Well I'm glad I was able to say something people agree with.
Street cars in GT mode and Racecars in Arc. 👍
Now regarding what flat-out said...
Tracks :
11 World Courses (37%)
10 Original Courses (33%)
8 City Courses (27%)
1 Dirt Track (3%)
This seems like a great distribution to me, only with my love of the world circuits there would have been more ring, motegi, suzuka, and tsukuba races!
Game mode :
22 Arcade Mode (73%)
8 GT Mode (27%)
I would love to see more GT races, but I would like it if they were in line with the ideas I mentioned earlier about car selection compared to mode.
Lap number :
24 Hotlaps (80%)
6 Multilappers (20%)
Once again, I think this is a pretty good distribution. The multilappers could be increased IMO as long as they weren't really long races. More 2-5 lap races with total times of 10 minutes and under would be great.
Also, running multilappers in Arc mode is what I would go with... GT mode just doesn't have the ease of operation that Arcade mode has- starting, stopping, retrying, getting exact race setups, all of that is easier in arcade mode.
So arcade mode is where I would do the multi lap races. 👍
Traction type :
11 Front/Rear (37%)
7 not defined due to multiple choice (23%)
6 Midship/Rear (20%)
4 4WD (13%)
2 Front/Front (7%)
0 Rear/Rear (0%)
This is a nice distribution, but I would really like to see us use the Rear/Rear format a few times.
-With that in mind, it would be great to use a semi-modified BTR with some kind of racing tires and no aero-kit. 
Also, I wouldn't mind seeing more "not defined" races.
Car nationality :
15 Asian (50%) (14 japanese, 1 korean)
10 European (33%) (6 british, 2 german, 1 french, 1 italian)
2 American (7%)
2 not defined due to multiple choice(7%)
1 Australian (3%)
This is another category where I feel like pushing a "not defined" stress would be a good idea. 👍
If not that, then I would suggest using choice American cars like the C5 Z06 street car as well as the Saleen S7 (the S7 would be a great GT mode runner on some kind of racing tires).
For the Austraillian crowd I think using the one V8 supercar wouldn't be a bad idea somewhere down the road. Maybe it could run a race with the Lister?
Now, to get more in-depth about a few points I hoped to get across during that...
Some street cars in gt mode do really well with moderately high levels of modifications and Racing tires.
Cars like the Saleen S7 thrive on racing tires because of the lacking downforce, and the same goes for a spoiler-less BTR.
On the other hand, some cars really do well with sports and N tires.
Of course, I will not race on N tires and the only way I would do an N tire race is on a truely well balanced combo.
However, sports tires are something I really like. 👍
Specifically, I love running cars like a stock NSX on sports tires.
Once the PWR gets below a certain point, or once the weight gets above a certain point I really start to dislike sports tires... So IMO caution is needed.
However, I have no doubt that flat-out/ "you" will make good decisions in the weeks to come.
Just a few final thoughts on specific cars.
-Supra RZ '97 tuned to approximately 3.0 pwr (GT mode full weight reduction and *500hp on Racing tires with added aero-kit).
-NSX Type S Zero '99 or NSX Type R '02 (either mode... S3s and no spoiler).
-Amuse S2000 R1 (arcade mode with S3 tires).
-BTR near fully tuned on racing tires.
-GT mode super car challenge (racing tires and no added spoilers).
As you can tell, I'm not big on N tires... However, I know many people love them so good luck with that sort of choice. 👍
Just for the record though... I find N tires to be the exact opposite of what people reffer to them as... I see them as the least accurate tires in terms of "feel."
Sure lap times may get slowed down a bit and for that reason they become more realistic.
But the truth is, if stock street cars handled with the drift that N tires give, many of our favorite street cars would be too dangerous for the public roads.
Anyway, good luck with the choices at hand flat-out.
I am sure you will do well with them. 👍