The General Airplane Thread

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After seeing several random Ospreys fly around here, I must say that is a funky, but cool aircraft. Given how big the prop-rotors are, the thing isn't very loud. It does sound rather beefy though, like those blades are moving some serious air around.
Random bonus pic:

Some cool planes there! Especially the Ospray!
Yeah there is a whole bunch of CV-22s here (150th Special Operations Wing) and they are awesome. every time I see them practicing mid air refueling over Albuquerque I don't have a damn camera! LOL.
Yeah there is a whole bunch of CV-22s here (150th Special Operations Wing) and they are awesome. every time I see them practicing mid air refueling over Albuquerque I don't have a damn camera! LOL.

Well, I have yet to see my first one so... you better take your camera with you next time :lol:
These last couple pages are filled with awesome 👍


Russian jets creating an angel


Old school cool from Thunderbird 1, 1973


More old school cool, this time from the Navy


B-52 Stratofortress from the 20th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron at Barksdale Air Force Base

The soldier jumping out of the plane backwards is awesome. Can't see the video though but maybe it's because I'm at work and behind more protection than normal.

A-10 in action
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The J-31 is going to fly a demo at the Zhuhai Airshow.



I don't have many pictures to share but I have a story.

While I was still in high school, I was in a history class and all we studied was the Vietnam War. Throughout the 18 weeks, we had speakers come in who were vets of all shapes and sizes. Typewriters to tank mechanics. I chose one man who was an F4 Phantom aircraft technician who narrowly escaped death. I was able to find where he was stationed, the day of the accident (including operations carried out before), and the aircraft he was working on when it was mortared.

I will keep his name unknown, for the sake of anything that could happen to him or myself being on the Internet.
He was stationed at the Binh Thuy airbase when on February 18, 2014 the base came under mortar attack and was surrounded by NVA/Viet Cong. A mortar round hit the vertical stabilizer launching him forward, around fifteen yards he last recalls. He was awarded a Purple Heart and a few other notable awards (which I no longer have recorded), and was offered after recovery to be a traveling aircraft technician for the Thunderbird's.
Bin Thuy airbase:

Here was the base the night before on an enemy attack on the perimeter. The tracers are from the C-47 gunship.

Here is the aircraft he was operating on:

He recalls working on the co-pilot (I don't remember the correct word he used; was not first officer.) Capsule and was launched forward.

I'm not a cyber-stalker or anything, I just wanted a good grade seeing how low other classmates were receiving. He was shocked himself to see I was able to find the same aircraft after only a days worth of research.
Awesome. Great story and good research. I hope you guys don't mind me posting this up. (if So I will delete it)

Along the same line. My grandfather was a ball turret gunner on a B-17 that was shot down over Austria during WWII.
He did tell the story to the family every now and never failed to go to the airfield when a restored B-17 would come to town but always turned down a flight in one. This thread came out a few years after his passing giving our family way more info than I even imagined possible.
That's amazing to see someone find something like that.

When I was researching, I started with a Purple Heart search when the attack happened. Looking for his plane was just a pure goldmine and was awesome.
Yeah I honestly sat at my desk at work for a few minutes in absolute awe, the day I found that thread.
Albania had a crapload of fighter jets during Communism. Here are pictures of fleets of MiG-17s and 19s and also a Ilyushin II28. Also, I read that they got
12-14 F4 Phantoms with another 8 for spare parts from the Luftwaffe (Germany) after they retired them in 2013 on a Greek website, but I dunno if that's true. Albanian pilots are training in Turkey with the F16.
Albania had a crapload of fighter jets during Communism. Here are pictures of fleets of MiG-17s and 19s and also a Ilyushin II28. Also, I read that they got
12-14 F4 Phantoms with another 8 for spare parts from the Luftwaffe (Germany) after they retired them in 2013 on a Greek website, but I dunno if that's true. Albanian pilots are training in Turkey with the F16.View attachment 259323 View attachment 259324
Were those first two pictures not on a Top Gear episode where May goes nuts....?
I don't know what airfield they were in, but I remember that they were placed the same way. I'm gonna say yes. And they are the same types of planes.
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A Tu-134 got its wheels frozen to the runway in Igarka (Krasnoyarsk Krai, Siberia, RF, behind the polar circle) at temperature of -52 C, and the hauler got stuck in the snow, so the passengers had to get out and push the plane to unstick the wheels. :D

"So you want fly or you want no fly?!"
I did a double-take on that one. The lighter colored paint inside the intake looked to me like there was a solid flat surface blocking the intake. :dunce:
I did, too! Weird illusion.

Speaking of illusions, you can look at this and almost make that wing look like the bottom wing of the blue plane, or the top wing for the yellow one... Lucky angle on a couple of Stearmans three weeks ago at the Blue Angels Homecoming show (end of season) at Pensacola Naval Air Station. The Escher-plane!

For you camera-guys, 1/125 (for prop blur) handheld at 300mm!! :D

"So you want fly or you want no fly?!"
These passengers are polar workers - tough Siberian men. They are used to extreme situations and not used to complain about an "uncomfortable trip". These people can start an engine with their alcohol breath. :D Push a plane to start? Ha, piece of cake!
Damn, that looks sick. That is the more expensive one if I'm not mistaken. Hopefully they use it against ISIS. Also, the F15 Strike Eagle would be useful to them. The problem is the price for a military like Iraq.

Honestly a Super Tacano or a simple bomb truck would work well for them in COIN operations, shame there isn't new build A-7s.
The farewell ceremony of the last passenger hauling MD 11 in the world.


A friend took the last flight, it flew a huge W out of Schiphol (coincidentally the first letter of his name), he sent me the FlightTrack snap and was very excited :)