Sunday Cup - Season Two

  • Thread starter BH-21
Not feeling good about this weekends races. I just couldn't get in a groove at any of the tracks and didn't practice enough to begin with.
Man, I'm really starting to think I should have gone with a Silvia. And I am definitely getting a suspension this time around.

2nd Circuit​

Welcome back to the 2nd Circuit of the Sunday Cup. We have an exciting week of racing to close out the 2nd Circuit. First up this wee are two challenging city courses. Following the city courses we go to an torturous course known as Autumn Ring. To finish the 2nd Circuit we come to Grand Valley East and the longest straightaway in the 2nd Circuit combined with an uphill road course and a tunnel. Who will be the 2nd Circuit Champion.

Gentlemen to your cars. Start your engines!


** Events Info **

2nd Circuit (4tf Week)                        MILES
Opera Paris                                    1.79
Hong Kong                                      1.81
Autumn Ring                                    1.83
Grand Valley East                              1.86

** Driver Info **

Use a difficulty of 1 for the Family Cup Event when you race it. You may run the Event a maximum of 3 times and chose the best of the three.

Use the following form for your times and please post it all in one block at one time, all times will be submitted by private message to BH-21.

2nd Circuit (4th Week)
Opera Paris_______________________
Hong Kong________________________
Autumn Ring______________________
Grand Valley East__________________

** General Information **

Racing Roster
Driver                              Awards      Points
Driftking18594                      2G,1S,1B      27
Hot_shoe                            2G,1S         22
AndersonG22                            2S,2B      22
Korza493                                  1B      16
Flynn77                                           14
Fabmaru                                            7
GrumpEone                                          5
Car-Less                                           3
BH-21                                              0
Ignignoc N Err                                     0
SVX                                                0

Second Circuit Roster
Driver                              Awards      Points
Driftking18594                      4G,3S,2B      60
Korza493                            3G    1B      48
Hot_shoe                            2G,3S,2B      48
AndersonG22                            2S,2B      26
Fabmaru                                   1B      24
Flynn77                                           16
GrumpEone                                 1B      15
Car-Less                                          10
SVX                                    1S          9
BH-21                                              5
Ignignoc N Err                                     0

Finacial Statement (Week4 - Second Circuit)

                        Starting  Weekly                            Ending      Betting
Driver                   Balance   Roll   Deposits      Debits      Balance    Net Result
AndersonG22               6,551     12     13,390       9,688       10,378       +125
BH-21                     2,364      2        850       3,000          188       -026
Car-Less                  2,891      4      2,350       1,000        4,250       +009
Driftking18594           13,574      9     15,785      19,734        9,725       +100
Fabmaru                   5,266      5      3,850       1,287        7,847       +018
Flynn77                   1,576      6     11,903       9,164        4,301       -014
GrumpEone                 3,286     10      9,396      10,888        1,756       -038
Hot_shoe                  8,036      8     15,196      16,609        6,623
Ignignoc N Err            3,651      4      4,906       8,488           24       -045
Korza493                  9,864     12      8,650           0       18,514
SVX                       2,864      3      1,150       4,000           14

Ninja Betting Shop        9,998                                      9,869       -129


Second Circuit (4th Week)                     Times    Points  Awards
Opera Paris                                _'__.___
Hot_shoe                                   3'15.695       8      G
AndersonG22                                3'15.834       6      S
Driftking18594                             3'15.889       5      B
Korza493                                   3'17.940       4
Flynn77                                    3'20.298       3
Fabmaru                                    3'25.219       2
Car-Less                                   3'26.781       1
GrumpEone                                  3'27.892
BH-21                                      3'28.202
SVX                                        3'34.935
Ignignoc N Err                               DNF

Second Circuit (4th Week)                     Times    Points  Awards
Hong Kong                                  _'__.___
Driftking18594                             3'18.516       8      G
Hot_shoe                                   3'19.192       6      S
AndersonG22                                3'20.749       5      B
Flynn77                                    3'21.228       4
Korza493                                   3'24.912       3
Fabmaru                                    3'30.677       2
Car-Less                                   3'31.005       1
GrumpEone                                  3'31.293
SVX                                        3'33.768
BH-21                                      3'34.240
Ignignoc N Err                               DNF

Second Circuit (4th Week)                     Times    Points  Awards
Autumn Ring                                _'__.___
Driftking18594                             3'03.602       8      G
AndersonG22                                3'04.986       6      S
Korza493                                   3'06.022       5      B
Flynn77                                    3'07.939       4
GrumpEone                                  3'09.467       3
Fabmaru                                    3'12.102       2
Car-Less                                   3'15.539       1
BH-21                                      3'15.518
SVX                                        3'17.265
Hot_shoe                                     DNF
Ignignoc N Err                               DNF

Second Circuit (4th Week)                     Times    Points  Awards
Grand Valley East                          _'__.___
Hot_shoe                                   2'37.807       8      G
Driftking18594                             2'38.320       6      S
AndersonG22                                2'39.996       5      B
Korza493                                   2'41.550       4
Flynn77                                    2'42.008       3
GrumpEone                                  2'45.939       2
Fabmaru                                    2'47.727       1
Car-Less                                   2'48.838
BH-21                                      2'50.242
SVX                                        2'50.846
Ignignoc N Err                               DNF

2nd Circuit Championship
Winner's Circle


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Are we allowed to use our winnings to buy a new car?
Im selling the Toyota MR2 1600 G-Limited SC'86, its original cost was $7,349. 40% of that is 2939.6, nearest whole # is 3,000... j/k its $2940.

10,401+2,940= My new total before my bookie pays up which is $13,341.

EDIT: New total after I recived bet money 13,446, still no ride yet...
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Ninja Betting shop weekly report.

Round 3 Recap:

BH-21 bet	100cr	on Driftking	@ 1:5 and wins 120cr
		 40cr	on Hot_Shoe	@ 1:3 and wins  54cr
		200cr	on GrumpEone	@ 1:2 and wins 300cr
		100cr	on Anderson	@ 4:1 and lost
		 60cr	on Car-less	@ 5:1 and lost

Fabmaru bet	 40cr	on Driftking	@ 1:5 and wins  48cr
		 20cr	on GrumpEone	@ 1:2 and wins  30cr

Car-less bet	 20cr	on Driftking	@ 1:5 and wins  24cr
		 20cr	on Fabmaru	@ 1:4 and wins  25cr

Anderson bet	500cr	on Fabmaru	@ 1:4 and wins 625cr

Flynn bet	360cr	on Hot_Shoe	@ 1:3 and wins 486cr
		 40cr	on Anderson	@ 4:1 and lost
		 40cr	on Flynn	@ 5:1 and lost
		 60cr	on Car-less	@ 5:1 and lost

GrumpEone bet	 60cr	on Driftking	@ 1:5 and wins  72cr
		100cr	on GrumpEone	@ 1:2 and wins 150cr
		100cr	on Car-less	@ 5:1 and lost

Driftking bet	500cr	on Driftking	@ 1:5 and wins 600cr

Ignignoc bet	100cr	on Driftking	@ 1:5 and wins 120cr
		100cr	on Hot_Shoe	@ 1:3 and wins 135cr
		100cr	on Car-less	@ 5:1 and lost

Anderson  spent 500cr and won 625cr, so is up	125cr
Car-less  spent  40cr and won  49cr, so is up	  9cr
Driftking spent 500cr and won 600cr, so is up	100cr
Fabmaru	  spent  60cr and won  78cr, so is up 	 18cr

BH-21	  spent 500cr and won 474cr, so is down	 26cr
Flynn	  spent 500cr and won 486cr, so is down	 14cr
GrumpEone spent 260cr and won 222cr, so is down	 38cr
Ignignoc  spent 300cr and won 255cr, so is down  45cr

Ninja Betting shop took 2,660cr and payed out 2,789cr, so is down 129cr
I'm still not paying out enough though, so expect slightly better odds again.

Round 4 Odds:

Driftking	Nissan Silvia K's (S13)	'91	 1:7+
Fabmaru		Nissan Silvia K's (S13)	'91	 1:5
korza		Nissan Silvia K's (S13)	'91	 1:4
Hot_shoe	Mazda RX-7 GT Limited	'85	 1:3*
SVX		Nissan Silvia K's (S13)	'91	 1:2
GrumpEone	Mazda RX-7 GT Limited	'85	 1:1
Car-less	Mitsubishi FTO GP Ver.R	'97	 1:1
BH-21		Nissan Silvia K's (S13)	'91	 2:1
Jet Badger	Mazda RX-7 GT Limited	'85	 2:1
Flynn77		Honda CR-X SiR		'90	 4:1
AndersonG22	Unknown	Ride		'??	 5:1
Ignignoc	Mazda MX-5 Miata	'89	20:1

+ 1:7 will be rounded to 3:20 when I have to payout.
* 1:3 will be rounded to 7:20 should I have to payout.

Like last week, this is odds on gaining any podium position in any race this week. With 12 podium places available and now just 11 drivers it's still a definite possibility.

Also like last week I'll only accept bets in multiples of 20cr, but now only 5 bets per person - with a total limit of 500cr.
Im selling the Toyota MR2 1600 G-Limited SC'86, its original cost was $7,349. 40% of that is 2939.6, nearest whole # is 3,000... j/k its $2940.

10,401+2,940= My new total before my bookie pays up which is $13,341.

EDIT: New total after I recived bet money 13,446, still no ride yet...

"Rule 15) Selling Cars and the parts on them will be at 40% of the original purchase price and once fitted the parts go with the car. Round up to the nearest whole number."

I don't think you included your installed parts, in the sale.

BH-21 You have my balance listed as 6,536 CR, after betting shouldn't it be 6,248 CR?
I had 26 CR left last week before racing.
10 pts. x 300 CR = 3,000 CR
Roll 10 x 300 CR = 3,000 CR
Betting return 72 CR + 150 CR = 222 CR
(3,000 CR + 3,000 CR + 222 CR + 26 CR) = 6,248 CR

Or am I missing something?
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I don't think you included your installed parts, in the sale.

Thanks for trying to help me catch a mistake. 👍

I didnt buy anything but an oil change, been saving my funds to get out of that slow mr2.

So if I can get 20 bucks for that oil change Id take it, royal purples expensive.
BH-21 You have my balance listed as 6,536 CR, after betting shouldn't it be 6,248 CR?
I had 26 CR left last week before racing.
10 pts. x 300 CR = 3,000 CR
Roll 10 x 300 CR = 3,000 CR
Betting return 72 CR + 150 CR = 222 CR
(3,000 CR + 3,000 CR + 222 CR + 26 CR) = 6,248 CR

Or am I missing something?

As far as I can see, he has it right so far...

Entry		Change	 Power	Weight	Pwr/wt	Balance
Opening Balance					¢7,400
RX7		-¢5,914	  167	1.280	130	¢1,486
Oil Change	   -¢50	  185	1.280	145	¢1,436
Race Chip	-¢1,250	  192	1.280	150	  ¢186
Wk1 Bonus	 ¢1,000				¢1,186
Weight R1	-¢1,100	  192	1.164	165	   ¢86
Wk2 Win's	   ¢600				  ¢686
Wk2 Bonus	 ¢2,950				¢3,636
Wing		-¢1,200				¢2,436
Sp Clutch	-¢1,600				  ¢836
Sr Flywheel	  -¢550				  ¢286
Wk3 Win's	 ¢3,000				¢3,286
Wk3 Bonus	 ¢3,250				¢6,536
Wk3 Bets	   -¢38				¢6,498

After BH-21 updates the prize money and outside income, I work out the betting money and then he edits it in. He just hasn't got to that bit yet.

A more accurate way would be to deduct your betting money in the week, then add the winnings at the end, but that would involve even more back-editing.

Also @Anderson, I make your balance after bets to be 10,526cr.
Add in your car sale money and you should have 13,466cr.
Financial Reports updated, sorry for the errors.

Cars being Sold
Toyota MR2 1600 G-Limited SC'86
Price: 2,940 CR
Eligible Drivers for purchase (In Order of Offering):
Ignignoc N Err, Flynn77, SVX, BH-21, Car-Less, GrumpEone
Outside dealer purchased it.
Car: Toyota MR2 1600 G-Limited SC'86 
Drive Train: MR
HP: 128
Price: 7,349
Oil Change (Y/N): Y

Parts                                  Price

Nissan Silvia K's (S13) '91
Price: 4,735 CR
Eligible Drivers for purchase (In Order of Offering):
Ignignoc N Err, Flynn77, SVX, BH-21, Car-Less, GrumpEone, AndersonG22, Fabmaru, Korza493, Hot_shoe
Outside dealer purchased it.
Car: Nissan Silvia K's (S13) '91
Drive Train: FR
HP: 186
Price: 7,136
Oil Change (Y/N): Y

Parts                                  Price
Wing:                                  1,200
Racing Chip                            1,000
Exhaust & Air Filter: Sports           1,500
Weight Reduction: Stage 1              1,000

Nissan MAZDA RX-7 GT Limited (FC, J) '85
Price: 4,646 CR
Eligible Drivers for purchase (In Order of Offering):
Ignignoc N Err, Flynn77, SVX, BH-21, Car-Less
Outside dealer purchased it.
Car: MAZDA RX-7 GT Limited (FC, J) '85
Drive Train: FR
HP: 185
Price: 5,914
Oil Change: Y

Parts                                  Price
Racing Chip                            1,250
Weight Reduction: Stage 1              1,100
Wing: 3D Type DB                       1,200
Clutch: Sports                         1,600
Flywheel: Semi-Racing                    550

Nissan Honda CR-X SiR '90
Price: 4,366 CR
Eligible Drivers for purchase (In Order of Offering):
Ignignoc N Err
Outside dealer purchased it.
Car: Honda CR-X SiR '90
Drive Train: FF
HP: 160
Price: 5,414
Oil Change (Y/N): Y

Parts                                  Price
Wing:                                  1,200
Racing Chip                            1,000
Flywheel: Semi-Racing                    500
Exhaust & Air Filter: Semi-Racing      2,800

Mazda MX-5 Miata (NA) '89
Price: 2,780 CR
Eligible Drivers for purchase (In Order of Offering):
Outside dealer purchased it.

Nissan MAZDA RX-7 GT Limited (FC, J) '85
Price: 5,946 CR
Eligible Drivers for purchase (In Order of Offering):
Ignignoc N Err, Flynn77, SVX, BH-21,Car-Less, GrumpEone, AndersonG22, Fabmaru, Korza493
Outside dealer purchased it.
Car: MAZDA RX-7 GT Limited (FC, J) '85
Drive Train: FR
HP: 185
Price: 5,914
Oil Change: Y

Parts                                  Price
Weight Reduction: Stage 1              1,100
Flywheel: Semi-Racing                    550
Turbine Kit: Stage 1                   4,600
Intercooler: Racing                    2,700
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Thanks for trying to help me catch a mistake.
Oops, I was looking at the wrong persons upgrades. (too many people to try and keep straight, how does BH-21 do it?)

Cars being Sold
Toyota MR2 1600 G-Limited SC'86
GrumpEone purchased it.

Huh, no I didn't, I pass if it even makes it to me.
OK then, I intend to sell my Silvia S13 K's.
If you have no interest in the cars being sold and you in the pecking order of the offering, you can pass at any time. For one to be accepted though it has to be your turn to accept. Ignignoc N Err is first up on both offers.
Okay this post is going to have a mess of information!
First off I am Selling my RX-7, for no other reason than I can afford too, I love the little car (Don't worry I Already peeled off the stickers in case anyone wants it for 4,646 CR).

Starting Balance:	 6,498 CR

Car Sold:
   RX-7 GT-Limited (FC, J) '85
Car Base:		 5,914 CR
Racing Chip:		 1,250 CR
Weight Reduction 1:	 1,100 CR
Wing - 3D Type DB:	 1,200 CR
SP Clutch:		 1,600 CR
SR Flywheel:		   550 CR
Total Value:		11,614 CR
Sell Value:		 4,646 CR

New Balance:		11,144 CR

Now I will purchase one of my other favorite cheap cars:

Chevrolet Camaro Z28 Coupe '97

Engine Type: V8 : OHV
Displacement: 5,727 cc
Power: 289 HP / 5,200 RPM
Torque: 323.89 / 2,400 RPM
Dimensions: 4,907 x 1,882 x 1,303
Weight: 1,373 kg
Drivetrain: FR
Mileage: 37,838.1 Miles
Color: Cayenne Red Metallic
(Specs w/ Oil Change & Weight Reduction)

Car Purchased:
 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 Coupe '97

Car Purchase:		8,438 CR
Oil Change:		   50 CR
Wing - 3D Type DB:	1,200 CR
Weight Reduction 1:	1,200 CR

Remaining Balance:	  256 CR


GrumpEone		  240 CR

Ending Balance:		   16 CR

Whew, now I still have to race... I'm already tired.
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I'm gonna pass on the MR-2 and the RX-7, but the Silvia is very tempting.
Let me sleep on it and I'll let you know my descision in about 12 hours.
Flynn's CR-X:

4365cr (40% base price)
+4899cr (balance)
=9264cr available

Purchase '97 Z28 Coupe for 8438cr, add oil change for 50cr.

9264 - 8438 - 50 = 776cr balance.

Donate 676cr to Igni.

Remaining balance: 100cr