The General Anime Thread...

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Just rewatched Chars Counterattack (seen it a long long time ago). I now see where the Gundam 00 movie got its ending from lol. Axis split in half viewable from earth with a beautiful effect from the Nu Gundam (RIP Amuro Ray) = Floating ELS + Gundam Qan-T viewable from earth 👍. The Nu Gundam is such a fictional technical marvel, amazes me to see it tackle the axis against the earth gravitational pull.

Just remember that the Nu Gundam in the movie was an incomplete, rushed version.. Char's Zeong :lol:
Finally started Hayate the Combat Butler (Season 1). I up until now had only read volume 1 of the manga, and watched all of season 2 (As at the time, it was the only season legally streaming.), and I must say, while some things from the manga are changed a bit, what they do actually works out pretty well, and I don't really have problems with it.

Also, still one of the best moments of episode 2 (Originated from I think it was chapter 3 of the manga.)...

When the head butler thinks Hayate is a Gundam.:lol:
This thread moves at a hilarious pace. Good grief.

Haven't started anything up since I finished Champloo. Kind of afraid most things won't seem as awesome, so waiting a bit I think to prevent me from going "lol, screw this" and losing interest.
Gundam references, parodies, and otherwise are popping up all over the place lately.

And that dude reminds me of Professor Oak. :scared:

Cody, why is that not Gai? R u mad?
The difference though is he's way funnier. He definitely helps add humor to a series meant to be really funny.
Gundam references, parodies, and otherwise are popping up all over the place lately.

And that dude reminds me of Professor Oak. :scared:

Cody, why is that not Gai? R u mad?

Segai is cooler than Gai in my opinion. Especially with how he kind of trolls with his cellphone all the time.
The best kind of discussion :dopey:

Depends on your age. Though I can't say much, seeing as how I get girls in their teens flirting with me all the time on campus. Some cuties too :guilty:

Oh, and I do have a history of anime avatars as well, though many are before your time... I'll find some for you perhaps.

A few, no clue where they are all saved :lol:

Dude, does Hayate have powers or something? Pedaling bicycles faster than humanly possible, jumping on to the hood of a car with red eyes...

Wut? I like this. I need to watch more of it.
Haven't started anything up since I finished Champloo. Kind of afraid most things won't seem as awesome, so waiting a bit I think to prevent me from going "lol, screw this" and losing interest.

Seen Baccano! yet? Very different but also a masterpiece to look into is Mushi-shi.

Gundam references, parodies, and otherwise are popping up all over the place lately.

How is that new? Last time I checked, it's been happening since 1979!:)
I haven't been able to get into Gundam since I was about 12. Just, I dunno, the over the top huge ass robots just doesn't appeal to me too much. Because really, once a bi pedal platform is 20 stories tall, it kind of defeats a need to be bi-pedal because it could just drive over anything anyhow -__-
How is that new? Last time I checked, it's been happening since 1979!:)

The references, yes. But the parodies are new to me.

Unfortunately.... :yuck: Gundamn.

Quit yer hatin'. Hatin' makes bacon.

Or something.

I haven't been able to get into Gundam since I was about 12. Just, I dunno, the over the top huge ass robots just doesn't appeal to me too much. Because really, once a bi pedal platform is 20 stories tall, it kind of defeats a need to be bi-pedal because it could just drive over anything anyhow -__-

They're not all bi-pedaled, but in what context are you referring?
I may have my specs off, you are the expert. I dunno, I'm just not a big mecha fan because of all the science and stuff I was raised with. Probably my biggest gripe with Geass as well, you know, with mecha fighting in a building that was clearly special built just for mecha to get around in. E7 at least gave some reason in that they were being built on top of organic skeletons they had unearthed.

But reality is a weapon system like that would never really make sense. 10 to 20 feet tops would be it, otherwise you'll lose the benefits of why you'd want bi-pedal = moving through complicated terrain while not leveling.
Dude, does Hayate have powers or something? Pedaling bicycles faster than humanly possible, jumping on to the hood of a car with red eyes...

Wut? I like this. I need to watch more of it.

Season one or two, second season kind of sucks, but first season was brilliant (there is Wakamoto too).
I may have my specs off, you are the expert. I dunno, I'm just not a big mecha fan because of all the science and stuff I was raised with. Probably my biggest gripe with Geass as well, you know, with mecha fighting in a building that was clearly special built just for mecha to get around in. E7 at least gave some reason in that they were being built on top of organic skeletons they had unearthed.

Ah, I'm following you now - while a lot of the early suits were bi-pedaled, they still had manual controls. The only things the bi-pedals controlled were leg movement, but even so there were technologies put in place that negated their size for the most part.

Eventually, the suits were built upon endoskeletal frames (I think around 0087; Z Gundam) that further improved maneuverability, agility, amongst other things..further negating the effects of their colossal size.

But reality is a weapon system like that would never really make sense. 10 to 20 feet tops would be it, otherwise you'll lose the benefits of why you'd want bi-pedal = moving through complicated terrain while not leveling.

They were eventually scaled down to an average of, I'd say, 39.5 feet tall. That's a guesstimation. Bi-pedal controls were essentially phased out (albeit not completely though) in lieu of better methods of manipulation, NT-D being a perfect example (even though it's limited to five minutes).
How can you not love the gift aeolia schenberg gave to this fictional series.

Seems that before the events that happend in Char's Counterattack happend there was a economic downturn on the economy and chicago had a devastating fire like what happened to the real chicago years (whole city on fire). I read this from the MG Nu gundam manual.

mechanical orgy goodness

T-12, I think you are getting a different meaning from bi-pedal than I am intending. I simply mean the fact the suits have 2 legs. That is all bipedal means, humans are bipedal, etc. How they are moved by the user is completely beside the point.

Also, I have a terrible memory on some things, but have I ever posted this clean up and trace I did?

Sweet trace up ^^

They were eventually scaled down to an average of, I'd say, 39.5 feet tall. That's a guesstimation. Bi-pedal controls were essentially phased out (albeit not completely though) in lieu of better methods of manipulation, NT-D being a perfect example (even though it's limited to five minutes).

Dont forget the psycho frame technology too :dopey:. Also the natural and genetic enhanced newtypes.

On a different note, cant see the timeline going from AD to UC. The mobile suits from gundam 00 seem more advanced than the ones that participated in the one year war (0079). Also the suits from gundam 00 seemed to favor a electrically articulated (DC motor like) method of movement unlike the UC's mechanical articulated type forms of movement. hmm
T-12, I think you are getting a different meaning from bi-pedal than I am intending...

Seems that way. :lol:

Still, they're not all bi-pedal. Take the Zeong for example:


@MH: Different AD, different universe. Not the AD that preceded UC. :P
You understand what I mean. I would like to see something mecha style but more with Iron Man or Samus style combat suits, as an exoskeletal system would be quite neat, and would give them many of the style liberties that the huge mecha permit. Karas had a neat armor system and transformation setup as well, now that I think about it.
You understand what I mean. I would like to see something mecha style but more with Iron Man or Samus style combat suits, as an exoskeletal system would be quite neat, and would give them many of the style liberties that the huge mecha permit. Karas had a neat armor system and transformation setup as well, now that I think about it.

You'd like Gaia Gear then, methinks.

It's a far-off future version of Gundam with exactly what you want (I think?). I know nothing off it other than Tomino had a hand in it...because he's weird a futurist like that.