The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
Thanks for the advice, didn't know that you could do that. Need to get my smithing up, already working with daggers to get to level 60.

Smithing and Enchanting are pretty easy to power level, so spend your money on Alchemy training if you have nothing else to buy. Buy loads of empty soul gems (common, petty and lesser primarily) when you can, full ones to if you have spare cash, then enchant a weapon you like with soul trap set to 1 second for maximum charge, fill up the gems on quests then enchant your iron daggers with the most valuable enchantment (Soul Trap is quite good actually), sell them on for improving smithing, enchanting, speech and make some money on the side as well!

Note: Don't level up to fast early though, or you'll be facing harder enemies when you haven't raised the applicable combat skill(s) for your build enough to really tackle them.
So you're saying that smithing and enchantment goes up when you sell enchanted daggers ?
Right now my Enchantment is around 60, and developed two quite strong weapons for high-level use: Ebony Sword (improved at Superior) & the Scimitar (improved at Exquisite). I enchanted the Ebony with frost, dealing 15 damage. The Scimitar I enchanted with shock, also dealing 15 damage. They both last a very long time. I think I can squeeze out 200 hits before they both start to run out of charge, and I always carry soul gems with me (The Black Star made things a bit easier). There's some weapons I found in Quests that are a bit stronger, like a Thunderbolts sword that dealt 31 shock damage, but only lasted 50 hits. But the Ebony + Scimitar combo altogether dealt 55 damage, which is pretty high to my standards. With a bit of time I could kill anything. My One-Handed is also nearing 100, making my first completed skill. I think I'm gonna enchant another high-level sword with fire damage.

I can't wait until I hit 60 Smithing. I can finally improve magical items!
Disenchanting items also raises skill and learns the enchant, so every item you find with an enchantment is worth picking up to learn or usually are worth good money.

Update on my experience, Dragons are getting very brave, attacking settlements inside the walls a few times now. One great moment was in Markarth a Dragon roared and circled the city, myself and 6 or so guards bolted for the gate to meet it and proceeded to all draw bows ready for the beast (turned out to be my first Elder Dragon encounter) to land. Sure enough it came down and got completely destroyed in seconds by a shower of arrows.

I then FOUND some Dragonscale armor (only the body piece but still), decided I'd collect some Dragonscales and make the set, I walk outside a house after selling all my loot and a dragon drops down almost immediately for me to slaughter. I sold all my dragon stuff previous as it's easy enough to acquire later.
Disenchanting items also raises skill and learns the enchant, so every item you find with an enchantment is worth picking up to learn or usually are worth good money.

I think I have every Enchantment in the game just by doing that :P
I've officially taken my enchanting as far as I ever want to, if there is a way to get any more powerful enchantments I am going to avoid it as I'm OP enough as it is now. Using Alchemy and Enchanting, now both at 100, I've reached some ridiculous levels now in terms of power and money which are as follows:

Active Enchantments:
Stamina regen +35%
Muffled footsteps
Bow +45% damage x 4 items
Pickpocket +45%
Health +132 pts
Stamina +132 pts
Magicka + 70 pts

Equipment ratings:
Armor Rating 539 (Elven armor! Full set overboosted with smithing gear no shield)
Damage 472/425 Daedric/Elven Bow + Arrow damage (Elven has a quicker draw speed and I like having the full set of gear)

I've yet to use any of this stuff on anyone, but plan to keep it in reserve once I've tested it out and use full nightingale gear, dagger and bow included, which will be much less overpowered. It was more an experiment than anything else to see just how far you could go legitimately, also I'm sitting on 96,000 gold from potion + enchanted dagger sales to fences (fences hold 4000 when you become thieves guild master for real).
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I'm trying to get my alchemy and enchanting to the 100 now, both are around the 80 mark. It's a bit hiring making daggers then enchanting and selling them, but it has to be done.
Windhelm is the best spot I know to make the daggers and enchant them, there's a table in the corner of the city wall closest to the blacksmith forge. Also an alchemy shop right by it (The White Phial) and a potential fence for the thieves guild with 4000 gold.

Make yourself a set of Alchemy gear with grand souls, even if it's not that powerful, and the value of your potions will increase drastically so you'll have a stock of potions to sell (I suggest putting all your useful potions stored in a house so you can just spam sell). You can then easily buy out an alchemy shops entire ingredient stock and convert them in to potions and make a tonne of money which is how I'm sat atop 90grand and got the trophy for holding 100,000 also. Levelling alchemy seems determined by potion value, so definitely worth doing and similarly never miss an opportunity to buy Giants Toe.
A fence is someone you can sell stollen goods to that a normal vendor won't take.

I think he meant a certain fence in Windhelm. Either way, I think fences are just a easier way to sell stolen goods without investing the relevant perk (Speech).
I think he meant a certain fence in Windhelm. Either way, I think fences are just a easier way to sell stolen goods without investing the relevant perk (Speech).

The real benefit is each fence has £4000 when you complete every inch of the thieves guild quests and side quests (acquire the guild master armour), the stolen goods is a nice touch on top of that. Doing so involves a rather vague goal upon completing the main quest line, which requires you to complete 5 jobs in each main hold (do numbers job from Delvin). The guild is located in Riften, shouldn't be to difficult to pick up the first quest.

I particularly enjoyed this quest line even though I'm usually a 'good' moral player, definitely worth the trip on the dark side.
I've done a couple of the Thieves quests, mainly involving changing ledgers or nicking things from chests. Plus Vyper (sp) is my go to for pickpocket training at the moment.
Those ledger quests are the ones to go for when you finish the main line, I kept track of the special jobs I'd completed, then immediately quit any numbers jobs Delvin tried to give me in those areas to speed up the process. Granted it now says I've completed -5 thieves guild quests :lol:.
I've been trying to clear some old missions, and there's one in particular (in my time of need) where the first mission is to find the Redguard woman.
But there's no place marker so if there's anyone who knows where to find her, please share and maybe put some spoiler tags around it if someone doesn't want to see :)
Hmm, weird, looked around there but didn't find anything.

Nevermind, found her :embarrassed: It was a long time ago since I played that quest, kinda lost track of it.
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Game didn't go that well today, accidently used my shout inside the riverwood trader, he attacked me so I killed him. Then got chased out of riverwood.

So instead I went down south and found a nice place that gives you 3 levels of archery within 2mins, and then got killed by a dragon.
Game didn't go that well today, accidently used my shout inside the riverwood trader, he attacked me so I killed him. Then got chased out of riverwood.

So instead I went down south and found a nice place that gives you 3 levels of archery within 2mins, and then got killed by a dragon.

Cool Story mate 👍 But don't worry, you'll get more and more experienced as you go.
Game didn't go that well today, accidently used my shout inside the riverwood trader, he attacked me so I killed him. Then got chased out of riverwood.

So instead I went down south and found a nice place that gives you 3 levels of archery within 2mins, and then got killed by a dragon.

I've been there, accidentally starting a fight with an innocent by leaning the controller on the R2 a bit to heavily and unleashing dragon fury on some poor civilian but I immediately reload when it happens.

@NL Great video, funny and true :lol:
Game didn't go that well today, accidently used my shout inside the riverwood trader, he attacked me so I killed him. Then got chased out of riverwood.

I remember my first time getting chased out of Riverwood.
Wanted to tuck back my bow, pushed the wrong button and accidentally wacked a chicken. You'll probably have to pay a fine when you get back there.

Today I got my invitation to the Dark Brotherhood... quite unexpected.