The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
I needs moneys for gunpla :dopey:. Use 91% isopropyl alcohol for thinner đź‘Ť. Still trying to find a good house hold product that will form a good clear coat (saves money). There are numerous ways to produce weathering, its better by brush. Guy is a genius
Weathering markers? Don't people just airbrush some dirty colour on top? Or at least use a sponger or something with some texture and dab it on?

Yep. You can use pastels too.

None of which I currently have in my possession.

Nichijou didn't have any real plot... at least haganai had something.
Nichijou's humour is scattered and dumb... Haganai's humour was cute and more understandable to the general audience.
Nichijou's character designs were not outstanding in the slightest... Haganai had a big-chested brat, had lolis (one of which runs around naked), and a cute smarty-pants who was extremely perverted....
No need for a facepalm (Note, I still haven't seen the show, so I truly wouldn't know why.).

You could give all the explanations in the world, fact is, nobody truly knows why it didn't sell well in Japan/appeal to the Japanese otaku. Even many of the most informed people over here thought Nichijou would sell, but nope, it didn't sell.
If you really know the answer (as you seem to know the japanese otaku as the palm of your hand) why would you ask such a thing? Indeed, Nichijou's humor isn't for everyone, but for some of us, it's awesome. It's the only kind of comedy I can stand in anime, period.
Where were you getting that assumption? I don't know Japanese otaku tastes that well, and if certain shows will sell well or not over there. Some are flat out obviously going to sell (Like Fate/Zero which is ranked 4th under DVD for Amazon Japan's top-selling list. It's been in the top-seller list since the thing was solicited months ago. It will become one of the most successful anime Blu-ray releases in Japan's history.), others it's more of a guessing game (Lucky*Star, K-On!, Nichijou, Infinite Stratos, Manyuu Hikenchou (A show all about breasts, sold this well on BD (Less than I expected it to. I expected it to sell like 5,000 for volume 1 on BD because of the disastrous broadcast.). The Seikon no Qwaser II Volume 4 Blu-ray nudity and all sold terribly.).

I asked as he gave an explanation saying "Moe and humor=Instant sales" practically for why Haganai's BD sold 7,500+ in it's first week. I've heard Nichijou has quite a bit of humor from reviews I've read for it, and also, it has moe, so it had that in common with Haganai (Which I've seen all of.).
4kids is a side company that edits out Shows for kids.
Horrible translation, editing and what not of Japanese shows. Their biggest example was One Piece.
They hardly license anything these days however. This is all they ever dealt with. Mostly Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokemon (Before Pokemon USA came to be.).
GC is a Thursday show, dummy.
For us...not those in Japan.
Started on Ga-Rei: Zero...Is there a series before this one? Seems like I'm coming on in the middle of a story.

I'm pretty sure that there's no Japanese residents posting here on a frequent basis, goddamn it.

But that is what all his clocks are set to - JAPAN TIME. Why?

Because Anime.

Oh, and T-12, I'm probably a bit picky about forced back tracking and the likes, as I use to be a speed runner for Super Metroid. Personal best was 48 minutes (Game clock) on my SNES back in the day.
You're a slave to your hand.
I know. :guilty:

Permission to say "DAT UNDERBOOB"?
"Permission denied."

I'm pretty sure that there's no Japanese residents posting here on a frequent basis, goddamn it.
It irks me when people say it's a "Thurdsay show" when it's a Friday show in Japan. You could say "It comes out for us on Thursdays.".
Hmm, what to do when I get paid part of the money my parents owe me (Currently $200), pre-order the Madoka Magica Volume 1 LE (Which keeps popping up in Rightstuf's best-seller list for Blu-ray and DVD-as it's a combo pack.), or get the Baccano! Blu-ray box which is selling a few to a couple copies per day since it got restocked after like a month (Probably the same stock from the Bandai Online Store when it shut down late last month.)?

Madoka is going to sell out quickly, but I don't know if I'll be able to get enough money to get Baccano! before that sells out (As I'm trying to get a few other things that are limited, but haven't been on sale long-except Dragon Box 4 (Came out late 2010), which is going up in price. I'm hoping I can find it at FYE as they tend to have harder to find titles for a while (Even though they unfortunately charge FULL MSRP.).)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Volume 1 LE
Baccano! Blu-ray Box
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It irks me when people say it's a "Thurdsay show" when it's a Friday show in Japan. You could say "It comes out for us on Thursdays."

Or he could say it's a Thursday show. We already know we're talking about our time.
Actually started Denpa Onna now.

Started off pretty awesome. Erio sounds so much cuter than you would think :3 It's amazing what she can do in her futon.

And I love that puberty points thing :lol:
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On Spice and Wolf ep 2. I already <3 Horo.
Who doesn't love her?:lol:

Also prepare to put your economics hat on soon, episode 3 and I think also episode 4 dealt with economics. The subject, value of the various silver coins in the show.

I'm still watching the show (Currently 2 episodes on Mondays, and 2 episodes on Fridays.), so I don't know where else that stuff is.
And now after Ep 2:

I swear even the other two are as weird as Erio. I mean, Maekawa dresses up as a sandwich :boggled: and Ryuushi pwns Makoto with speech. :lol: Still, looking interesting so far. Pretty comedic right now, and in some parts pretty mysterious too. :)
I'm just going to blurt it out in big bold font.





It would be the perfect thing to do.:)

Do it for us Holo lovers.
attention-seeking post

Who else wants it? This will make or break the deal.

P4A's is up next on the list, I might make DW avatars if we finish it on the stream and people find the characters somewhat likeable (or at least visually likeable).
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I'm not going to lie, I was totally surprised you grabbed a CG avatar.

I was too, but I wanted to join the fuuuuunnnn and this avatar is suggestive. I like suggestive.

Persona 4 avatars? I'd be down for that. Dibs on Rise. :drool:
Nah, you're totally going to grab a Nanako one :P But yeah, if we're doing dibs. I got dibs on Yukiko.
I was too, but I wanted to join the fuuuuunnnn and this avatar is suggestive. I like suggestive.

And then when you watch Code Geass, you'll have another reason: You'll love Code Geass. :lol:

Although your avatar will most likely be different by the time you get around to Geass. :P

Nah, you're totally going to grab a Nanako one :P

Besides the fact that I'm done with the whole pedo thing, I've already had two great Nanako avatars here in the past. So not only would it be boring to use another one, I sincerely doubt that AOS could come up with a Nanako avatar that's more compelling than my previous ones. So if I had an urge to go with Nanako, I'd re-use one of my old ones. But that'd be really boring, so Nanako's a no all-around. :P