Suggestions Box

  • Thread starter Kent
Sweet. Volvo racers... I remember seeing a picture of the Volvo P1900 - the chassis was so flexible that the doors flew open under hard cornering. The car was discontinued after the manager at the time, Funnar Engellau, took one home for the weekend.

I've got a new idea for a combo. Caddillac Cien @ New York. Title: "Swing Low, Sweet Caddillac", as the title of the blues song :D
Id like to see something at either super speed way or eve the test course(in GT mode of course, no limits)

I cant remember the last time we did something on an oval circuit

As for a good car-track combo, maybe a N series challenge at midfeild with 350hp limit and 4 cyl. only?

Sounds good to me!:D
I would like to see a race with multiple car selection (limited by power and weight). I know it usually comes down to one car being the best (IE Cappucino at SSR5) but searching for the car is fun too.
I would like to see a race with multiple car selection (limited by power and weight). I know it usually comes down to one car being the best (IE Cappucino at SSR5) but searching for the car is fun too.
i second that a lot!
one of the most fun competitions i was in was dan's 2.3 challenge, where you could pick cars to your liking as long as they had ptw's under 2.3. something like that would be great, altho i am aware that it would take a lot of preparing for the steward.
if he will take this up then he must know i could do some of the prepping needed.
LMP's at Super Speedway, wait, how about JGTC's at Test Course :dopey:

Joking, we need some Mercedes action at El Capitan.
How about a long multilapper? Non-family cup, so the AI won't be Fiat 500s agaisnt LMPs, but a restricted event (NA Cup?), with a car powerfull enough to out-drive the AI by the first few corners... And then go on for ~4-5 laps, for the longer courses.
How about a long multilapper? Non-family cup, so the AI won't be Fiat 500s agaisnt LMPs, but a restricted event (NA Cup?), with a car powerfull enough to out-drive the AI by the first few corners... And then go on for ~4-5 laps, for the longer courses.

I was thinking a multilapper time trial in arcade, not a race, but just have a fastest consecutive (n) lap time trail. 3 laps would be neat...
i second that a lot!
one of the most fun competitions i was in was dan's 2.3 challenge, where you could pick cars to your liking as long as they had ptw's under 2.3. something like that would be great, altho i am aware that it would take a lot of preparing for the steward.
if he will take this up then he must know i could do some of the prepping needed.
If we do this, we should have a power cap, such as 300hp, or 400hp, or something along those lines. The higher the hp cap, the fewer cars can be competitive. Higher hp cars with similar ptw ratios as lighter cars will outperform on most tracks due to their ability to push through the air better at higher speeds. And other stuff. I vote 300hp cap...(in addition to a ptw ratio requirement)
Just to throw a suggestion out there real quickly...

400HP Max
??? PWR limit
Stage 3 weight reduction required
N2 or S3 tires

Another suggestion...
GT Mode- Unknown track- Mine's Skyline- R3 tires- Oil Change- All other non-power modifying parts. 👍

Final suggestion...
Evo vs Impreza @ Grand Valley East
me too! me too! me too! mine's (n)ever been used !/?
great car but only in gt mode, and PLEASE let it be a real race track.
Back when I was mod of the WRS I always wanted to see members making suggestions throughout the entire week- not just the last day before the next week. So with that in mind... :D

I'm thinking...
Lots of grip. Seems like that would fit into the schedule without upsetting any sort of balance (but I'm not sure about the last grip race and when it was). If it was just recently I'd have to say go to N tires in GT mode. Don't know when the last one of those was either.
Giving my opinion on personal racing right at the moment (other than week 85)...

Big Track GT Mode: Modern American Muscle (All vipers, vettes, saleen, and shelby)

Nurburgring GT Mode: German sedans (RS6, M5, E55)

Grand Valley East GT Mode: Vtec Challenge (any FF honda)

Any Course Any Mode: Drivetrain Challenge FR vs MR (NSX or Esprit vs TVR? or S2000?) also... 4WD vs MR/FR ?

Just some thoughts for race concepts. Maybe you guys would like to fill in some of those blanks or just build off of what I've laid out? :cheers:
I have one for N tire's in GT mode:D.
Ok I don't really like N tire's all that much but I have a replay of a race I did
with the C1 corvette, all mods where on it and it was at Midfield Raceway.
Now any track would work but the point is that car with all mods against
some good AI(yeah I know that not going to happen:lol:). Will that work?
Uhm... Hello... I've been suggesting that Corvette fully modified on N tires for months! :)! It's an awesome drive, and easy to get A-spec points with.
Uhm... Hello... I've been suggesting that Corvette fully modified on N tires for months! :)! It's an awesome drive, and easy to get A-spec points with.

Hey - just the C1 Corvette, and we'll have all Corvette-generations covered! I'm in for it. It just looks and sounds too cool to miss.
i never drove the c1 before so i took it out to el cap to get the feeling of it. phew! if there is one car you could drive there quickly without braking but just early throttle-lift and slamdrift into a corner, it's gotta be this one. very weird but spectacular. it was gt mode with all standard settings. colby, DON'T program that car in a city track or i will die.
Actually, it's FUN in a city track! Fully modified in GT Mode is the ONLY way to drive this thing. It's a 2 speed automatic if we don't! And it's not nearly as fun.
Here's a brilliant one: Toyota MR2 Last-gen. I know some might prefer the previous ones (Azureman?), but it's not because of preference. It's because this little open-top has such amazing handling, that even with double the stock power, it's still a superb handler. The 6-speed Sequential version is good for Arcade mode, the rest could be improved even further in GT Mode...
This beasty belongs on a twisty tight track. Perhaps we should do as Kent mentioned in his Nurb' Roadcar Challenge:

Nurburgring Nordschleife: Toyota MR2, GT Mode, Wing, 200HP Maximum. S2s or R2s. This is probably one of the best cars for a return to the 'Ring. And I know Casio dreads that week, but he's drunk anyways :P
I think we need a race car for next week but I really loved the EVO/WRX so I would like to see another GT mode combo.
Maybe any non race RX7 with a power limit at Infeon ?
I think those open-choices are great. You get to mess with cars that are more fun than fast, or take your opponent out by picking the quickest car. RX-7 Choices would be cool... I'll go with my trusty old RX-7 GT-Limited '85, which was my first car :D
MR2's at Costa!!! Just put a power cap at like 240-250 or so (whatever the stock out put is on the Turbo) and let it er rip!!
MR2's at Costa!!! Just put a power cap at like 240-250 or so (whatever the stock out put is on the Turbo) and let it er rip!!

250HP is also achievable using the Supercharger, on the '00 MR-2... MR-2 choices could be a cool week, too.
I have an idea to make race selection a little more interactive. Colby would have to choose two race sequences and post them 24 hours before the start of the week. Whichever race wins the poll is the race we do. It would make sure the chosen race wasn't something most people don't like. It might be a good idea to not allow posting in the thread though, or people might start bickering about details that should be included in the race or w/e.

As far as race preference for me, I'd like to do Nurburgring. Maybe a shootout race like last week.
Yeah that's a good idea, I don't think I could do it every week but it's certainly worth a try once or twice to see how it goes 👍