Suggestions Box

  • Thread starter Kent
Nah, I think we'd definitely need to drive at a pace that makes downforce/drag a factor... That'd add another dimension of hardness to it, well, if the cars we're racing against are as fast/faster anyway. Definitely a hard combo to setup probably. Oh, and to make it even harder, it could be a mid-engine car...
It's hard to find an appealing combo on Test Course.
Unless we race against faster AI cars in GT Mode.
Then we'll have to be skilled
1) in car setting to catch up
2) in driving to avoid contact

So indeed, that excludes the Ford T....
.....what about a fully modded Midget ? :lol:

Let me check the specs on that Midget, real quick...

The Daihatsu Midget II D_type - 1998 has 23.7 HP min, 39.5 HP max (in Arcade Mode), while the Daihatsu Midget '63 - 1963 has 6.9 HP min, 12.8 HP max (still in Arcade Mode).

I'd say we go with the '63 model 👍 :D

The Wizard.
You know you're in trouble when you have to quote your cars HP to a decimal place....Just as well that midget 63' has 12.8 HP, because 12.5, is just too slow....
What about that mission, the 3 lapper. That would be great competition as its so feckin hard. It would also have the factors of having to slipstream and slingshot your way ahead, and also the AI contact thing. Plus theres lots of different strategys that can be taken, whether to go it alone or to bring the pack with you, Would be interesting. The model T would be a lugh, but for a whole week, im not so sure. Model T around Autumn Ring Mini, now that would be interesting. I tested this out a few weeks ago, its a fun race 👍
First and foremost...
Please don't put us in those rediculus old schoolers with less than 100 hp. :nervous: :crazy: :yuck: 👎

My real suggestions though...
GT Mode Street Cars:
Traditional GT cars too.

FR or MR drivetrain formats.
1000kg - 1300kg.
200hp - 500hp.
Sports tires.

I would really like to see something along these lines:
RUF 3400s
Aston Martin DB9
'99 NSX Type S Zero

Some other cars people wouldn't be interested in even though I am...
Subaru Impreza '02 or 22b
AMG E 55

... :rolleyes:
Just realized that my list could go on forever so basically...
GT Street Cars that handle well at about 3.0 pwr. :D
You know you're in trouble when you have to quote your cars HP to a decimal place....Just as well that midget 63' has 12.8 HP, because 12.5, is just too slow....


The reason I was quoting the HP ratings to a decimal place is because I got the information from and they list the power ratings in PS. I then went to to convert them in HP. I didn't want to put all the 9 significant figures they provide, so, being a good engineer, I rounded them to the first decimal place :D :sly:

Anyway, jokes apart...

We should really do one of the missions or another licence test 👍

The Wizard.
My point of view...

I don't like the idea of doing missions or license test in the WRS.

The reason I say that is because of what the WRS gives us the chance to do.

I mean...
Everyone has to race all of the licenses and all of the missions if they wish to complete the game- it's just part of the game.

However, combos like this week's Jag at SSR5 are races that would never be done without something like the WRS (or another form of spot race).

So, in my opinion it is best to leave the licenses and missions for normal game play... We will end up doing them regardless of the WRS.

But unique combos that would never get our attention without the WRS. 👍 👍

Also, another thing I don't like about using licenses for WRS races is the idea of clean racing in relation to license tests.

The one week I remember the WRS doing a license was the one week where it was basically a free-for-all and as long as you weren't disqualified by the game, your lap was "clean."
If I remember correctly, that didn't sit well with many of us.

But oh well...
If a license comes up it will only be for a week so it's no big deal. :D
(plus, it's not mandatory to participate :lol: )

My vote:
Avoid license tests for the WRS.

Stick to the unique combos that people wouldn't do in the course of completing the game. 👍
First and foremost...
Please don't put us in those rediculus old schoolers with less than 100 hp. :nervous: :crazy: :yuck: 👎

All that started as a joke while looking for a car that would make a race on Test Course challenging.
Chances are that everybody would sit out a race with a car under 100hp anyway.
...but I support the Aston Martin suggestion. 👍
Having tried this combo as part of a LAN race get-together it might be worth a try:

BMW M5 at Seattle on road tyres.

With a supplementary award for best style :) 👍
Lancia Stratos rally car @ George V Paris = 2 much fun! :)
The road car is a blast too......but not on a street course. :scared:

Pescarolo Judd @ Seoul. Arcade race. 10 laps. no pit allowed. any options. 2 weeks to complete??? 👍 :ill:

Ruf ctr yellowbird @ grand valley east reverse is sure to put a smile on your face! :dopey:

m3 gtr race car @ seattle!!!!
Lancia Stratos rally car @ George V Paris = 2 much fun! :)
The road car is a blast too......but not on a street course. :scared:

Pescarolo Judd @ Seoul. Arcade race. 10 laps. no pit allowed. any options. 2 weeks to complete??? 👍 :ill:

Ruf ctr yellowbird @ grand valley east reverse is sure to put a smile on your face! :dopey:

m3 gtr race car @ seattle!!!!

all good, but the BMW M3 at seattle has to be the best of all... 👍 :drool: :dopey: already got my vote.... if we were voting that is...
Just a few things I wanted to mention...

1) I don't race on N tires. :lol:

2) With regards to GT Mode vs Arcade Mode...

I feel like GT mode is really well suited for the street cars. 👍
They get lower weights from the stage 3 weight reduction than they can from the KG -10%.

Also, they have the option for downforce as well as racing tires (which can make for a really fun supra or skyline lap).

Now, take Arcade mode...
I feel like Arcade mode is well suited for the Racecars.
Not only are there a multitude of racecars already availible, but they are also not subject to the endless settings work that so often compliments GT mode racecar races.

So basically...
GT Mode & Street Cars 👍
Arcade Mode & Racecars 👍

Switch them around and I feel :yuck:


Just something to consider. ;)
GT Mode & Street Cars 👍
Arcade Mode & Racecars 👍

I agree.

Race cars are too much of a pain to set up.
Street cars are neutral enough that you don't have to mess with the settings too much.

So, yeah, what he said 👍

The Wizard.
^^ yeah, and street car suspensions are usually a bit more pudding than i care for.
Just for the record, the first 30 races can be split as follows :

Tracks :
11 World Courses (37%)
10 Original Courses (33%)
8 City Courses (27%)
1 Dirt Track (3%)

Game mode :
22 Arcade Mode (73%)
8 GT Mode (27%)

Lap number :
24 Hotlaps (80%)
6 Multilappers (20%)

Traction type :
11 Front/Rear (37%)
7 not defined due to multiple choice (23%)
6 Midship/Rear (20%)
4 4WD (13%)
2 Front/Front (7%)
0 Rear/Rear (0%)

Car nationality :
15 Asian (50%) (14 japanese, 1 korean)
10 European (33%) (6 british, 2 german, 1 french, 1 italian)
2 American (7%)
2 not defined due to multiple choice(7%)
1 Australian (3%)

Perhaps that might influence your suggestions. ;)
Well I'm glad I was able to say something people agree with.

Street cars in GT mode and Racecars in Arc. 👍

Now regarding what flat-out said...
Tracks :
11 World Courses (37%)
10 Original Courses (33%)
8 City Courses (27%)
1 Dirt Track (3%)
This seems like a great distribution to me, only with my love of the world circuits there would have been more ring, motegi, suzuka, and tsukuba races! :lol:

Game mode :
22 Arcade Mode (73%)
8 GT Mode (27%)
I would love to see more GT races, but I would like it if they were in line with the ideas I mentioned earlier about car selection compared to mode.

Lap number :
24 Hotlaps (80%)
6 Multilappers (20%)
Once again, I think this is a pretty good distribution. The multilappers could be increased IMO as long as they weren't really long races. More 2-5 lap races with total times of 10 minutes and under would be great.
Also, running multilappers in Arc mode is what I would go with... GT mode just doesn't have the ease of operation that Arcade mode has- starting, stopping, retrying, getting exact race setups, all of that is easier in arcade mode.
So arcade mode is where I would do the multi lap races. 👍

Traction type :
11 Front/Rear (37%)
7 not defined due to multiple choice (23%)
6 Midship/Rear (20%)
4 4WD (13%)
2 Front/Front (7%)
0 Rear/Rear (0%)
This is a nice distribution, but I would really like to see us use the Rear/Rear format a few times.
-With that in mind, it would be great to use a semi-modified BTR with some kind of racing tires and no aero-kit. :mischievous:
Also, I wouldn't mind seeing more "not defined" races.

Car nationality :
15 Asian (50%) (14 japanese, 1 korean)
10 European (33%) (6 british, 2 german, 1 french, 1 italian)
2 American (7%)
2 not defined due to multiple choice(7%)
1 Australian (3%)
This is another category where I feel like pushing a "not defined" stress would be a good idea. 👍
If not that, then I would suggest using choice American cars like the C5 Z06 street car as well as the Saleen S7 (the S7 would be a great GT mode runner on some kind of racing tires).
For the Austraillian crowd I think using the one V8 supercar wouldn't be a bad idea somewhere down the road. Maybe it could run a race with the Lister? :mischievous:

Now, to get more in-depth about a few points I hoped to get across during that...
Some street cars in gt mode do really well with moderately high levels of modifications and Racing tires.
Cars like the Saleen S7 thrive on racing tires because of the lacking downforce, and the same goes for a spoiler-less BTR.

On the other hand, some cars really do well with sports and N tires.
Of course, I will not race on N tires and the only way I would do an N tire race is on a truely well balanced combo.
However, sports tires are something I really like. 👍

Specifically, I love running cars like a stock NSX on sports tires.
Once the PWR gets below a certain point, or once the weight gets above a certain point I really start to dislike sports tires... So IMO caution is needed.

However, I have no doubt that flat-out/ "you" will make good decisions in the weeks to come. :cheers:

Just a few final thoughts on specific cars.
-Supra RZ '97 tuned to approximately 3.0 pwr (GT mode full weight reduction and *500hp on Racing tires with added aero-kit).
-NSX Type S Zero '99 or NSX Type R '02 (either mode... S3s and no spoiler).
-Amuse S2000 R1 (arcade mode with S3 tires).
-BTR near fully tuned on racing tires.
-GT mode super car challenge (racing tires and no added spoilers).

As you can tell, I'm not big on N tires... However, I know many people love them so good luck with that sort of choice. 👍

Just for the record though... I find N tires to be the exact opposite of what people reffer to them as... I see them as the least accurate tires in terms of "feel."
Sure lap times may get slowed down a bit and for that reason they become more realistic.
But the truth is, if stock street cars handled with the drift that N tires give, many of our favorite street cars would be too dangerous for the public roads.

Anyway, good luck with the choices at hand flat-out.
I am sure you will do well with them. 👍 :cheers:
You've hit the nail on the head Kent. 👍 No disagreements here. :)

One other small observation I have, is that it seems that some people do not participate in a competition because they don't have the car won or purchased. Hence the poll thread that Cyril started. :) 👍

I know that if I had to go out and win a car just to race for a WRS event, I probably wouldn't do it, because like everyone else, finding seat time is a rare commodity for me. Personally I wouldn't want to have to try and win/purchase a car as well as race in the weeks competition. :indiff:
Several weeks back Todd gave advance notice to the racers that the F1 would be used to give people the opportunity to win it.

Why can't we do something like that all the time? 💡 Just put out a list of cars that will be used over the next 4-8 weeks so that people can win/purchase these cars at their leisure, and be prepared for the events as they come. 👍

I'm not suggesting that any indication be given as far as GT or Arcade mode goes, the track, or even the order the cars will be run in. But it would give those racers that don't use the ubersave an opportunity to peruse their garage, and decide whether or not they want to purchase/win a car for an upcoming week, and have the time to do it!

Of course if people follow this thread, and Cyril uses the suggestions from this thread as Kent and Todd did in the past, there really aren't too many suprises! :lol:

My 2 cents. :)
I have a suggestion, since the Mod's do actually read this section. How about another rally race?

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Super Rally Car @ Swiss Alps Reverse, +0 HP, -10 Weight.

MAYBE then I can make the leap to D1?!?!?! I'm running out of options in that Especially since its been ummm....20 WEEKS since the last rally race!

Just for the record though... I find N tires to be the exact opposite of what people reffer to them as... I see them as the least accurate tires in terms of "feel."
Sure lap times may get slowed down a bit and for that reason they become more realistic.
But the truth is, if stock street cars handled with the drift that N tires give, many of our favorite street cars would be too dangerous for the public roads.

Anyway, good luck with the choices at hand flat-out.
I am sure you will do well with them. 👍 :cheers:


even my dayly car DOES NOT HAVE N TIRES!

and i also think lap times might be real, but their grip is very unreal...

i know some people like, but i just don´t get it... the name speaks for itself, RACING tires for racing and NORMAL tires for everyday run... personally, i don´t think its fun to race with crappy tires... well, just my POV
I have a suggestion, since the Mod's do actually read this section. How about another rally race?

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Super Rally Car @ Swiss Alps Reverse, +0 HP, -10 Weight.

MAYBE then I can make the leap to D1?!?!?! I'm running out of options in that Especially since its been ummm....20 WEEKS since the last rally race!

Of course mods are reading this section. That's the very reason why it exists.
As for rally, many racers find the rally mode in GT4 really crap (me included, but I didn't like it in GT3 either).
I'll post a new poll about this.
*SIGH*....aight w/e. Thx for atleast giving it a shot, I KNOW no one is going to want to race rally.

How bout some FUJI??? Just not the crappy 2005 GT version, yeah its nice and wide, but its just too far from what it should be...
Oh yeah, was going to mention this the other day... One of the main reasons why I don't like the street cars in arcade mode is because we can only up the power(and drop the weight, but that doesn't make up for the greater increase in speed and need for better braking). That's like on the street, tossing in a bunch of bolt on parts to make 20% more horsepower, but leaving the rest of the car stock. Only stupid people would do that. Whenever you get more speed, you definitely get more braking and handling, if you don't well, to each their own. I think that the street cars in arcade mode have the best balance when you don't up their horsepower. It'd make this week and almost every other week that we've done arcade cars better, well, easier I guess, and yeah. That's more of my take. In arcade mode, I don't like bumping up the power on most street cars, others can take it, but the handling and braking are never bumped up to match...
just for the record, outside of course variations and rally tracks, there´s only 3 places we didn´t visited yet:

George V Paris (with a group b rally car, like a lancia delta)
Seoul (TVR cerbera)
SEATTLE (BMW M3 Race car or Toyota GT-one race car RED)

so, would be nice to run in those before repeating some...

also, after some playing time in autumn ring because of the JGTC, i think a hotlap event at autumn ring mini would be cool... with a JGTC GT300 or GT500 car we would have the closest week ever :drool:
How about, instead of some race car in seattle, we do something more along the lines of softer suspension and drift. Which would mean, a street car in arcade mode. Which would mean, in order for it to be decent to me, we shouldn't up the hp much. Which means, whatever. How about a RWD rally car if there is a decently fast one, on that track?
if its not one of those fiat 500R or volkswagen bettle, then its ok...

with RUF´s will be fine...
How about, instead of some race car in seattle, we do something more along the lines of softer suspension and drift. Which would mean, a street car in arcade mode. Which would mean, in order for it to be decent to me, we shouldn't up the hp much. Which means, whatever. How about a RWD rally car if there is a decently fast one, on that track?

I think, based on your suggestion, I good candidate would be a stock Ruf Yellowbird on either Autum Ring Mini or Grand Valley East(?)...or whatever the name is of the 'shorter' Grand Valley tracks...Arcade power upgrades or reduction in weight and riding on Sport Soft tires!