The Electronic Three Cometh! - Starts Today

  • Thread starter Robin
Hmm I hope those PS+ announced games are coming to the EU, and the membership price is the same (though 5 bucks a month sounds right). Will that dude lend me some money to get a bigger HD though? I'm maxed out =/
A beautiful 5 inch in my hands. ?

Oh god, that made me laugh!

Was that whole boat thing an Assassin's Creed game? Did much assassinating happen? I'm confused.

Good to see Dan Hay has work between all the film trailers he does.
That ship battle was intense! I was so hyped up when they shouted "fire!" followed by the barrage of cannonballs.
Gears Of Far Cry?

I hate it when devs play through their game as if they don't know what's going to happen. We know it's all scripted gameplay.
There's no point in complaining about the "Facts & Figures" fluff, they'll do it whether you like it or not.
I hope this is the fluff before the really big news...

I hope they have something, because this is 80% fluff and pointless stats so far.

Wow, and they say Kinect is cheesy and childish. This looks like something from Fisher Price.
When they getting into the good stuff?? an hour of boring and kinda worthless stuff.
Though I personally won't find any fun in the Wonderbook, I'm quite fond of how the Wonderbook works. I'm not saying I know how it does exactly, but I already have a good idea.
At least this press conference isn't as bad as the one in 2006.

Riiiiiidge Racer! The PS3 will sell for... $599 US dollars!
If you just switched this on you'd have no idea this was a Sony Playstation conference.

Games, Sony, Games! Exclusive ones!