You haven't watched TTGL? That's news to me...
TTGL is amazing! Go watch it. Right now.
When you read Gunnm, I'll watch Toppa.
AyJay, 'Yomako' me crazy.You know Yoko from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann? Yeah, this is what she looks like for a little bit in the later part of the show. I'm afraid to say too much to risk spoilers, but yeah. Yoko becomes Yomako for a bit, and also pilots a hover-scooter
Only other images I have of Yomako:
(thumbnails link to wallpapers)
Deal. I will start reading it tonight. Just found a site that has 97 volumes.
But truthfully if it was like that then no complaints here.
Huh, I did watch Index, and have Railgun in queue, guess I'll have to move it up a few spots.
+1 on the BRS... She's totally got a bangin' hot design.... may as well keep it rollin'
Black Gold Saw
Dead Master
AOS- gets the merit badge for corruption of minors! J/k T-rex, we were all there and maybe even way beyond that at your age, nothing wrong withing over the droolable ladies.