S;G > time-travelin' Walter.
In all seriousness though, you're a horrible human being, lol.
But, thisleads me nicely to a topic I wanted to discuss the other day but totally forgot until a few moments ago, when I was searching for the pictures of the Rayearth OVAs I just posted. As you can imagine, all kinds of pics come up when you type "rayearth OVA" on Google, including several Rayearth doujinshis and some frankly disgusting, obscene fanart. That was when the topic came back to my head.
No, it's not what you think. It's about this: Do you feel any... mmhh... how to put it? respect, maybe, for certain characters or series, or maybe enough respect would be the apropiate term, to feel almost insulted or at least absolutely uncapable of aqcuiring/reading/viewing fan art, doujinshis or fan made films that puts these characters in such situations?
I remember way back then, when Rayearth was still fresh from bein' aired here in Mexico, a IRC friend offered to transfer me like 15 doujins and even a hentai film. I just could not see myself enjoying such stuff... I gues I'm not the kind of guy that's into all of this just because of the fan service, heh, and besides, I had developed a deep affection for the characters (I won't go into details of the Fuu crush again), so it felt almost insulting to me to... "do such a thing" to characters that I really loved.
Then again, there were other Rayearth fans in the same MIRC server that immediately jumped at his offer. To each their own, I guess, but I just cannot see myself doing nos enjoying such a thing
This may sound a bit weird, what with all the pervert posts made every day in here lol, but be sincere. Do you respect the characters you love, or the less clothes the better?
I hope I was able to explain this in a clear manner.