The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Maybe if I like what she likes, she'll like me too!

Or argue about who's the best or worst girl and not draw controversy onto thyself ...

In other news, I finished Shokugeki No Soma yesterday.

That was a good show I must say. Fun, character development was decent, great looking food, it makes me want to try don & kaarage, I enjoyed it.

My only problems with the show were with the ending, it didn't really end, it just stopped and hinted at a season 2 ( Of which the show deserves but all know how anime works these days...) and the Fanservice may irk some, especially in the beginning.

Overall I'd recommend it.
A season 2 is supposedly in the works.

Let's hope it pans out.


Here in my garage, just bought this new Unit 1. But you know what what I like more than evangelions? Human instrumentality.

Probably runs 21psi on low boost then when 🤬 hits the fan, 100psi probably, who knows what the internals can take.
Mankind has Declined, episode 1.

Lol, wot m8? Dat ending doe.

Godlike for two episodes. Rest of it kinda went bleh.

Parasyte on the other hand. Holy crap it is GOOD. Only 6 episodes in so far. Would've kept going but the day is over.
So Hatsune Miku is coming to my town for a concert later this month. I'm actually surprised she made it into Toronto.

Also, there's a thing called Sadako vs Kayako.. It's The Ring girl and The Grudge boy/girl.

There's promo videos where they star in a series of educational videos teaching people about movie theatre etiquette.

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Has an anime chart:

As far as shows go, I'm liking the sound of:

Arslan Senki: Fuujin Ranbu
91 Days
Shokugeki no Souma: Ni no Sara
Amaama to Inazuma
Mob Psycho 100
New Game!

Now for OVAs & Movies...

RS Keikaku -Rebirth Storage-
Under the Dog
Kingsglaive FFXV
Kimi no Na wa.

Kizumonogatari II looks badass, but I'm waaaaaaaaaay behind on my Monogatari so... yeah.
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Man, I'm so backlogged it's not even funny.

Shokigeki's probably going to be the only series that gets fast tracked for me. The rest are strictly "whenever I get around to it", which for most won't be anytime real soon.

Movies though... That's another story. Makoto Shinkai will always be fast tracked. I might not get to Kingsglaive immideately, but will enjoy it in conjunction with XV when it drops later this year at the latest.
brb committing sudoku

I will watch the first episode of Sunshine out of loyalty for the franchise, and so I can actually say first-hand what I think about Aquors properly, but I doubt I'll be going any further.

(Someone save this comment in case I find myself falling in love with Aquors so you can laugh at me then.)