You can use any tires you can afford to buy.
Description Change Power Weight Pwr/Wt Balance
Opening Balance ¢7,600
Silvia -¢7,136 186 1170 159 ¢464
Oil Change -¢50 206 1170 176 ¢414
Wk1 Bonus ¢200 ¢614
Wk2 Win's ¢0 ¢614
Wk2 Bonus ¢2,950 ¢3,564
Sp Exhaust -¢1,500 ? ¢2,064
Race Chip -¢1,000 225 1170 192 ¢1,064
Rc Flywheel -¢900 ¢164
Wk3 Win's ¢2,700 ¢2,864
Wk3 Bonus ¢1,150 ¢4,014
Car Sale ¢4,215 ¢8,229
How confusing!
[snip]and Ignignoc has accounted for his donation twice, and counted the cost of the oil change in his car sale, so should only have 24cr remaining![/snip]
...As a sidebar: GrumpEone, you sort of stole Flynn's and my thunder. We, being "Twin Engines," and all, were supposed to show up in a pair of Z28 Coupes. It's sort of anticlimactic now...
Ninja Betting shop is currently closed and will be refunding any bets placed...
Noooo, so I can't show up next week in a 787B, fully upgraded? :lol (I'm good for the few million, trust me)...we do not do deficit spending...
Yeah, SVX has created a rather big mess, he has submitted his times as well. He is about 6,000 Cr in the hole. This isn't a goverment economics class, we do not do deficit spending except for the odd betting mishap.
SVX, the easiest way to fix this is to ignore the sale and new car, and for you to redo your times. Otherwise your going to have to find a car for about 8,200 Cr.
P.S. You didnt' need to pass on the CR-X, it wasn't offered to you, only Ignignoc N Err.
lol, but I chose it first, anyway sorry about the thunder thievery. I guess it will have to be the V8 Trio for the moment.[/snip]
I also bought a '97 supercharger, uhh umm I mean camaro lol.
Chevrolet Camaro Z28 Coupe '97 for $8,438
an oil chage $50
$8,488 spent out of $13,466 leaves me with $4,978, after I see the odds I will place my bet.
Supercharger, eh? Well, we know where your money's going. >_>
Last weeks win:
You telling me that all these camaros are just a coincidence??? Mr >_>