Test Drive Unlimited 2

  • Thread starter McLaren
Why? 572km2 is enough. O'ahu was too big.

there's no such thing as too big, unless it's only desert that makes it that way. Even then, if a game could realistically - and without quality loss - portray the entire "Continent/Island" of Australia, I can assure you that I would be interested in it, deserts included :D

But really, Oahu too big? I just loved the 30 minutes or so race around it (can't remember names, last I played TDU was more than 2 years ago) and it was very rare from me, while cruising, that I would "warp" myself to any location, no matter how far I was from it.

PS - Seen the pics. Yes, it's undoubtebly Ibiza. I guess the richness of detail provided by the PS3 makes it harder to create a game with a bigger island. Pity. :indiff:
Im not sold on Ibiza as a location and I would prefer Hawaii (all of the islands) but the fact that TDU2 is coming out finally is exciting enough! I love real road racing and especially point to point in games and its a pity not more of them do it. NFS-SE to me still has the best (most fun) point to point racing in any game I've ever played.

The screen shots don't look at that great at all, especially the Viper pic. It looks like early current gen stuff but I bet this is because its till early days in development. I remember TDU1 looked terrible in early shots then came out and looked brilliant.

Oh and remember this original TDU teaser, please Eden MAKE THIS HAPPEN this time round!

I'm really excited for this game and I really do hope trucks and SUV's make there way into the game for some off roading goodness. TD:U is still one of my favourite driving games because it more about cruising in awesome cars then racing them.
Why? 572km2 is enough. O'ahu was too big.

Got complexes??? LOL nothing is ever tooo big ;P

Sry not seen that so many comments were made about size


maybe it's mallorca and ibiza that would come pretty close too the original 1000km2
Plus it would be perfect for the ****** console (xbox limited with dvd and 6.5 gb) so two disc for xbox and pc (lack of Blurays)
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Oahu was not too big AT ALL. I still love TDU so much. Such an amazing, innovative racing/cruising game. Still one of my favorites. Way ahead of its time for sure. Looking forward to the sequal.
I'm looking forward to this one. TDU wasn't bad at all, but the roughness of the roads made a lot of driving tedious. Too much airtime.
I hop the car sounds are good this time, though.

I also hardcore mode makes a return (steal the physics from RP, maybe? I can dream...).
Wow, this sucks... Such a big let down after waiting for this game for so long after playing it on PC when TDU first came out...

Was hoping for another island location (or, even better, the stuff in the old rendered shots that got leaked - whatever happened to those ideas, Eden?) - the graphics hardly look any better either, which was another thing i was hoping they'd boost... *sigh*
Wow, this sucks... Such a big let down after waiting for this game for so long after playing it on PC when TDU first came out...

Was hoping for another island location (or, even better, the stuff in the old rendered shots that got leaked - whatever happened to those ideas, Eden?) - the graphics hardly look any better either, which was another thing i was hoping they'd boost... *sigh*
The island hasnt been confirmed and those graphics are quite a long time before release, they will polish them up when the real thing is out. Those are just early development screens, nothing confirmed yet.
I had no problem with Oahu's size, but more so that most of the island was wasted. All those fields & mountains they felt the need to include were rarely ever seen by anybody, & nothing was really put out there but a few homes & farm fields.
This is awesome! Never heard of the confirmation till now, but me in the TDU community had spotted those earlier pics too (Artwork, rain picture, etc..). Can't wait.
That's freaking nice. GT5 can come in 2011 no problem with that. :D

If it's as awesome as the first one, a bit less buggy and more polished, man that game will rock.
Please don't port models.

The Murcielago and a couple of others were just wrong on so many levels. :yuck:
Cant wait for this! Ive been hanging out for a sequel for a while and having seen the concept art etc really wet my appetite. This'll be one of my most sought after games for 2010. The freedom to take a car out on an island and just drive anywhere through different enviroments was just awesome and I still play TDU regularly to this day.
If the island is Ibiza it would be great to pull up ouside night clubs and rev your engine to impress the ladies :lol: I hope they have pedestrians this time.
The shots used there are not TDU2 besides the last 2. They used the first game to test the options in those screenshots.

Please, keep your negativity to yourself. This is the 2nd time you have made uninformed assumptions.
This looks very interesting... never played the first one, but read A LOT about it... so I'm dying to see what this has to offer :)
Here it says that the map might be Ibiza, but it's supposed to be 2.5 times bigger than in the first part. So it can be Ibiza shaped magnified island.
Blitz: Go get tdu1. You can pick it up for a few bucks and it is worth every penny. in fact i will reinstall mine too. Want to go to the track.

For the island, i'm still with the 2 island option (ibiza mallorca) would make sense volume wise (2dvd)

remember TDU was the first game which stated to be a next gen hd game.

I heard some time ago that it's probable to use the crytech engine. (which would be insane physics and graphics speaking)
Also in that article co-op mode is mentioned, where one player is the driver and the other one is co-driver (who gives instructions).
I loved the first one, I spent more time just driving around than racing. I just hope they change the traffic patterns since in the first one i was pretty much the same amount of other cars no matter where you were.
About two weeks ago, I posted a first story on Atari’s upcoming Test Drive Unlimited 2 title that will once again enable racers to freely drive on a very detailed island.

Now, Atari has confirmed initial rumors that the island that will be included in the upcoming title is indeed Ibiza. Located in the Mediterranean Sea, Ibiza is one of the Balearic Islands, a popular tourist destination among Europeans.

The island is 571.04 square kilometers in size and inhabits 114.000 people. That makes the virtual world in Test Drive Unlimited 2 more than two times as big as the Hawaiian Island of Oahu that was featured in the first Test Drive Unlimited title.

Test Drive Unlimited will be coming to the PC, the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 this fall. New features include the brand-new island of Ibiza, vehicle damage, weather and a full 24-hour day & night cycle.