The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent

2nd edit (because this place is sooo dead): hey nk4e, what did you like about Itsuki (Haruhi) that made you want a pic of him as your avatar?

He is different, I liked him because he does remind me of myself in my own way.
That's a lot of degrees of freedom. What exactly are they? You have the freedom to decide: how much thrust/initial acceleration; weight of projectile, angle of elevation; direction; and what else?

Six degrees of freedom is the X, Y and Z axes, plus pitch, yaw and roll of the ship around said axes. When aiming, we've gotta compensate for the waves pushing the ship around.

Of course there are many other variables taken into account in a fire control solution. The ones you mentioned, distance to target, etc.

Naturally, all this stuff is done near-automagically via computer systems in combat. We Fire Controlmen just maintain, calibrate and test these systems. My system in particular is the SPY-1A radar. Without it, all our fire control systems are blind to any target's direction, distance and elevation. Pretty crucial variables when you're trying to shoot at it. :lol:
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Six degrees of freedom is the X, Y and Z axes, plus pitch, yaw and roll of the ship around said axes. When aiming, we've gotta compensate for the waves pushing the ship around.

Of course there are many other variables taken into account in a fire control solution. The ones you mentioned, distance to target, etc.

Naturally, all this stuff is done near-automagically via computer systems in combat. We Fire Controlmen just maintain, calibrate and test these systems. My system in particular is the SPY-1A radar. Without it, all our fire control systems are blind to any target's direction, distance and elevation. Pretty crucial variables when you're trying to shoot at it. :lol:

That sounds pretty cool,are those weapons capable of intercepting scud missiles like the tomahawks?,I just remember the Iraqui missiles towards Israel. (well,to stay on topic,are those weapons capable of intercepting Koizumi in esper mode? )
That sounds pretty cool,are those weapons capable of intercepting scud missiles like the tomahawks?,I just remember the Iraqui missiles towards Israel. (well,to stay on topic,are those weapons capable of intercepting Koizumi in esper mode? )

Yeah, we certainly can intercept a scud missile. The SM-2 missiles used in the Aegis Weapon System, of which the SPY radar is a part, don't have sophisticated onboard guidance systems like a Tomahawk. Instead, they just constantly communicate with the ship's radar in order to locate their target. Due to the fact that they're essentially tethered to the ship via the SPY radar, they don't have as long of a range. But the range of the SPY-1A radar is definitely not at all small. 👍

Koizumi in esper mode though? Not sure about that one. :lol:
I'll be sure to ask about it on the next course critique I have to fill out...

Intercepting a scud with the guns isn't likely though. Ballistics are subject to even more nasty variables such as wind. Hitting a small, fast-moving target like that isn't gonna happen. However, in the event that we fail to take down a missile with our own missiles, we do have a gun that's meant to automatically try and shoot 'em down once they get too close for comfort. It's called CIWS. And from what I hear, it breaks constantly. So definitely not something you'd want to rely on. An absolute last resort. Semi-jokingly, the rule of thumb is that if you hear CIWS firing, you should abandon ship immediately. :P
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@nk4e. So you believe in aliens?

@Trex, Mio's a cliche archetype. Intelligence, with long black hair and straight bangs. Tons of characters have the exact same appearance and personality, not like there'smuch to complain about though.

Finished some baseball eisode of Haruhi; Yuki was too OP for it.
It can be awesome. It can also be a pain in the butt.

Anyway, do want:
I figured you wouldn't, but not a problem.... it needs a transparent bg, right?

edit: FFFFFUUUUUUU I accidentally saved the PSD under 120 px.... Sorry dude. I'll have a new style up eventually.

Someone's going to be mad... :rolleyes:





Mewants Lucky Star playing cards.

Kawaii. :) And so is the Lucky Clannad image.

;) Mio is awesome.
Yes she is. ;) And IS-K-ON FTW. :D

On a side note, my PC has been in the repair shop for the last week due to a inverter for the LCD Screen going out. I'm awaiting for that to be fixed and then I'll be getting back up to speed in the forums.
Yes, AOS,I believe in Aliens.

WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO- I'm just kidding.

So....Have you found one yet?


If there's a game I absolutely love playing... it's this.
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^ Is it just me or does that (I'm not sure what the gender is) resemble Iggy Pop?
Clair...? Pfft. Teresa, my friend....

or Flora....


Keep "Cute" and "Badass" out of the same ball park.. they are like Fruits to a vegan.
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You both need to post more pictures so we can get to the bottom of whatever this is :)

In other (good) news we are coming home tomorrow so Once A Day Asuka can resume it's normal schedule! Be excite!