Ok, whatever, Business Studies GCSE was over 5 years ago now

My point was that as a company producing a product for you to buy, they have no "Moral obligation" they merely need to make the customer happy enough to buy said product.
And seeing as people are going to buy GT5 regardless how much they complain about lack of information or whatever, they don't feel obliged to go out of their way making everyone happy.
I think you still didn't understood what we wanted. Nobody here is a five year old to expect a private company to have "obligations" with the society, but the thing is, companies DO want to treat their custumers right, it's good for their business.
What Sony and/or PD are doing is so against marketing rules that have made us believe that they just don't get what we want. We are used to "normal" marketing approaches from other companies, that's why we are so dumbfounded when looking at the situation with GT5. This is not how you communicate with your custumers.
The first line of defense can argument, explain and list a number of reasons why we can't expect anything from Sony because they don't have to do anything, but that does not change the fact that a huge part of the fanbase is mad. That's a clear fact.
Doing nothing to help your business is dumb, i think we can all agree with that.
Basically the message is: "look Sony, we don't like how you treat us and how you handle GT5 at all, can you do something about it?"
I'm glad some of you don't own any business, because thinking that "if you don't like us, don't buy our products and go buy Forza your annoying little ***" is not something a smart company would say.
We expect something different.
We want the company to react like this:
Problem > problem acknowledge > thinking > change of attitude.
Speaking up is very important, i can't see how people can think that being passive is better.