated and I'll get rid of them? If they all are, I'll find new ones.
Wow, after reading through quite a lot of this thread, I am left astonished at how feebly people have argued against SOPA. Piracy, it seems, is deeply entrenched in most people's way of life. The ugly side of piracy is all too familiar to me, and it has devastating results.

Shame on you.
Wow, after reading through quite a lot of this thread, I am left astonished at how feebly people have argued against SOPA. Piracy, it seems, is deeply entrenched in most people's way of life. The ugly side of piracy is all too familiar to me, and it has devastating results.

Shame on you.

Care to share and inform people instead of standing on your SOPA Box :sly:

Seriously though care to explain how it devastated your life. Also did you read anything about how the RIAA are pulling the strings on these type of proposals along with other big groups and leaked documents show that SOPA/PIPA wouldn't have worked from the RIAA's own people...
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All these measures do is screw over the average Internet user, but within days those with the know-how will find ways around it.
Care to share and inform people instead of standing on your SOPA Box :sly:

Seriously though care to explain how it devastated your life. Also did you read anything about how the RIAA are pulling the strings on these type of proposals along with other big groups and leaked documents show that SOPA/PIPA wouldn't have worked from the RIAA's own people...

"All too familiar" - I don't know how many times I have had the experience of: "Ah look, yet another pirate mob selling on ebay the album that I recorded, for a quarter of the normal price. Nice to know that someone is making some money out my blood, sweat, and tears". Also, as soon as an upload of a full album put on Youtube is removed, another takes it's place.

"Devastating results" - I will not use mine, but the most horrific official figures I know of. An artist that I knew ended up selling around 2% of what they had, pre modern piracy. That is based on official figures from the accountant, and juxtaposed with a dramatic increase in popularity. Imagining devastating results should not be difficult.

People like DK throw around their "All these measures do is screw over the average Internet user", but the human toll on the other side of that kind of selfish dismissiveness is something few would want to answer for. Presented with the real life fallout, only the most utterly cold hearted individual would not question their own actions, and certainly their attitude.

If people truly believe that SOPA is the wrong path to the right result, argue at least equally for the right path. Frankly though, I've not seen a lot of that in this thread.
Wow, after reading through quite a lot of this thread, I am left astonished at how feebly people have argued against SOPA. Piracy, it seems, is deeply entrenched in most people's way of life. The ugly side of piracy is all too familiar to me, and it has devastating results.

Shame on you.

Shame on anyone who supports internet censorship.
"All too familiar" - I don't know how many times I have had the experience of: "Ah look, yet another pirate mob selling on ebay the album that I recorded, for a quarter of the normal price. Nice to know that someone is making some money out my blood, sweat, and tears". Also, as soon as an upload of a full album put on Youtube is removed, another takes it's place.

"Devastating results" - I will not use mine, but the most horrific official figures I know of. An artist that I knew ended up selling around 2% of what they had, pre modern piracy. That is based on official figures from the accountant, and juxtaposed with a dramatic increase in popularity. Imagining devastating results should not be difficult.

People like DK throw around their "All these measures do is screw over the average Internet user", but the human toll on the other side of that kind of selfish dismissiveness is something few would want to answer for. Presented with the real life fallout, only the most utterly cold hearted individual would not question their own actions, and certainly their attitude.

If people truly believe that SOPA is the wrong path to the right result, argue at least equally for the right path. Frankly though, I've not seen a lot of that in this thread.

Um this type of sharing has gone on for years, you aren't anything new and to sit their as if mix tapes and record making to share with people just started in 99 or 00 is silly. Also why do artist seem fine with piracy or music sharing? Why aren't record companies in shambles? Also why are you using what seems to be empathy charged rhetoric to combat others that aren't? I mean if you want some impact show some facts.

What right path is there? Every time on this thread I've felt that I'm arguing the factual correct and that is against SOPA/PIPA/ACTA because of a control issue and more grabbing at civil liberties. I personally don't download free music but at the same time I don't buy a ton of it and only buy maybe 1 or 2 albums a year, or I listen to my pandora.

Anyways, you still haven't explained that if this was a method to balance out the market, then the RIAA wouldn't be trying the control the environment. (well they would be but it is obvious they're using lobbying to do so.) And with other internet control measures what kind of oversight are you aware of that would make sure this is done correctly. The issue here is while I understand your charge at the same time your crying foul without giving any ability to remedy the situation yourself.
Um this type of sharing has gone on for years, you aren't anything new and to sit their as if mix tapes and record making to share with people just started in 99 or 00 is silly.
Hence my carefully worded: "pre modern piracy". Net difference is what matters, is it not? 2%, seriously, two percent.

Surely you can equate this to opportunistic illegal activity? A click of a button is about as easy as it gets.

Also why do artist seem fine with piracy or music sharing?
A little thing called fear, mostly. I wouldn't dare deride piracy in a non-anonymous arena. Some survive on merchandise, but see below*.

Why aren't record companies in shambles?
How many do you deal with? I know (and know of) many that are. Maybe the big ones find a way, but the small/medium ones are on borrowed time. Many surviving by further strangling their artists. Advances are all but a thing of the past for many record labels.
*Contracts are tending to stitch in exclusive rights to selling an artist's merchandise.

Also why are you using what seems to be empathy charged rhetoric to combat others that aren't? I mean if you want some impact show some facts.
More like empathy seeking rhetoric, but I honestly don't know why I am even trying. People generally filter out what is uncomfortable. I'm not aware that any large scale facts/stats are available, but the truth is no doubt in the numbers that appear on so many artists' statements. It's your choice whether or not to have empathy.

The issue here is while I understand your charge at the same time your crying foul without giving any ability to remedy the situation yourself.
I don't think the situation will be remedied, and I don't know how it could be done. Is something only unfair if there is a solution?

Mule - I must concede that I am thoroughly defeated by your particular brand of genius.
Hence my carefully worded: "pre modern piracy". Net difference is what matters, is it not? 2%, seriously, two percent.

Surely you can equate this to opportunistic illegal activity? A click of a button is about as easy as it gets.

What about when I share a CD with friends and they burn it (haven't done that in years since I buy digital)? Even if they aren't going to a share site they are getting the music for free, and that's the thing no matter what you do there are going to be ways, and I ask how do you fix it?

A little thing called fear, mostly. I wouldn't dare deride piracy in a non-anonymous arena. Some survive on merchandise, but see below*.

So when Dave Grohl calls the industry on the BS they pull and other artist do a make your own price or give away music for free, they are doing this out of fear? Where are you getting that logic from if they are?

How many do you deal with? I know (and know of) many that are. Maybe the big ones find a way, but the small/medium ones are on borrowed time. Many surviving by further strangling their artists. Advances are all but a thing of the past for many record labels.
*Contracts are tending to stitch in exclusive rights to selling an artist's merchandise.

So one must be in the industry, surely news outlets would be talking about this, don't turn this into an elitist "well I'm there and your not so don't talk about it cause none of you even know!" I mean I'm really trying to hear you out and giving you a chance but you're not giving any cohesive evidence to sway people.

More like empathy seeking rhetoric, but I honestly don't know why I am even trying. People generally filter out what is uncomfortable. I'm not aware that any large scale facts/stats are available, but the truth is no doubt in the numbers that appear on so many artists' statements. It's your choice whether or not to have empathy.

This seems like back peddling and more rhetoric rather than any conclusive proof. When the RIAA says that this wouldn't work the group that lobbied for it to further control climate, I'm not filtering out anything I don't have any sympathy there are still plenty of people making it big on music and it has long been known that tours and shows are what make the money over record sales which is what pads RIAA groups. Also if you're not aware of facts how can you be sure of what exactly the truth is?

I don't think the situation will be remedied, and I don't know how it could be done. Is something only unfair if there is a solution?

No one said it was. However, why not be more progressive in thought and rather than purely complaining (it's fine to complain but don't only do that) and try to figure out something.