Tell the boss who's boss! - SCEE CEO taking questions on PSN forum

  • Thread starter [UK] ANDYW
your personal morals are what would set your ethic principles... point being all I was trying to say is business is cold! Very cold sometimes
The only problem is, the first moment that a legitimate rival appears to GT you will have a lot of customers that will jump ship simply out of spite. Pissing off your customers is fine only as long as they have nowhere else to go.

Well done guys, you have all proved you lot have the IQ of a banana.

It would have been better for one person from here to make an account to ask poliely with statements gatherd from the whole community here.

Sony are probobly going to ignore you now because you are acting childish by flooding the forum, stopping anyone elses questions from getting noticed and want only your question to be answered instead of everyone elses. Reminds me of a 5 yr old who want's everyone elses sweets and just steals them.

Once agian, well done!

You will get a GT5 date when they are ready to release one, sit tight and wait.
What information? Basically what's going on. They gave us a release date they couldn't meet. OK, not the end of the word. But it begs the question: why? Someone said somewhere once that it had something to do with development and that's all we know. Do you think that's good enough? I don't. The game was delayed and they don't even care enough to give us a reason.

But moving on, we are also left with another question: when is it gonna be released then? Soon, that's all we know. And you know by now what that word means. Nothing. You say they don't tell us because they're afraid they won't be able to meet that new release date. I think you're right but we have to assume that's why since they won't even give us a reason why they can't give us a release date.

So what information? The most basic information. Which they should have given us right after they announced it was being postponed. There's a reason why GT5's situation is seen as a joke around the internet. And it's not PD's fault for taking too long to develop as much as it sony's fault for not being able to handle a simple release date screw up.

And just because fans are going to buy the game it means you instantly don't care about them anymore? You've got their money and that's all you need? To hell with that. If not a legal obligation, they have a moral obligation to keep us informed.

You miss my point - when companies have attempted to be more open with their communities it has just led to said communities coming back to bite them. When they tell their fans everything, it has not satisfied people, it has merely led to further criticism and complaining.
You can see evidence of it even here - for many months people have complained "we want to see more of GT5!", so PD release many images and videos revealing a fair bit (but not too much). What do people then do? Continue to complain about something else.
There is also always an element of legal-issues limiting what companies can and cannot reveal, ok release dates don't really come into this but stuff like "Is Porsche in GT?" is not going to be answered if the legal negogiations are still going on. This will lead to people complaining again, and then the company once again lose the communities faith in them (as in, if they didn't answer this, but answered other questions).

Moral obligation? :lol:

The only problem is, the first moment that a legitimate rival appears to GT you will have a lot of customers that will jump ship simply out of spite. Pissing off your customers is fine only as long as they have nowhere else to go.

Perhaps, but this is not really a concern for the fans, this would good for the fans.
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Just seen your post on the forum ANDYW. Very good post expessing our frustration and polite at the same time.

Lets just hope we get some positive news from this.

PS its on pg 26 of the thread on the PS forum linked on pg 1.
You miss my point - when companies have attempted to be more open with their communities it has just led to said communities coming back to bite them. When they tell their fans everything, it has not satisfied people, it has merely led to further criticism and complaining.
You can see evidence of it even here - for many months people have complained "we want to see more of GT5!", so PD release many images and videos revealing a fair bit (but not too much). What do people then do? Continue to complain about something else.
There is also always an element of legal-issues limiting what companies can and cannot reveal, ok release dates don't really come into this but stuff like "Is Porsche in GT?" is not going to be answered if the legal negogiations are still going on. This will lead to people complaining again, and then the company once again lose the communities faith in them (as in, if they didn't answer this, but answered other questions).

Moral obligation? :lol:

Perhaps, but this is not really a concern for the fans, this would good for the fans.

I have read all of your posts in this thread Ardius and normally I would fully agree with what you have said. I think the difference in this instance is the mixed messages that are being given. If they want to keep schtum until they have a definite release date then fine, but they haven't done that. We have heard, 'we can release any time', 'we'll give info soon', 'we will release in march', on a number of occasions and we are still sat here with no real clue as to when we can expect to have the game in our hands. It would appear they don't actually have a strategy for releasing info. And for such a huge deal as any GT game is, that just isn't good enough. They should have decided from day one if they were going to give info or not and then stick to that strategy. If they decided not to, release a statement saying it's in development and we will only release info when the game is ready and we can give you concrete info. Or if they decide to release info do it in a proffessional and sensible manner. The confusion and frustration surrounding GT5 is largely as a result of their actiuons and the response from the GT community in that thread, which is the first real platform the community has had to directly address a SONY representative, is fully understandable.
I had typed up this massive wall of text regarding how childish all of you are but then I realized I was on a forum and that the very group of people I was addressing wouldn't bother with reading any of it.
You know, I find it amusing that we have people like you, come onto a forum and call out the actual or assumed behaviour of others just because they are on a forum themselves... It's like you generalise people as being sad and ignorant. If people who join forums are of this nature, what does that make you? Maybe you are immune to this disease? :rolleyes:
I believe Sony has gone past even with production cost and is now making profit (that's if you don't consider marketing costs). Hence the newer model 'PS3 Slim'

Just a month ago, it was hard to find a system in retail stores, most of the used Slims sold on auctions (eBay) for over $350-$400 (lack of supply + increase demand = higher price). I know this because i buy and sell :D E-Sellers recently got new shipment and now they're back to normal prices.

That's just an observation on my part though but Sony did mention at the end of the '08 fiscal year that production cost was slashed to 1/3.

They made somewhen with the fat models(80gig models?? no ps2emu chip(real expensive), less usb,...) a nil exercise. No profit , no loss.
the first Ps costed in production around 800 and they sold them for 600.
they finally make profit with the slim. i don't know if the margin is big enough, but Sony plans to sell Ps3 for the next 5 years so the final result can be positif.
Xbox plans to cut price in Summer or fall if Sony does so to keep it's maket shares in NA, 'cause they see it shrink for the moment. But i bet a price cut from Sony takes again a while. (i think not this year)

don't forget that Sony is bigger than GT. Gt is a sub branch of a sub branch for Sony, an important one, but still. And read the investment conferences, than you can clearly see that sony is not happy that gt is behind the wanted.

And for the morals that sony need to keep us updated is real bullpoo.Sry. They are very fan based. A lot of developpers would just now start showing pics, vids and info. They started a long time ago. Giving us demos, 4 years before the game releases. What do you want more. And you can be sure that a lot of the delay is due to Kaz and not Sony
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Don't get them to rush GT, i want it to be perfect! Lots of people whinge about the damage being crap, but then other people whinge about it not being out!
It is likely to come out just before christmas this year! Think about it! This gives them time to make all the changes and it will be on the Christmas wishlist for many. This is just a smart business plan because they know noones going to be like "oh im not buying it now" because its just going to be epic! They just want to maximise profits and you cannot blame them! They are a business after all!
Just think, if they bring in more money, they have more money to spend improving the playstation so it all works out! We get a better game and its likely the ps3 will benefit.
Rant over. :)
oy, can somebody tell these guys for me to have more guys from the SCEE team that did Medi-Evil pop something else out? it's nice to have a game come from somewhere OTHER than Japan, now and then.
Moral ethics =/= Business ethics brah

They shouldn't be. There are many outrageous moves by companies these days and people just lower their heads and do nothing. "It's all legally valid" and other kinds of ridiculous excuses. Well I can't stand that.

You miss my point - when companies have attempted to be more open with their communities it has just led to said communities coming back to bite them. When they tell their fans everything, it has not satisfied people, it has merely led to further criticism and complaining.
You can see evidence of it even here - for many months people have complained "we want to see more of GT5!", so PD release many images and videos revealing a fair bit (but not too much). What do people then do? Continue to complain about something else.
There is also always an element of legal-issues limiting what companies can and cannot reveal, ok release dates don't really come into this but stuff like "Is Porsche in GT?" is not going to be answered if the legal negogiations are still going on. This will lead to people complaining again, and then the company once again lose the communities faith in them (as in, if they didn't answer this, but answered other questions).

Moral obligation? :lol:

Perhaps, but this is not really a concern for the fans, this would good for the fans.

Yes, moral. Such a underrated value these days.

Anyway, I still think you're missing the point of this thread. We all want to know more about GT5 but we are not trying to make them talk about the game and it's features here. It's their choice to reveal more or not.

What we are asking for is clarification regarding the release date mess. Don't you think we are entitled to that?
we should just wreck the psn community forum by just posting a very standard
in every thread on every catagory. This may sound difficult but if we all post it twice a day on different threads the forum will be covered in it and they may just finally get the point.
Don't get them to rush GT

I don't think 7-8 years of development is rushing :P you probably only heard about the game a few days ago ;)?, I personally think this is enough time to make the greatest game of all time ;) now the question is have they used that time wisely?
Wow wow come on guys, what are we all doing? As others have stated on the PSN forums, the message has been received i'm sure. Firstly we don't want to ruin the name of GTplanet, and secondly we should all show some more respect for the point of the topic, and that is to raise questions that others may feel deserve just as much attention as a release date to GT5.

Lets show a little maturity hey
Should have asked for another time trial competition. That was more fun than waiting. Or asked for something we want like simulation physics as real as possible. Make sure they know we want better sound or a method of running our own competitions in game. We already know it's going to be released sometime soon.
Wow wow come on guys, what are we all doing? As others have stated on the PSN forums, the message has been received i'm sure. Firstly we don't want to ruin the name of GTplanet, and secondly we should all show some more respect for the point of the topic, and that is to raise questions that others may feel deserve just as much attention as a release date to GT5.

Lets show a little maturity hey

On one hand I totally agree with you.

On the other hand, having the GT community make a stand about how we have been treated by Sony for this game will definitely help us in the long run. We just need to watch what we say over there. No harm in asking the same question over and over. :sly:
Should have asked for another time trial competition. That was more fun than waiting. Or asked for something we want like simulation physics as real as possible. Make sure they know we want better sound or a method of running our own competitions in game. We already know it's going to be released sometime soon.

i have sorta.
i asked them about the mystery demo that we are getting vids from
Well done guys, you have all proved you lot have the IQ of a banana.

It would have been better for one person from here to make an account to ask poliely with statements gatherd from the whole community here.

Sony are probobly going to ignore you now because you are acting childish by flooding the forum, stopping anyone elses questions from getting noticed and want only your question to be answered instead of everyone elses. Reminds me of a 5 yr old who want's everyone elses sweets and just steals them.

Once agian, well done!

You will get a GT5 date when they are ready to release one, sit tight and wait.

Considering bananas can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, breast cancer, renal cell carcinoma, and can treat kidney stones and high-blood pressure...and has a source of vitamins and potassium you may have just inadvertently complemented everyone when you meant to put them down. Because last I checked a seemingly "unintelligent" person would be incapable of any of those.

Nice job. 👍
I don't quite understand why some here think that flooding the SCEE forum is childish or "lacks maturity". It is, in essence, a method of protest.

The AARP (that's "American Association of Retired Persons" for those of you not in the U.S.) has a huge amount of influence in American government. Why? Mostly because the AARP can rally its members to write their senators (flooding their offices with email and letters) when an issue is important to them. Would those seniors be considered immature for doing so?

Basically, if they had been waiting 5+ years for GT5, they would have all done the same thing that GT fans have done in that forum.

If anything, I would think such an overwhelming outcry lends GTPlanet even more credibility (as if it needed it), but I'm not sure GTPlanet can be seen as the sole cause for this happening. My guess would be that most of the PS3 users on that forum aren't GTPlanet users. What I see in that forum is post after post asking "When will we have a release date for GT5?", not "Hi, I'm a member at - When will we have a release date for GT5?".
The protest will achieve what? I think they realise people want the game to be released now, funnily enough they know more about the games development then you or I though.

Oh and customers of a global brand cannot be compared to a national association.
I've been avoiding this topic because some of the comments are shockingly frustrating and silly.

What we did was just fine. It's a message board, and many GT5 fans came in and asked similar questions in order to show concern. It was a subtle nudge on our part. Nothing more. Nothing less.

And I sincerely doubt we'll get any answers from him at this time. Nonetheless, it was fun, well worth it, and it's how fans can get heard. And we were.