You make person #3 or 4 he's asked. He asked the MFT boys, myself, you....the dog, the cat, the horse....anyone else?? :P He's bashing his head against a wall trying to compete with RJ & Max. :lol:

He didn't ask me. :(

*cries in the corner*
You can't drag for peanuts anyway roj. :P

Just to let the judges know (Parnelli, mcsqueegy, in.s@ne), when they are ready with any part of the judging let me know so I can re-open the judging results thread so you can post in there.

Also, NO OTHER PERSON (except moderators :P) IS TO POST IN THE JUDGING THREAD!! You do, and it WILL be reported. I'm being nasty on this point because I don't want the results thread cluttered with talk or whining or whatever. We have this thread to discuss all those issues if you want to question or abuse us over our results so don't mess with the format, it's been running very well so far and I'd like to keep it that way. 👍:cool:

Once again, good luck to all and you make me very proud to have come up with 48 entries between you guys, a Tuner Challenge record!! :D
Oh geez, it's taken me this long how to figure out how to upload a photo from the game to this site. How humiliating.

(If it works) this is my lightweight entry. Any chance I could edit it onto the tune, or is that too much effing around for other people?


RE-EDIT: Oh crap, is it cause I didn't click on 'host it' after selecting the file? Why can I not do this in the edit function, or can I?


  • IMG0000.jpg
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Oh geez, it's taken me this long how to figure out how to upload a photo from the game to this site. How humiliating.

(If it works) this is my lightweight entry. Any chance I could edit it onto the tune, or is that too much effing around for other people?


RE-EDIT: Oh crap, is it cause I didn't click on 'host it' after selecting the file? Why can I not do this in the edit function, or can I?

I can see it as an attachment. However, if you want to do it as a full image, copy the URL and put it in the insert image bracket. :)
Some say, that his skin resembles completely green racing suit with sponsorship stickers, and that his Panda Corolla can defeat Godzillas. All I know is, he's the Drift King. :lol:

or maybe he's The Stig's Japanese cousin? :odd:
You can't drag for peanuts anyway roj. :P

Just to let the judges know (Parnelli, mcsqueegy, in.s@ne), when they are ready with any part of the judging let me know so I can re-open the judging results thread so you can post in there.

What if I'm just done the lightweight part? all I have to do is the final Elise.

Wow, that's weird. I just got a really nervous feeling :nervous: can't imagine how some of the entrants must feel.
Yeah, just do the Elise and post up the lightweight results Parnelli. 👍 I wanted us to do it one division per post so it's clearly defined. :) I'll unlock the results thread for you. :sly:
Yeah, just do the Elise and post up the lightweight results Parnelli. 👍 I wanted us to do it one division per post so it's clearly defined. :) I'll unlock the results thread for you. :sly:

Oh, I aint ready just yet. Friends & relatives coming over for holildays. I'll have those results up tomorrow or Sunday, though.
That's cool, I said I'd open the results thread July 4th anyway and it's 2hrs 16minutes off that as I hit send so no biggie, I won't be started until atleast the 15th-16th myself just because I won't be up at the new house until around then. :ill:
Wow, that's weird. I just got a really nervous feeling :nervous: can't imagine how some of the entrants must feel.

I'm pretty calm actually, considering this is my 4th TC. :lol:

For anyone who cares, I've been in:
VTC - My first TC. :D
TCv3 - My NSX-R's first entrance at GTP (wasnt part of RVV yet).
TCv4 - My first win! M3 CSL in N3 tyre division. 👍
TCv5 - Have to wait and see... :sly:

TCV2: My first.
VTC: My second, only did the latter half, got hit by my 4th Place Curse (goes way back)
TCV3: The Arab Drift Integra along with a return of my RX-8 from TCV2.
TCV4: 2nd in N3 with an ex-drift RX-7, 1st in FF with an evolution of my Arab Drift Teggy and an old R2 tired RSX, 4th place curse in RWD with the Red Devil Z which wasn't meant to be the "best" car, just a very nice challenge and a large improvement versus default while still being very much a devil.

TCV5... Well, let's wait and see. Lightweight I hope I do to Roj what happened last time we entered Hondas in the same class, middleweight my RX-7 should put up an excellent fight, heavyweight I'm worried about as the Charger still drives like a massive beast, it's just quickish while doing so, and supercar my Subie is fun and very versatile (rally AND N2-tired drifting without tire mixing on the same setup) but perhaps the AWD and weight will hold it back slightly in terms of pace.
VTC: My first TC, got 2nd with a Celica.
TCv3: Mid-field, wasn't my best showing.
TCv4: Testing the field with factory cars for the opening of GME, came 4th in FF, if I tuned it for race tune, it would've been 1st. :P The truck beat 1/2 the field too. :D
TCv5: A missed opportunity for me....misplacing my good tunes so you get one reworked GME tune (heavyweight) & one from the GME garage with a wing added (supercar).

I'm just glad that organising it has been such a blast at the same time, seeing what you guys have come up with. I just hope the others like my superclubby, it should go well I feel. :cool:

I think TCv6 will be the last hurrah for GT4 tuners before GT5 comes out and we all transfer onto there. 👍
I can't even remember which ones I've been in.. but I won't bother to worry. it's still just a game. maybe GT5 will change that? 💡
Ooh, I got a good question. Are there any which never got full approval for TCV5, so far as the rules went? I remember at some point Amayrta had a car that yall were pointing out. And mazdaman's RX8 also, we had issues with. Are all these fixed? Just wanna know just in case because obviously I can't judge a car if it hasn't met regs.
The only one that failed was amartya's Stage 3 weight reduced Impreza he tried putting in heavyweight :dunce:.

Mazdaman's car apparently works now, seeing as he revised the parts list.
any particular timeline we looking at for the judging to be complete :D?

I dunno about the other judges, except Mafs who's been delayed with moving, but I've already finished 3 cars from each class. Parnelli and in.s@ne also have to do some licenses to unlock an entry (my middleweight :D), so that could take a while. Personally I can finish this in 2-3 weeks if I'm lucky, I can average 2 or 3 cars a day when real life doesn't get in the way...:lol:

Can't blame you for asking so early, it's exciting isn't it?? :dopey:
The only one that failed was amartya's Stage 3 weight reduced Impreza he tried putting in heavyweight :dunce:.

Mazdaman's car apparently works now, seeing as he revised the parts list.


any particular timeline we looking at for the judging to be complete :D?

I should have my light results up today or tomorrow. :scared: Turns out I got the flu this weekend, so I may not go see 4th of July fireworks or any parties or anything like that. :( But that leaves more time for testing and judging.
RJ's spot on there, amartya's WRX was WAY too light (like bordering middleweight minimum weight!!) so that's why I didn't include his tune in the list of entrants in the results thread. ;)

All the people listed down there have legal, ready to race rides for each division. 👍

For me, my judging should start in about 2 weeks after I arrive at the new house. I've already told the family that I'll be doing that first thing when I arrive so I'll have my own space for the TV & PS2 that won't interfere with the others watching Foxtel or whatever. 👍

I want to setup here at my mum's to judge but there's absolutely no space to fit a 59cm CRT....I've even considered using the TV her Foxtel is on as I see spare RCA sockets but don't want to have PS2 bits & pieces everywhere on her floor either and possibly forgetting something on my way up. :nervous:
one can hope so. I've almost had enough of banging my head against the limitations of GT4 physics and tuning options..
I'm really looking forward to these results too, want to see if i managed a hat-trick (of last places :dopey:).

Take your time tho guys, i know how much work these sorts of things are from running GTPLMS/SuperGT and thats LESS work than you've got to do:tup: