The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Portugal doesn't have a Little Tokyo, but we do have a metric ton of China shops... because buying flimsy plastic stuff on a budget is a national sport, apparently. :irked:

Also, not sure if I'd honk, because that girl looks quite like the bancho-type, and that type of girl is a bit on the agressive side, if you know what I mean...
She looks 12.

Don't they always...? :sly:
Besides, maybe she might have some hidden plot macguffin and actually be 10,000 years old in age, those sort of plots are a Japanese favorite.

So I'm watching Gundam again.

I still can't get myself to like the lead Gundam itself.

Well, Turn A is just that uncommon for a Gundam design, which isn't a light feat considering the wide array of robot designs the franchise has seen. The fact that the main human character looks superbly effeminate doesn't help any matters, although Loran's voice is another fine job from Romi Park (not being sarcastic, I admire her work as the voice of male characters, as Fullmetal Alchemist has shown me). Sid Meier's robot design is both a blessing and a curse, as it is definitely unique, but also a bit off-putting in some aspects...
Akeno's past was definitely the most heart-rending part of the story, but then again, the series does have juxtaposition of silly and serious parts.

I'm thinking about watching Cross Ange and Gangsta (And inevitably, more gangsta rap!), and somebody here *cough* @TayeezSA *cough* has suggested me to watch Freezing. However, my new PS4 with Driveclub is sucking up all my free time.

Driveclub you say? Have you encountered the Driveclub Thread's very own downhill specialist aka @TayeezSA? :sly:

Ok back on topic,

The nice thing about DxD is that it knows when to be stupid and can be serious in some instances. Like for the heartwarming moments. The rest of the time though...... Well you know...

That's the issue with Freezing as I've mentioned before. Someone is dying or had their arm sliced off then oh wait, here's a little boob to comfort the situation.

Hence why I enjoyed the manga more, there was a better balance particularly since the story is serious I feel. Oh look a new chapter came out, sick!

In other news, Hanekawa is life (NSFW probably)
Be careful though; that coffee is very likely to contain excessive amounts of caffeine which may cause you to go beserk and slaughter several godlike beings. UCC should not take away that important bit of information...
Decafe makes you want to run away to listen to your walkman.
Well, Turn A is just that uncommon for a Gundam design, which isn't a light feat considering the wide array of robot designs the franchise has seen. The fact that the main human character looks superbly effeminate doesn't help any matters, although Loran's voice is another fine job from Romi Park (not being sarcastic, I admire her work as the voice of male characters, as Fullmetal Alchemist has shown me). Sid Meier's robot design is both a blessing and a curse, as it is definitely unique, but also a bit off-putting in some aspects...
That would probably be the reason right there. I'm more used to seeing the two prongs being mounted on the "forehead" area, like a crown, than seeing the two prongs being mounted on the "nose" area like a mustache.
Decafe makes you want to run away to listen to your walkman.

Don't forget to pack those opera songs in one easy-to-acess tape, just in case you want to train that Super Inazuma Kic...

...wait a second, that's not the right name. Ah yes, it's the "Baka Shinji anti-AT Field Attack", there you go... :lol:

That would probably be the reason right there. I'm more used to seeing the two prongs being mounted on the "forehead" area, like a crown, than seeing the two prongs being mounted on the "nose" area like a mustache.

The mustache... yeah, that is definitely the most talked about design detail of Turn A. In my head, I cannot unsee Whitebeard's infamous mustache from One Piece, it is just too similar. It's not ugly per say, not in my opinion at least, but it is something which goes against the "norm" (so to speak) for Gundam designs.
Been finally able to finish up the rest of the Monogatari series.

Tsukimonogatari was interesting. Having the story revolve and rely a lot on Ononoki was interesting. Araragi's epidemic brought some good 'realism' into check and a sense of consequence of his actions with Sengoku from Second Season. Thankfully all of this was able to make up for the weird build up to his discovery of his vampire state, but I wouldn't find it questionable for others to be completely put off by it.

The back story and general reasoning behind Ononoki's existence, and what Ononoki stands for was intriguing and a good watch. It gave me strong resemblances to the Misaka Sisters from Railgun - in the way Ononoki's not an actual human, but still maintains the necessary functions in order to survive within the normal society.

The resolution to the conflict was unexpected, however, and a very stark contrast to the Misaka Sisters. While Ononoki was thinking of others when she destroyed Tadatsuru, her attitude towards her actions was very unemotional and accepted; as if she wanted to be considered an outcast. This is because she didn't really care. She knows that she is not normal being, and knows she will never be accepted within society. This is why she was content with her actions, to her, standing up to her main values over rides her placement within society.

I found Takehito Koyasu (same VA as Ryosuke from Initial D) voicing Tadatsuru neat, as well, as Koyasu-san's voice is one of my personal favorites within anime.

I enjoyed the OP tune as well:

Hanamonogatari on the other hand was incredibly solid right the way through. With the exception of the final conversation between Araragi and Kanbaru being completely out of place and uncalled for, the rest was pretty much sublime. As a sports player myself, losing the ability to do what you had lived for would definitely be a huge emotional shock. The misfortune collection was interesting, and a weird twist and resolution to Numachi's misfortune. While Numachi was deceptive, just like Kaiki, it was for a good reason - I mean, while lying is bad, is it really bad if it's for a good reason? I'm sure even the most of saints here cannot deny to not lying at least once.

Her being the collector of the Devil's Parts was not a shock however, considering the direction Numachi was aiming for with her 'service'. What was surprising, however, was the bombshell of her actually being dead for three years - and the person Suruga had been talking to was in fact a ghost the entire time.

The resolution was powerful - although it was a basketball one-on-one in pure simplicity, the fact it was multiple different playing styles, and attitudes coming together made an impact to me. This was solidified with Numachi stating she had entirely disregarded that basketball was a team sport. It was nice to see the bridged gap between the two's abilities just via the utilization of their different stances on playing styles, and making a morale of how teamwork, or rather in this case, utilization, can overpower just one person.

As a side point, I'd like to add that I really enjoyed Numachi's voice actor. I'm weird with voices, so things such as the way sentences were ended and linked together really satisfied me.

I loved the ED as well:

Owari is looking seriously promising as well. Thoroughly enjoyed the first and third episodes - not to say the second wasn't any good, but I really found the first and third episodes enjoyable.

With essentially being brought up to date with the Monogatari Series, I've decided it's about damn time I watch Neon Genesis Evangelion. Starting tonight.

Also, feel free to critique my mini insights of the anime. Just some rambling from a relatively new anime enthusiast.
We are weebing just fine here :)

Nice writeup on the two. I've just about forgotten what Tsukimono was like, and barely managed to resurface Hanamono's.

I'd love to comment, but I need to do a rewatch before I say anything (which likely won't happen any time soon).

This makes me want to draw again. Know the artist?

but damn Mugi is cute.

You have my permission to watch K-ON for this one statement alone.

Here's the life-or-death question: Toppest kawaii: Mugi or Azusa?
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-> ...





-> I state claim of these Waifus:

- Charlotte Dunois (Infinite Stratos)
- Nana Ebina (Umaru-chan)
- Annie Brown (Shimoneta)
- Manami Tamnura (Oreimo)
- Belldandy [taken] (Ah! My Goddess!)
- Mizuho Kazami [married] (Onegai/Please series)
- Mikuru Asahina (Haurhi Suzumiya)
- Tomoyo Sakagami (Clannad)
- Wakana Ui [engaged] (Okusama ga Seitokaichou)
- Yukari Tsukino (Ai Kora)
- Ikaros (Heaven's Lost Property)

lolz!!! :lol:


^ :lol:
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Niky, i didnt even check mark anything...was this pre studio ghibli?
According to wiki Anno-san is helping revamping Godzilla.this should be interesting. Do e have any other sources confirming this?
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