The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
^ And Ryousuke notices...



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Freezing manga. Man this thing goes in, it's not complete yet but man.... I'd say it's better than the anime. It warrants me saying, "It's good"

I'm up to date with it now however it seems the chapters are starting to come out slowly. I think a finale is coming up soon. If so then I think it's a good time to end with a good ending.
@Not_A_Guest you're feeling it too?

On topic to this thread; I haven't been checking out any Anime lately. Manga (Freez... Oh you know already) took up whatever free watch time I have now.

@Techny I'll give Fate a shot when I've got some time in order that you mentioned. The VN however I'll see what I'll do about that, I may just leave it and watch the anime.
Guys. Let's turn our attention to a different song instead :P

Edit: I've listened to this song 36 times according to iTunes, but I've never picked up the lyrics before. I still can't say I have much to comment on about it, but I've always had a thing for their use of instruments.
@Not_A_Guest you're feeling it too?
I honestly dunno. It would be pretty typical for Im Dal Young to abruptly end another manga like that though.
I wanna get a little more "fun stuff" in the manga... It doesn't live up to its art, so to say.

tits and butt

also while we're on the anime song thing why don't you have a listen to this masterpiece

I honestly dunno. It would be pretty typical for Im Dal Young to abruptly end another manga like that though.
I wanna get a little more "fun stuff" in the manga... It doesn't live up to its art, so to say.

tits and butt

Satellizer, Cassandra and Sawatari are thick and have cake in all the right places. What more could you want? :lol:

Here's to hoping it actually ends and ends properly.

Back to anime openings, Flying Lotus's music needs to be in one. That is all.
Been trying to get more form in my faces all week with no luck. I swear half the reason why people end up doing anime is because realistic eyes are nightmares to draw consistently.

My own drawings have even started staring back at me with vacant disapproval :lol:
You'll hit the sweet spot eventually, Tuddle, at least you can draw the basic tangibles well enough, unlike me for example (I can doodle like a 5-year old, that's my only drawing skill)... :lol:

As for the anime opening "argument";

After War Gundam X. The end.

In related news, check out a video of the real-life Type 98 AV Ingram Patlabor which roams around Tokyo to promote the new Patlabor Next Generation movie (? Or is it a full series? Can't quite remember...)

I have to say, it is a pretty sweet replica, despite the fact it doesn't move on its own or anything like that...
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